Saturday, August 31, 2019
Psychology †A Beautiful Mind Essay
A Beautiful Mind was a film released in 2001 directed by Ron Howard and largely based on the life of the Nobel Prize – winning mathematician, John Forbes Nash. It was a film adaptation of the book of Sylvia Nasar of the same title. The screen adaptation was written by Akiva Goldsman. The film explored the life of John Nash as he developed paranoid schizophrenia and suffered delusional episodes starting when he studied at Princeton University. The movie showed how this condition has impacted his wife and friends. John Nash, played by Russell Crowe, entered as a graduate student at Princeton University for being a recipient of the Carnegie Prize, a prominent academic award in mathematics. Included in the prize is a guaranteed single room accommodation but John Nash was surprised to see Charles Herman, played by Paul Bettany, who greeted and informed him that he is going to be his roommate. Charles, a literature student, soon became John’s best friend. John also got acquainted with a group of other gifted math and science graduate students and formed a discomforted friendship with them. John one time revealed to Charles that he is more at ease with numbers than with people. This did not surprise that group after they witnessed one time how disastrous his attempts were at having a chat with some women at a local bar. John had repudiated going to class since he viewed it as beneath him. He wasted most of his time scribbling on the windows in an attempt on solving a variety of mathematical equations and ideas. His classes were amused with but still recognized John’s talents. His roommate Charles both encouraged him and attempted to keep him sane. But with so many skipped classes, John was informed by the headmaster of Princeton that he could not commence on his graduate work until he has completed a thesis paper. This encouraged John to look for a really inventive idea for his thesis paper. John was finally motivated with his successful work in governing dynamics concept, a theory in mathematical economics, after he watched four beautiful women walked in at the local bar one night. Although he was spurred by his classmates into making a pass at the prettiest of the four, Nash instead started discussing about Adam Smith’s economic principles and their significance (or not) to the battle of the sexes. All of sudden he hurried out of the bar to start working on his theory which he called game theory – the mathematics of competition. John accepted an esteemed appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) after he completed his studies at Princeton University together with his friends Sol (played by Adam Goldberg) and Bender (played by Anthony Rapp) both also coming out of Princeton University. After five years at MIT and while lecturing a class on calculus, he left an exceptionally fascinating problem on the board that he challenged his students to answer. One of his students Alicia Larde (played by Jennifer Connelly) turned up at his office to talk about the problem. From there, the two developed a good friendship, fell in love and later married. John met by chance Charles, his former roommate, on a return visit to Princeton. John also met Charles’ young nice Marcee (played by Vivien Cardone) and adored her. John was invited to a top secret facility of the Department of Defense in the Pentagon to solve an intricate encryption of an alleged enemy communication. Amazingly John figured out the code mentally that left the other code breakers bewildered. In the same facility John met the enigmatic William Parcher (played by Ed Harris), who claimed to be a member of the United States Department of Defense. William monitored John’s work from a viewing room above that is partially covered up at the back of a screen. William provided John with a new project to search for patterns and clues in newspapers and magazines presumably to prevent a plot by the Soviets. He was required by William to write a report of what he found and deliver the reports in a particular mailbox covertly. John became progressively more obsessed and suspicious and began to act unpredictably after he was allegedly pursued by Russian agents and a gunfire exchange in one of his clandestine deliveries. Alicia reported to a psychiatric hospital after she saw John’s worsening unpredictable behavior. When John delivered a guest lecture at Princeton University, he became conscious that he was being kept under surveillance by a group of intimidating people. He tried to escape but this group sedated him by force and dispatched him to a psychiatric facility. This confinement further convinced John that the Russians are striving to obtain information from him and regarded the psychiatric facility staff as Soviet kidnappers. One time John crazily attempted to take out an alleged implant from his arm leading to too much bleeding. The implant was allegedly given by the Pentagon. Alicia went to see the mailbox and recovered the top secret documents that John delivered in a frantic attempt to help John. She was surprised to see that all the â€Å"top secret†documents were unopened. John was dealt with this evidence and he was convinced at last that he has been hallucinating. He was confronted with the fact that the Department of Defense agent William Parcher and John’s clandestine task of decoding Russian messages were all hallucinations. He was even more surprised to learn that his friend and former roommate Charles and his niece Marcee were also merely offshoots of his mind. This was confirmed when John was informed that there was no Charles Herman enrolled and stayed in Princeton in the same time and the same room as him. John was subjected to a succession of insulin shock therapy sessions and was later released on the requirement that he consented to taking antipsychotic medication. The drugs have negative side-effects that have an effect on John’s emotional and sexual connection with his wife and most considerably, his intellectual ability. With these frustrations, John stopped taking his antipsychotic medication in secret and hid away the pills that resulted to a relapse of John’s psychosis with Alicia not being aware of it. In one occasion, John was bathing his infant son and was distracted and wandered away into the grove of trees beyond their backyard. Alicia at that time was in the backyard hanging laundry when she noticed that the back gate was opened. She found out that John has converted a deserted shed in the grove of trees into a workshop for John’s assignments for Parcher. With this realization, Alicia rushed to the house to confront John and just returned on time to save their infant child from drowning in the bathtub. John asserted that his friend and former roommate Charles was looking after their son when he went out to the grove. This left Alicia in disbelief and she immediately got the phone to ask for emergency assistance from the psychiatric hospital. All of a sudden John saw Parcher who was encouraging him to kill Alicia. John rejected Parcher’s instruction in anger but he saw Parcher suddenly pointing a gun at Alicia. John sprang at Parcher in response but ended up accidently thumping Alicia to the ground, scaring her all the more. Alicia ran away from the house in panic and fear with their child. John blocked Alicia in front of her car to foil her from going away. In the middle of the confusion, John came to the realization that Charles’ niece Marcee is a hallucination since she continued to look precisely the same age and remained a little girl even though years have went by since they first met. With this awareness, John told Alicia that Marcee never gets old. It was the turning point for John when he acknowledged that even if Parcher, Charles and Marcee appear totally real, they are actually just figments of his imagination. John and Alicia recognized that they are caught with the dilemma of John’s intellectual struggles with the antipsychotic drugs and his hallucinations. They both made the decision to strive to live with John’s abnormal condition. At one time, John intentionally bade farewell to Charles, Marcee and Parcher forever in his effort to pay no attention to his hallucinations and not nourish his psychological demons. Nevertheless he expressed his gratitude to Charles for being his best friend all those years and he said farewell to Marcee and told both of them that he would not talk to them any longer. Even with that, Charles and Marcee continued to hang around with Charles scorning John for bringing an end to their friendship but John has trained himself on how to ignore them. John grew older and made contact with one of his old friend from his Princeton years and intellectual adversary Martin Hansen (played by Josh Lucas) who was now the Princeton mathematics department head. Martin gave the authorization for John to work out of the library and audit classes. Albeit John still experienced hallucinations and now taking newer antipsychotic medications, he eventually was able to live with and for the most part ignored his psychotic occurrences. John adapted to his situation in steps and amusingly verified any new friends and contacts to make sure that they are actually real people and not hallucinations. In the end, John secured the opportunity to teach again. His fellow professors paid tribute to him for his accomplishments in mathematics. John went on to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his ground-breaking work on game theory. In the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, John especially thanked Alicia for being with him the whole time with his journey from madness to sanity. As they left the awards auditorium in Stockholm, John saw Charles, Marcee and Parcher who looked at him with empty facial expressions. Alicia asked John what was wrong and John replied, â€Å"Nothing, Nothing at all. †The script of the movie differs significantly with the actual details of John Nash’s life. There are discrepancies with some of the events and characters around John Nash in the film but those are not the focus of this paper. This paper is centered on the accuracy of the film with regards to the field of psychology. One difficulty that the makers of the movie experienced was on how to visually represent stress and mental illness within an individual’s mind (e. g. John Nash). The film showed John suffering from visual and auditory hallucinations when in real life his hallucinations were completely auditory. The film depicted John Nash developing schizophrenic hallucinations in graduate school although he did not develop it not until a few years later. The part of the movie when John Nash said that he was taking newer medication around the same time as the Nobel Prize in 1994 was also not true since he did not take any antipsychotic medication since 1970. The film staff purposely added that statement since they believed that without it they think the film is supporting the idea that schizophrenics can get healed without taking any medication. The movie portrayed a patient with schizophrenia very well. It was very impressively done as the movie sequence was well planned too. While watching the movie, one could never guessed that his friend in the university was a mere visual hallucination. It reflected patients with schizophrenia so well with regards to their level of functioning. Based on the literature I have read, symptoms and manifestations of the patient with schizophrenia in the movie was properly and accurately portrayed. Schizophrenia is one of the leading causes of disability all over the world. This mental disorder is characterized and illustrated with delusions, hallucinations and paranoia (Woodham & Peters, 2004). A chemical imbalance in the brain is contemplated to be its cause, however, it still is believed to be unknown. Contribution of both genetic and environmental factors still remain unclear up to this time, though, it cause susceptible people to develop this mental disorder. In addition, the use of drugs activates some cases of schizophrenia. Evidence and proofs from researches and sudies showed that the early stages of this disability are critical in the formation and prediction of its course as well as its outcome (Frangou & Byrne, 2000). With this, clinical studies and researches are focusing on the early stages of the illness since early detection and treatment regimen may yield better prognosis and functional outcome. Typically, the first and early episodes of schizophrenia occurs in the early twenties or even late teenage years. Its early recognition may sometimes be masked by its insidious nature of the onset of the disease as it occurs with history and background of language problems, cognitive ability and behaviour. Antisocial behaviour, social withdrawal, failure to be motivated and obsessional ideas manifest this mental disorder. Auditory hallucinations and delusions are the most common reported pyschotic manifestations from schizophrenic individuals. Once this mental disorder is diagnosed, patients may then require hospitalization to prevent them from harming themselves as well as others. In order to control its symptoms, antipsychotic drugs are prescribed. Psychotherapy to these patients are also advised. Most of these patients return to the community and recommence their normal lives. The primary goal of treatment once patients are diagnosed with schizophrenia is to manage acute psychotic episodes. Rapid remission is necessary with the use of the most efficient and tolerated medications. The use of low dosage of typical neuroleptics and atypical antipsychotic medications may be the fisrt choice treatment regimen for the early onset of the disorder (Frangou & Byrne, 2000). It is very important to be vigilant with the first onset of manifestations as studies have shown that patients are more responsive to treatment during this stage regardless of whatever antipsychotic medications being prescribed and used. Prognosis for recovery is nearly 80% especially with patients treated right after the first episode of schizophrenia. Second psychotic episodes post treatment after five to seven years is not uncommon. It is not recommended to withdraw from the medications taken right away. Gradual withrawal from its treatment regimen is required to refrain from getting adverse withrawal reactions. Clozapine had been the licensed drug in the United Kingdom used for the treatment and management of patients with schizophrenia who responded poorly to the standard antipsychotic treatment regimen (Frangou & Byrne, 2000). Patient support from family, relatives and friends are important during schizophrenic patients’ recovery period. These patients have a hard time reintegrating into the community. Educational and employment underachievement problems arise not to mention problems in forming social relationships. Intensive rehabilitation after the treatment therapy aids in minimizing these social disadvantages of the disorder. Family support in nurturing their emotional and psychosocial needs enhance better results during this recovery period. Provison of information regarding schiophrenia to the patients’ families will also aid in the understanding of the disorder. Explanantion of the course and outcome of the disease process to their family members will also enable them to be aware of what to expect. Good communication betweeen patients and their care givers also play an important role to obtain positive results during the recovery stage. Together with other mental diseases like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia is a difficult and complicated illness to diagnose (Uyttebrouck, 2009). Since it is a tricky disease to diagnose, it ends up in treatment delays causing disappointments and a great deal of discouragements to patients and their families. Results from recent researches pointed out using brain MRIs in detecting mental illnesses like schizophrenia. This study very well help in speeding up diagnosis once patient’s come with symptoms of schizophrenia. This brain imaging technology if proven with high accuracy could offer a great and powerful measures for diagnosing these mental disorders. The use of functional MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) were able to recognize with 93% precision patients with schizophrenia from those healthy control group. Presently, the fundamental and underlying cause of schizophrenia is not completely understood, making its diagnosis entirely based on its symptoms. With the use of MRI in establishing prompt and early diagnosis, efficient and successful treatment very well facilitates improvement on the lives of patients with schizophrenia (Uyttebrouck, 2009). The movie showed that it took so long for the patient to be diagnosed with the disease. His visual and auditory hallucinations were so real that even people around him were never able to know and even complain that he was having these symptoms. It seemed like his symptoms did not have any effects on the people around him. He was able to function well with his life. Even during his wedding, one could never tell that the presence of his friend there was only a hallucination. It was already when he got married that his wife was getting worried with his actions. It was then the time when medical treatment was sought. Since it took several years before he sought for medical attention and resulted to the delay of its diagnosis, it made a big impact on the course of the mental disorder. Also, the patient himself was denying that those people he had been seeing were mere hallucinations. Even when his wife and other health care team members had already explained to him that they were unreal, it was very difficult for him to accept the truth. He was admitted to a mental facility and was administered with antipsychotic medications to relieve the symptoms. He was discharged from the mental facility with the condition that he will continue with the treatment regimen. Since the antipsychotic medications affected his intellectual capacity and abilities, he decided to cease taking these medications causing remissions and relapses. This part of the movie showed the importance of being strict in following the treatment regimen to obtain positive results. The establishment of the diagnosis and treatment was very realistic. However, the psychologists should have given priority to home visits and follow ups. One thing that was not shown in the movie was the availability of health care professionals visiting in the community. Nobody from the health care team seemed to check up on him while he was at home. It did not show any home care check ups and visits from social workers, psychiatrists. For me, health care professionals need to follow up closely those patients with mental disorders post discharge from mental facilities. The movie reflects the psychologists’ level of understanding corectly. It presented the importance of family’s support to the patient. His wife was with his side and was supportive to his treatments. The support of his wife created a positive outcome to the course of his mental disorder. Interpersonal and social issues were presented well. It showed very well what symptoms, manifestations and characteristics to expect from patients afflicted with this mental disorder. It also showed the hardships and sacrifices the wife had to go through while taking care of a husband with schizophrenia. References Frangou, S. & Byrne, P. (2000). How to manage the first episode of schizophrenia. British MedicalJ ournal (International Edition), 321:7260. p522. Uyttebrouck, O. (2009, February 18). MRIs detect mental illness: Findings may help speed diagnosis. Albuquerque Journa, Metro and New Mexico section Woodham, A. & Peters, D. (2004). Schizophrenia. In Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. Dorling Kindersley.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How Humanitarian Logistics Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Supply Chains
Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics How Humanitarian Logistics Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Supply Chains: A View from the Field Michael Howden Humanitarian Consultant michael. [email protected] com ABSTRACT Humanitarian logistics represents a broad range of activities taking place within humanitarian organizations, the bulk of these activities are also components of a broader humanitarian supply chain – the network involved with providing physical aid to beneficiaries.Humanitarian logistics information systems improve information flows, which integrates logistics units more efficiently with non-logistics units within the humanitarian supply chains and provides better feedback to donors, ensuring more effective operations. Humanitarian logistics activities occur across the disaster management cycle. Humanitarian logistics information systems not only improve logistics activities in each phase, but can improve the continuity of h umanitarian operations by sharing information throughout the transition of different disaster management cycle phases.Through collaboration between organizations, humanitarian logistics information systems also have the potential to reduce corruption and the market distortion which can occur during humanitarian operations. Keywords Humanitarian Operations, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Information Systems, Disasters, Disaster Management AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY Michael Howden completed a Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Auckland and originally worked as a software engineer in New Zealand.He has worked for International Rescue Committee in Indonesia, Pakistan and Uganda developing and implementing their global logistics database ProLogs and for Save the Children US in Indonesia, developing logistics software and systems which were components of a broader supply chain management system. INTRODUCTION Within humanitarian operations logistics is requ ired to procure, store and distribute supplies for the assistance of beneficiaries. In order to function effectively humanitarian logistics must coordinate with other actors and be considered throughout the lifespan of humanitarian operations.This paper will explore how humanitarian logistics information systems can: 1. Integrate logistics units into the broader humanitarian supply chain throughout the organization. 2. Enhance logistics activities and provide continuous support across the preparedness, response, transition, recovery and mitigation phases of disaster management cycle. 3. Create new possibilities for collaboration between humanitarian organizations. In these ways humanitarian logistics information systems can also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian operations.HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE HUMANIATARIAN SUPPLY CHAIN Humanitarian Logistics Humanitarian organizations can include government agencies such as United States Agency fo r International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), multilateral agencies such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP), non-government organizations (NGOs) such as Save the Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.Many humanitarian Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics organizations will engage in long term development activities as well as disaster management activities supporting people affected by disasters. This paper will only discuss humanitarian logistics as it is applied in disaster management. Humanitarian organizations usually include logistic units which can have different functions depending on the organizations or even the disaster and can include: Procurement †¢ Warehousing †¢ Fleet Management †¢ Transportation (of both supplies and people) †¢ Asset Management †¢ Building Management †¢ Security †¢ Information Technology (IT) †¢ Radio Communications Humanitarian operations consist of a diverse range of activities, therefore logistics in this context can have a broader scope than in the commercial sector. Areas such as security and IT may be considered under logistics due to respective military or technical experience of logisticians, either currently or historically within an organization.Humanitarian Supply Chains In this paper a humanitarian supply chain refers to the network created through the flow of supplies, services, finances and information between donors, beneficiaries, suppliers and different units of humanitarian organizations for the purpose of providing physical aid to beneficiaries (Mentzer et al. 2001). Humanitarian supply chains include functionalities whic h do not typically fall into the field of humanitarian logistics.Managing relationships with donors, performing needs assessments, planning for supplies required and monitoring and evaluating the impact of distributed supplies, are usually the responsibility of non-logistics program units. Figure 1 presents a summary of the major flows within both humanitarian supply chains and humanitarian logistics. Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics Figure 1.Humanitarian Logistics and Humanitarian Supply Chain Flows This paper will focus on the value of information systems for logistic units of NGOs within the humanitarian supply chain. Integrating Logistics into Supply Chain Management With the exception of organizations which specialize in disaster response or distribution, such as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and World Food Program (WFP) res pectively, the core business of humanitarian organizations tend towards health, education, protection and economic development.Logistics units are only considered as a function to support these activities of humanitarian organizations. Logistics units have traditionally been marginalized within organizations (Rickard, 2003) and logisticians have been â€Å"pigeonholed†in the field, making it hard to move into management positions (Chaikin, 2003). This has contributed to a silo mentality in regards to logistics within humanitarian organizations. Better integrating logistics with other units within the organization will form stronger humanitarian supply chains.In order to integrate logistics into broader humanitarian supply chains, a clear distinction is required between the two. In Indonesia, one major NGO moved all logistics functionality into a supply chain management unit. In the terms logistics and supply chain management are used interchangeably (Rickard, 2006) and perso nal discussions with humanitarian professional have revealed the there is not a clear distinction between the terms logistics and supply change management, and some have regarded any differences are semantics.In literature on humanitarian organizations there is a shift from logistics to supply chain management (Thomas and Kopczak, 2005) Humanitarian supply chains include units implementing programs, managing grants with donors, controlling budgets and monitoring activities which must coordinate with logistics units. Humanitarian supply chains cannot be built by solely increasing the capacity or responsibility of individual units, but are formed by Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. HowdenHow Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics the creation of stronger links between units within the supply chain. Humanitarian logistics information systems can improve the flow of information with other units, in a mutually constructive manner, improving the effectiveness of the humanitarian supply chain. Humanitarian logistics information systems can: †¢ Enhance needs assessments by ensuring that field staff know what supplies are available for beneficiaries, either in local warehouses, pre-positioned emergency stocks or from local and international markets. Share lists of supplies available in both local and international markets, including prices and lead times, logisticians to empower program staff to better plan their procurement activities. †¢ Keep program staff informed of procurement activities will help to develop an understanding of the constraints within logistics and create trust. †¢ Provide budget holder more accurate financial information regarding funds which are committed within the procurement process, to avoid the over or under spending of budgets. †¢Provide warehouse inventory reports to program staff to allow them to take more responsib ility for their supplies, and ensure that they are utilized effectively. †¢ Share information on the distribution of supplies to allow program staff to better monitor and evaluate activities and avoid the need for duplicate record keeping between logistics and programs. †¢ More accurately divide logistics overhead costs such as warehouse rental, transportation and logistic staff wages into program budgets according to the activities logistics is supporting.Information empowers program units to become more engaged consumers of logistic services. In this way information systems can integrate logistics into humanitarian supply chains and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian operations. The improved information flow from humanitarian logistics information systems will also contribute to the overall effectiveness of the humanitarian operation. The Value of Information in the Humanitarian Supply Chain Information plays a significant role in humanitarian suppl y chains.In humanitarian supply chains is that the end recipient of aid (the beneficiary) is decoupled from the commercial transaction and has no direct influence over what supplies they receive (Gray and Oloruntob, 2006). The key decision makers within the humanitarian supply chain are the donors who are funding the operation and many NGOs regard the donor as the customer in the humanitarian supply chain (Beamon and Balcik, 2006). In commercial supply chains, the end recipient decides what supplies they require, and fulfillment can be easily evaluated by monitoring the receipt of these supplies.In humanitarian operations as supplies are determined by external assessments of the needs of the beneficiary, evaluating fulfillment become more difficult, as additional analysis must be done to determine if these needs have been met by the supplies. Figure 2. Donors, Humanitarian Organizations and Beneficiaries within the Humanitarian Supply Chain Humanitarian logistics information systems can provide accurate and timely information on what supplies are required, what supplies have been delivered to beneficiaries and in which locations.With this information Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics evaluation units should be able to determine if those supplies have met the needs of the beneficiary. This feedback ensures that donors and humanitarian organizations are engaged and responsive to the beneficiaries, and supporting aid according to the beneficiaries needs.HUMANITARIAN LOGISITCS IN THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT CYCLE Response, Transition, Recovery, Mitigation and Preparedness The operations of humanitarian organizations in disaster management can be separated into four major phases: response, recovery, mitigation and preparedness (Haddow and Bullock, 2004). During humanitarian operations there will be overlap between act ivities from different phases, and a separate transition phase can be considered between the response and recovery phase (Asian Development Bank, 2004).Humanitarian supply chains must provide supplies to beneficiaries in each of these phases (Kovacs and Spens, 2007) and these activities require logistic support (Perry, 2007), although the volume, variety of supplies and urgency will change according to the phase. Humanitarian logistics information systems improve the effectiveness of logistics units throughout the disaster management cycle and can provide continuity throughout the phases. Figure 3. Disaster Management Cycle (Haddow and Bullock, 2004). PreparednessThe preparedness phase involves building the capacity to respond to a disaster, such as working with communities to ensure they know evacuation options, pre-positioning emergency response supplies and building organizational capacity to respond to disasters. These activities are ongoing and are implemented prior to the onse t of a crisis. Pre-positioned emergency response supplies tend to be less varied, as they are specific life supporting items, such as food, medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment, shelter, household kits, etc.The necessities of life are less dependent on the social, cultural or economic context of the disaster, therefore it is easier to standardize the supplies required. Also, because it is not known if these supplies will be available in local markets, or if markets may be disrupted by the disasters, they will need to be procured internationally. Both Medecins Sans Frontieres and the Red Cross have standard catalogues of items for emergency response. These items can be procured internationally, with pre-existing arrangements with vendors, and are also pre-positioned in warehouses globally, ready to be deployed. Chomilier, Samii van Wassenhove, 2003; Coyne, 2006). Organizationally NGOs need to ensure that they not only have staff trained to respond to emergencies, but that they have the systems and process in place to support these staff. 80% of the disaster response phase consists of Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics logistics activities (Kovacs and Spens, 2007) therefore in the preparedness phase organizations should focus on building the capacity of logistics units. ResponseThe response phase occurs immediately after the disaster, and activities are focused primarily on saving lives and preventing further damage. Humanitarian operations are most reliant on logistics during the response phase as they distribute food, medical supplies and other necessities of life to affected populations, and lives will be dependent on the speed of logistics activities. The response phase may last from days to months, depending on the scale of the disaster. While the humanitarian logistics is most significant durin g the response phase, it is important to consider its role throughout the entire disaster management phase.Transition During the transition phase NGOs begin to look at providing ongoing assistance, such as temporary shelter and revitalizing basic social services (ref ADB). NGOs will also plan strategically to transition from implementing response activities to longer term recovery and mitigation programs. Logistics activities, such as identifying suppliers to in either local or international markets to provide supplies for longer term programs, ensure a smooth transition. Recovery The recovery phase involves aiding communities to return to their conditions prior to the disaster.These activities may include training people and distributing supplies for livelihood building, reconstructing houses, buildings and infrastructure and may be carried out over a period of months to years. Across both the recovery and following mitigation phases the supplies are no longer essential for the liv es of affected population and are therefore no longer required at such a high rate or with such short lead times. The activities across these phases are largely dependent on the social, cultural, economic and geographical conditions of the affected communities. These may vary hugely between different disasters.Humanitarian organizations supported fishermen affected by 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami by distributing new boats and fishing equipment whereas the needs of landlocked communities recovering from 2005 Kashmir Earthquake were quite different. Humanitarian organizations will also attempt to procure supplies locally in order to support local communities and avoid flooding local markets through the influx of external supplies. The recovery phase represents a significant proportion of the duration and funding of a humanitarian operation and may last from 5-10 years (ADB reference).In April 2005 the Government of Indonesia established a 5 year time frame for reconstruction after the In dian Ocean Tsunami, and activities are still ongoing at the start of 2009, indicating the long duration of the recovery phase. Recovery phase activities such as reconstruction and distributing supplies are essential for restoring the lives of affected people and require significant logistic support. Mitigation Mitigation involves increasing the resilience of communities to natural hazards to reduce the impact of disasters they cause. According to the specific vulnerability of the community these activities may include lanting mangroves to protect coastlines against cyclones, constructing dams and reinforcing buildings. Humanitarian organizations implementing these activities will require logistics support, although not typically at as large a scale as in the other phases. Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics Summary Phase Preparedness Response Transition Recovery Mitigation Period Long Term Continuous Days – Months Months – Years Long Term Continuous Logistics Volume Low High Medium Low SuppliesRequired Specific standard supplies prepositioned for disaster response Specific standard supplies: Food, medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment, shelter, household kits, etc. Varied supplies depending on the context of the disaster: reconstruction material, livelihoods equipment Varied supplies Urgency Low High: Lead times for supplies can make the difference between life and death. Medium: There may be government and donor pressure to complete recovery activities Low Procurement of Supplies Local International Local-International Local Table 1. Humanitarian Logistics Throughout the Disaster Management CycleHumanitarian organizations are required to provide physical aid to beneficiary throughout the disaster management cycle. Although these activities differ in volume, variety of supplies and urge ncy, there is enough commonality that standard processes and systems can be used by logistics units throughout the disaster management cycle. This avoids the overhead of developing multiple standards and implementing new systems when transitioning between phases. It is therefore important to consider humanitarian logistics as operating in each of the phases of the disaster management cycle. Humanitarian Logistics beyond the Response PhaseA large amount of literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management focuses on the response phase of a disaster and pre-positioning of supplies done in the preparedness phase (Beamon, 2004; Beamon and Balcik, 2008; Maspero and Ittman, 2008; Oloruntoba, 2007; Rodman, 2004; Thomas, 2003; Thomas et al, 2005). This could be influenced by a number of factors: †¢ This is the phase in which logistics plays the largest role in proportion to the humanitarian operation. †¢ The key focus of the response phase is the preservation of liv es therefore improved logistics can be directly linked to lives saved.During other phases of disaster management, the outputs become more varied, such as providing trainings to teachers and medical professionals. Therefore impacts, such as better education levels and healthcare in communities harder to measure. †¢ The disaster response is the phase that creates the most media coverage, therefore may be the phase which experts outside of the humanitarian domain get the most exposure to and are most familiar with. Media coverage could also create a perception of more status with disaster response. This paper has shown that the field of humanitarian logistics is more broadly focused than just disaster response.More focus needs to be placed on the role of humanitarian logistics in the transition, recovery and mitigation phases of disaster management. It could be argued that humanitarian organizations already have a higher capacity for disaster response than for disaster recovery. I n Indonesia the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) claimed that in the response to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: â€Å"No one died of starvation, there were no deaths due to a lack of medical care or disease, law and order was maintained and major infrastructureâ€â€including telecommunications and electricityâ€â€was restored within a few weeks time. In contrast during the recovery phase there have been delays, underperformance and corruption. Humanitarian logistics information systems can improve logistics activities in each of the phases of disaster management and also help to provide continuity to logistics operations throughout the disaster management cycle. Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian LogisticsHumanitarian Logistics Information Systems across the Disaster Management Cycle Humanitarian logistics information sys tems must be able to operate across the entire disaster management cycle. In order to be applicable for all phases, they must be scalable to manage the large volumes of supplies during the response phase, as well as the high diversity of supplies across the recovery and mitigation phases and manage the flow of information from the preparedness phase to the response phase, and during the transition phase.A single humanitarian logistics information system which integrates information from all phases within the disaster management cycle will assist an organization in the complex task of transitioning their activities between the different phases. Preparedness NGOs prepare for disasters by pre-positioning emergency response supplies. It is equally important to implement humanitarian logistics information systems which can be utilized by logisticians responding to disasters.Logisticians must be trained to use these information systems and simulations should be run in preparation for thei r use in disaster response. Humanitarian logistics information systems should also be used to record what emergency response supplies are available at the onset of the disaster. In response to Cyclone Nagris in Myanmar one major NGO was better able to more efficiently send air shipment of emergency prepositioned supplies by having maintained records of the their volume and weight.This allowed the logistician to arrange the optimal charter flights required to transport the supplies. Response Humanitarian logistics information systems can eliminate the need for duplicate data entry and offer more timely and accurate information during the response phase (Lee and Zbinden, 2003). This not only increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the disaster response, but also assists in later phases of the disaster management cycle. After the response to the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake one NGO had a number of emergency response supplies remaining.However, due to a lack of proper information syste ms, it was unknown which donor funded the items, and what the donor’s regulations were regarding their use. As a result, they were unable to be distributed in response to flooding in Pakistan the following year. Where warehouse inventory reports are not maintained, it is common for surplus stock from emergency response not to be utilized and to go to waste. Transition Once the response phase is complete, humanitarian logistics information systems will enable organizations to know what supplies have been distributed, and what supplies are remaining.This will allow them to utilize surplus supplies in recovery activities or return them to pre-positioned stock and know what supplies were required, to better plan for the next disaster response. The transition phase will also typically involve the replacement of short term emergency response teams with longer term staff. If information regarding what supplies are currently stored in warehouses is not recorded, it may be forgotten a s staff leave, and the supplies may remain unutilized.Humanitarian logistics information systems can ensure that new staff are aware of what supplies are currently available, so they are able to utilize them. Recovery The recovery phase takes place over a period of years, which offers enough time for conditions to stabilize, and also the availability of funding, for humanitarian organizations to plan strategically and develop information systems. During disaster response humanitarian logistics operate in a realm of uncertainties and rapidly changing conditions. This is not an appropriate environment to develop, test or implement new systems.There are already enough unknown variables present, without introducing new systems or software, which may contain bugs or functionality which needs refining. Implementing new systems requires the investment of time and resources, and doing this during a disaster response will detract from the primary goal of the humanitarian operation – s aving lives. Developing humanitarian logistics information systems during the recovery phase provides the opportunity to involve the staff of the organization, which is essential, as the solution will be more appropriate to their needs and they will have ownership over it.New systems can be implemented through trainings and simulations, however it is more effective as having systems which have implemented within the operations of the organization and socialized with staff in the field. In this respect the recovery phase can offer a suitable environment to develop and test new information systems for humanitarian logistics which can then be applied to disaster response activities. In 2007 one major NGO developed a warehouse database in Indonesia to support their recovery activities following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.In September 2007, they were able to deploy the same database in Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Land gren and S. Jul, eds. Howden How Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics response to an earthquake in Indonesia. A staff member who was already using the database to manage supplies for the tsunami recovery effort was then easily able to use it to manage the distribution of emergency supplies in the area due to their familiarity with the system. MitigationAlthough logistics activities occur at a lower scale during the mitigation phase such as the procurement of supplies to reinforce buildings, it is important to ensure that humanitarian logistics information systems are still utilized by organizations, to ensure that they become standard practice with logistics units. This continuous use will institutionalize the systems within the organization and ensure the sustainability of their use across the disaster management cycle. HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEMS BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONSHumanitarian supply chains could be viewed more widely to include the multiple org anizations providing physical aid to beneficiaries in the same region. Humanitarian logistics information systems have the potential to enable better information sharing between organizations which can enhance the overall humanitarian operation (King, 2005). One area which could be improved by information systems is local procurement. Procurement is vulnerable to corruption through collusion between organization staff and vendors and the payment of bribes to choose specific vendors.Analysis of procurement data is capable of revealing trends and irregularities, indicative of corruption, such as consistently purchasing from specific vendors or certain purchasers always receiving higher than average quotes. This analysis would be more effective using procurement data from different humanitarian organizations in the same region, as comparisons could be made between prices, to monitor if one organization is paying significant more for similar items, which could indicate corruption within that organization.Humanitarian organizations often rely on local markets to provide supplies, however the large amount of purchasing activity following a disaster can often lead to inflation over supply and stock-outs. Complex analysis of purchasing trends from multiple humanitarian organizations, and improved information sharing with local vendors, could mitigate this, by spreading requirements over multiple vendors and informing them of expected demand. This could also allow humanitarian organizations to sustainably support and stimulate local markets.Although there are many challenges in encouraging collaboration between humanitarian organizations, better humanitarian logistics information systems could facilitate collaboration by creating more incentives to do so. CONCLUSION Humanitarian logistics units are actors in a broader humanitarian supply chain and information systems can help to build logistics capacity of while also building better links with other units, better integ rating logistics in the humanitarian supply chain.Humanitarian logistics information systems can improve the effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains by providing timely and accurate information regarding what supplies are required and have been delivered, enabling donors to be more responsive to the needs of beneficiaries. Humanitarian logistics operates across the disaster management cycle. Humanitarian logistics information systems can improve logistics activities in each of the phases and also help to provide continuity to humanitarian operations throughout the entire cycle.Humanitarian logistics information systems could also provide opportunities for better corruption prevention and market control through collaboration between different humanitarian organizations. Humanitarian logistics information systems can strengthen logistics units and integrate them with other units and across to the disaster management cycle to create more efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains REFERENCES 1. Asian Development Bank (2004) Disaster and Emergency Assistance Policy, At: http://www. adb. rg/Documents/Policies/Disaster_Emergency/Disaster_Emergency. pdf, accessed 20 February 2009 2. Beamon, B. M. (2004), Humanitarian relief chains: issues and challenges, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, San Francisco, CA. 3. Beamon, B. M. and Balcik, B. (2008) Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21, 1, 4-25 Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds. HowdenHow Information Systems Can Improve Humanitarian Logistics 4. Chomilier, B. , Samii, R. and van Wassenhove, L. (2003) The central role of supply chain management at IFRC, Forced Migration Review, 18, 18-19. 5. Coyne, J. (2006) Humanitarian Logistics: Musing Aloud, Monday Developments, 24, 20, 12-13. 6. Gray, R a nd Oloruntoba, R (2006) Humanitarian aid: an agile supply chain? , Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11, 2, 115–120 7. Haddow, G. D. and Bullock J. A. (2004) Introduction to Emergency Management, ButterworthHeinemann, Amsterdam 8. King, D. 2005), Humanitarian Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the Second International ISCRAM Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 1-6 9. Kovacs, G. and Spens, K. 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Rickard, J. (2006) Humanitarian Logistics: Musing Aloud, Monday Developments, 24, 20, 6-7. 6. Rodman, W. K. (2004) Supply Chain Management in Humanitarian Relief Logistics, Thesis, Department of Operational Sciences, Air Force Institute of Technology, Air University 17. Thomas, A. (2003). Humanitarian Logistics: Enabling Disaster Response, The Fritz Institute. 18. Thomas, A. and Kopczak, L. (2005) From Logistics to Supply Chain Management: The path forward in the humanitarian sector, Technical Report, Fritz Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA. Proceedings of the 6th Internati onal ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009 J. Landgren and S. Jul, eds.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Auditing Chaper 2&3
Chapter 2 2-7 The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is responsible for establishing auditing standards for audits of public companies. The ASB is responsible for establishing auditing standards for private companies. 2-10 The criticism of this statement according to the ten generally accepted auditing standards that the standards should provide useful guidelines for conducting an audit to improve practitioners’ quality of their performance.Based upon ten generally accepted auditing standards, the quality control system can provide only reasonable assurance, not a guarantee, that auditing standards followed with a professional judgment of their opinion. 2-16 a. The first general standard, which states in part, that a person must perform the audit or persons having adequate technical training, requires that an auditor have education and experience in the field of auditing. . The measures of the quality of the auditor’s performance are by accepting the gene ral standards of auditing. c. The general group of the generally accepted auditing standards includes a requirement of due professional care be exercised by the auditor. d. The criteria of audit plan and evidence gathering the general character of the three generally accepted auditing standards classified as standards of fieldwork. 2-20 a.The ethical implications of Rossi and Montgomery’s accepting the engagement is having adequate training and proficiency, due professional care, proper planning and supervision, sufficient understanding of the entity, its environment, and its internal control. Since Mobile Home Manufacturing Company decided to issue stock to the public and Rossi and Montgomery’s CPA firm never had a client to go public or might not had proper training of filling necessary paperwork for SEC should not accept the engagement. b.The auditor may face some problems when filing the SEC of the following: new securities registration statement submitted for appr oval, commission examines the statements for completeness before allowing their client to sell on the securities exchange, and require the financial statements along with the opinion of the independent firm to be part of the registration statement and subsequent reports. Let us not forget the auditor must file all of the proper paperwork from the S-1 form to register new security and any other special S-forms.The 8-K form includes the sale of subsidiary, change in officer, a new product line, or change of auditors. The 10-K form must file the annual report within 60 to 90 days after the close of each fiscal year according to the size of company. The 10-Q form must be file quarterly for all public held companies that contain valuable information within the financials to be review by the auditors before filing with the commission. Chapter 3 3-23 a.The report includes additional paragraphs for the definition and limitations of internal control of the combined report on the financial st atements and internal control over financial reporting is correct. b. The date of the CPA’s opinion on the financial statements of the client should be the date of the completion of all important audit procedures. c. If a principal auditor decides to refer in his or her report to the audit of another auditor, he or she is required to disclose the portion of the financial statements audited by the other auditor. -25 a. A CPA will issue an adverse auditor’s opinion if the exception to the fairness of presentation is so material that an â€Å"except for†opinion is not justified. b. An auditor will most likely disclaim an opinion because of a client-imposed scope limitation. c. The paragraph expresses an qualified opinion â€Å"In our opinion, except for the effects of not capitalizing certain lease obligations, as discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial statements present fairly†, in all material respects,†¦ 3-26 a.It allows immaterial erro rs to be review if the financial statements show misinformation within the transactions and balances. b. Using the phrase â€Å"In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America†rather than â€Å"are properly stated to represent the true economic conditions†indicate the auditor followed standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Because financial statements prepared in accordance with U. S. accounting principles and audited in accordance with U. S. uditing standards are available throughout the world on the Internet, the country of origin of the accounting principles used in preparing the financial statements and auditing standards followed by the auditor identified in the audit report. c. Using the phrase â€Å"In our opinion†indicates that maybe some information risk associated with the financial statements, even though the statements been audit. Also, the first and fourth generally accepted auditin g reporting standards that require auditors to state an opinion about the financial statements taken as whole, including a conclusion about whether the company followed U.S. generally accepted accounting principles or the IFRS issued by the IASB. d. The name identifies that CPA firm or practitioner who performed the audit to ensure the quality of the audit meets professional standards of legal and responsibility. e. Using material misstatement within the audit report conveys that the auditors are responsible only to search for significant misstatements, not the minor misstatements that do not affect users’ decisions.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
CORPORATE FINANCE - REAL OPTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CORPORATE FINANCE - REAL OPTIONS - Essay Example The ral-options technique has been used in industries like extractors of natural resources, enrgy firms, and pharmaceuticals corporations, which have a gratr scale of uncrtainty in business investments i.e., as far as the oil-drilling industry is concrned, uncrtainties comprise issues such as what the cost of the lased/purchased land will be. How large the oil resrves would be What is the appropriate price for the lase on the resrve Questions similar to these have led to the use of the ral-options methodology as a systematic analytical tool to estimate these investments in business technology. Ral options tendr an additional valuable comparison with financial investing: "that holding a varied portfolio of stocks is lessr risky than owning only one stock". Applying this view of offsetting risk to asset/project evaluation allows for the incorporation of capital budgeting issues with physical assets on the one hand, and the integration of decision-tree analysis on the othr. Ral assets can be evaluated using available techniques developed for financial options, such as the Black and Scholes model. GENENTECH: Drug development at Genentech and othr similar companies is inhrently a "stage gate" process in which ach successive phase depends on the success of the previous phase. ach stage is similar to purchasing a call option and the entire process can be viewed as a sries of call options. At Genentech, ral options have been used in this mannr in the analysis of all drug development projects since 1995. One of the most important fatures of the ral options approach is its recognition that investment values vary ovr time and that management has the ability to trminate investments whose future value has fallen below zro. Traditional discounted cash flow methods genrally do not account for this contingent decision-making or active management and, as a result, will undrvalue flexible investments. The drug development process can be improved simply by incorporating this undrstanding into project valuation. Applied in this mannr, a ral option provides a consistent language and method to evaluate and compare all projects more effectively across the company. More recently, Genentech has begun to expand its use of ral options through development of a new entrprise-wide investment planning system. In this system, Monte Carlo simulation is used to develop the appropriate distributions for relevant costs and revenues, and the risk-neutral approach is being adopted to take advantage of financial data that alrady exist within the company. This more sophisticated approach will extend the gains that Genentech has alrady made in this ara. TEXACO: Texaco is one of a handful of major global enrgy companies. A grat part of the success of Texaco and similar firms is their ability to identify the right major capital investments, both intrnal and extrnal, and manage them appropriately. In the mid-1990s, Texaco began to recognize the critical importance of top-notch investment valuation and management. Texaco had strong analytical skills, using a variety of techniques such as DCF, Monte Carlo simu
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Writing assignment reports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Writing assignment reports - Research Paper Example Changes that have been characteristic of the jet engine will also be highlighted, owing to the dynamism of technology over time. Another thing that this report will try to assert is the suitability of the engine in its use, considering its efficiency, cost of use and operation. The consideration of the specific parts of the jet engine is the basis through which the required study can be done in order to ascertain what this report is all about. A jet engine is one interesting machine to study and compute a report on. Air is sucked into the front of the engine by a fan. From there, air’s pressure is heightened by the use of a compressor. This is achieved by the presence of blades within the compressor. The blades found in the compressor are responsible for the increased air pressure within the compressor. After compression has taken place, fuel is introduced in the chamber, and an electric spark used to ignite the mixture. Burning of the mixture consequently makes the constituent gases expand. The blazing mixture blasts out of this chamber through a nozzle that is found at the rear part of the engine. The blasts of gas at the rear of the engine triggers forward move of the aircraft (Klaus 108). All the chambers identified in this discussion are connec ted and given below as an example of the jet engine. The operation ability of the jet engine is purely based on the equal and opposite concept of reaction by Isaac Newton. This is what Isaac Newton referred to as thrust. Gases released through the exhaust after combustion of fuel and the compressed air further finds another role in the process of being emitted. A propeller that is an attachment of the turbine shaft is rotated by the gases for the purposes of fuel consumption saving when the aircraft is at low altitudes. A jet engine is light in weight and also powerful in terms of its propelling force. It is also preferred for
Credit card and Biometrics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Credit card and Biometrics - Research Paper Example Physical characteristics such as face, finger prints and behavioural characteristics such as voice, body movements (Eye movements) etc are used extensively in biometrics to identify a person. The credit card provider take note of either one of the biometric characteristics mentioned above for making and storing biometric template in the master computer at the time of issuing the card. The card holder needs to scan the particular biometric characteristics against a scanning system whenever he was planning to use the credit card for some services. Biometrics increases the safety, security and reliability of the credit card system. Moreover it is inexpensive, fast and easy to use as well. The major disadvantage of biometrics is the loss of privacy. Considering the improvements in electronic transactions, it is necessary to increase the safety of the credit card transactions and the use of biometrics in credit card services seems to be the option for the future. "A credit card is a thin plastic card, usually 3-1/8 inches by 2-1/8 inches in size, that contains identification information such as a signature or picture, and authorizes the person named on it to charge purchases or services to his account -- charges for which he will be billed periodically. Today, the information on the card is read by automated teller machines (ATMs), store readers, and bank and Internet computers" (How Credit Cards Work, 2008).Credits cards are a type of plastic card with a magnetic strip which is used extensively to borrow money or to buy products or services. The card holder need not carry money always with him for his purchasing needs. He can use the credit cards to purchase an object directly or indirectly through internet from anywhere in the world. Each credit card may have the name of the card holder affixed and a unique number. Moreover, a personal identification number (PIN) is also provided by the financial institution which supplies the credit card to its customers. This PIN would be useful for the card holder when he want to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machines (ATM). Problem "In the end of 2005, MasterCard and Visa generated a sales volume of more than $190.6 billion, from the circulation of approximately 56.4 million credit cards across Canada. Credit card fraud statistics show that about $2.8 million was lost due to credit card fraud, from fraudulent use of MasterCard and Visa alone. In total, credit card fraud costs cardholders and credit card issuers as much as $500 million a year" (Credit Card Fraud Statistics and Facts, 2009) Credit card forgery is one of the big headaches faced by the cyber crime investigating agencies. The big problem associated with credit card is that anybody who knows the card number can use it. Even though many security measures provided by the card supplier for the customers, forgers have better technologies to steal the credit card numbers while the card holder using it somewhere for his purchasing needs or money withdrawal purposes. Biometrics is a new technology incorporated to credit card uses to prevent the card forgery . Instead of the card number, in biometrics oriented credit cards, the finger print, voice or the face of the card hold
Monday, August 26, 2019
Surgical lesion infection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Surgical lesion infection - Essay Example Preoperative hair removal is one of the risk factors associated with surgical site infection frequency. Orsi, Ferraro and Franchi (2005) discovered that hair removal using razor has a higher risk of surgical site infections. The use of clipping or depilatory creams is considered to be a better option. Furthermore, hair removal should be carried out immediately before surgery in order to decrease the risk of SSI. Tanner, Woodings and Moncaster (2006) also tested the hypothesis that preoperative hair removal is the cause of surgical site infection (SSI) in patients. However, the results demonstrated no dissimilarity in SSI between patients who have had undergone hair removal before surgery and those who have not. This study also supported the view that removal of hair using depilatory creams or clipping results in a few cases of SSI as compared to hair removal by with the help of a razor. Duggal , Beaumont and Jenkinson (2002) assert that it is essential to prevent and control infectio n in order to promote a safe environment which is a chief requirement of health care expert during clinical practice. Patients who are hospitalized are more likely to develop infections which can be due to organ transplantation, persistent procedures, immune suppressive drugs, etc. Damani (2003) states that nosocomial infections are the outcome of microbial growth in health care settings and negligence in procedures of infection control along with a weakened immunity system of patients. Bdareen (2011) explains that a study by WH shows high rates of nosocomial infections in ICUs and orthopedic and surgical wards. The common infections acquired in hospitals are urinary tract infection, infections of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and soft tissue disease, septicemia and infection of the lower respiratory tract. Widespread organisms are the general cause of most nosocomial infections. For instance, coliforms are the cause of urinary tract infections, S.aureus is the reason behind woun d infections, pneumonia is due to S.pneumonae and the most serious and fatal septicemia is due to S.aureus, S.epidermidis and coliforms. Hospital-Acquired versus Community-Acquired Bacteria. Online image. Available from
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Timber Industry in Canada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Timber Industry in Canada - Research Paper Example The US creates the world’s most number of wood panels, sawn wood, paper, paperboard and wood pulp, accounting for 25 to 30% of worldwide manufacture. As a result, the mutual production of the two countries accounts for 40% of the world’s manufacturing round wood and above one-third of all processed wood goods together with approximately half the world’s paper pulp. Canada has easily filled the gap by exporting 80 percent of its logged timber to United States destinations for utilization in the creation of US newspapers along with various other paper and wood products. This state of dealings has made Canada the world’s most important exporter of the main wood products. The area of North America should not be seen only as timber storehouses. In both America and Canada, forests give a broad rage of recreational profits, several of which have important financial rates in their own right. â€Å"As the old British mercantile system was dismembered in the 1840â €™s, Canada was thrown into a crisis. The square timber trade had folded up with the removal of British preferences†(Levitt 49). In the book ‘The Myth of the North American City: Continentalism Challenged’ by Michael Arthur Goldberg, John Mercer reveals that there are mostly four generally cited characteristics of the Canadian and US political structure that have been used to show the relationship among these systems. It is examined that both Canada and America are long recognized and constant democracies. He also says that the Canadian financial system has obtained its resource-based nature since earlier times. Demands for raw materials created in European urban markets guided the export of lumber fish and fur. In the early days, the Atlantic fishery was the foundation for financial... The Canadian economy is dependent on the service sector mainly, however, the timber industry, which belongs to the primary sector, happens to be one among the most popular industries that prove to be fruitful for the country. For the purpose of this research, it is not possible to obtain reliable information from primary source, therefore, in this research process the secondary method of collecting information has been adopted. Thus, secondary and qualitative research methods lead this research to vital conclusions. Along with this, the literature review is also taken into consideration. This report makes a conclusion that there exists a tough competition between Canada and the US regarding trade, so it is the responsibility of both the governments to see to it that the competition does not create any personal problems among the people of the two nations and that globalization becomes more developed and ultimately, both the countries benefit. Both countries are interdependent on each other and, thus, the rules and regulations with respect to mobility of labor, trade, free movement of goods and services should be in favor of both. The government of the two countries should work together in order to achieve a harmonious relationship between the two countries and develop the global trade as well as the mutual bond among them. In this way, it is possible that the government of Canada will be able to promote the production as well as the trade of timber.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Digital Reconsruction of America Tropical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Digital Reconsruction of America Tropical - Essay Example The America Tropical was created during the height of Siqueiros’ haunt for justice and freedom for all oppressed. He expressed it through that mural about all race whether Indians, Creoles, African-American, Mexican-Americans who were tyrannized by their governments. The mural scandalized officials of Olvera Street because it signifies imperialism and a very powerful statement. Olvera Street is an epitome of a Mexican marketplace, which is old-fashioned, folkloric, precious, busy, crowded, and persistently evading anything about political, outrageous and political. In other words, it is a very conservative and historic place for tourists and people who want a peaceful life in their surroundings. Siqueiros broke the silence when he painted it on the street combined with the political theme, but due to wide resistance from the officials, the mural eventually covered by white paint. But then again, the white paint in fact protected the mural from the effects of heavy rain and ext reme exposure to sunlight. Due to widespread acceptance and requests from Chicano artists, they campaigned for the preservation of the America Tropical and a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the restoration of the mural through a platform at the Olvera Street. Christine Sterling was never appreciative of this kind of artwork, she advocated for the rebuilding of the street into a tourist attraction with a theme of a Mexican marketplace. She wanted to expose the city’s Mexican heritage and even hired laborers from the recruited from the local jail to pursue her plans. She really wanted to preserve the city’s rich Mexican influence, but in essence, she never consulted the community of Mexican-Americans to discuss on how they can elaborate the significance and content of the restoration. It is subjective and the approach is more of authoritarian rather than participatory. She deprived the real voice and symbol of Olvera Street, which is the Mexican heritage and struggl e of the people in pursuit for freedom and justice. The objectives of Sterling is kind of related to the Mission Myth because of the romanticism it gets from the restoration and reconstruction project that only depicts tourism, charm and beauty behind the culture and Mexican heritage (Cadge-Moore). It does not encompass the reality of the heritage that is struggle and freedom for social justice and oppression. In addition, elements behind Sequeiros’ mural does not complement with the views of Sterling. The mural portrayed a central figure of an indigenous peasant tied around the double- crossed wood and above the Indian peasant is an eagle representing imperialism as the artist wanted to convey the many sufferings of the people under the government tyranny. A controversial masterpiece of Siqueiros combined public street art with political and revolutionary leanings. While Sterling wanted to create a venue of romanticism and contentment. Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo is known for he r strong and progressive character who embraced her Mexican heritage throughout her lifetime. Although less influential during her time, her works became popular in the 20th century due to Chicano Movement. She joined the revolution along with her husband, Diego Rivera. Her paintings became a symbol of her character defining her experience and sufferings. One painting is her self-portrait entitled, â€Å"
Friday, August 23, 2019
Key Differences Between Civil Law And Criminal Law Essay
Key Differences Between Civil Law And Criminal Law - Essay Example In this respect, people are likely to be convicted of the crime they committed or to be set free on the bases of lack of substantial evidence to charge them with the crimes they could have committed. According to different issues in administration of justice between two or more people or concerning organisations, there are two kinds of laws that can be identified. These laws include the criminal law, which deals with crimes and legal punishment in which the offenders are accorded the due punishment and; and civil laws, which is designed to settle disputes between two people or organisation and ends up in the compensation of the victims. These kinds of laws are used to handle different cases and they give different kinds of judgement for what should be done in a case where one party is found guilty (Padfield, 2006, p4). They also differ in terms of filing and appealing as well as in terms of the kind of the people who should be involved in approving the judgment of the case. The evalu ation of these laws gives incite of how cases are handled in a courtroom where a case is presented to the jury for determination of the issues and passing of judgement. In determining a case, it must first be categorised according to its effects on the state or the involved and it is handled according to different laws that are in the state. In this respect, different cases can be filed by specific parties in case they happen to affect two parties who are present in the case or their representatives. For example, in criminal laws, a case can only be filed by the government or a state against an offender in a certain issue. This means that a defendant to such a case is asked to disapprove the evidence raised by the government through its different organs so as to be set free, failure to which, they will be subjected to different punishments. The filing in a case falling under the civil law is done by a private party who was affected directly by the offence that is reported in the cas e in a court of law. This means that a person affected in the case are the only people who can file a case against the people who offend them and them or their representatives like lawyers are supposed to follow the proceedings of the case (Padfield, 2006, p47). Another difference between the two laws is that in the case of civil law, victims are punished by reimbursement or compensation to the person who wins in the case. The court in involved in a case of civil law orders a person to make compensation to the people they offended and that means that they are asset free on the condition of making full reimbursement or presenting a plan to do so. It means that an affected person do not necessarily have to suffer in prison in the case of losing a case in the court but can go free but at a condition that they will be able to make compensation for things they have done on the people. Civil law does not award any cases of punitive damages unless in a tort law where the intent of an offen der is determined to have been malicious, negligent or a willingly disregarding the person involved in the case. On the other hand, offenders in the cases dealing with criminal laws are incarceration in a jail, they can be charged a fine payable to the government or in some cases they are executed. Crimes falling under the criminal law are divided into two categories according to the punishment length of incarceration and the severity of the cases. In this case, there are felonies, which are given the maximum punishment of incarceration in prison for a period length of not less than one year and misdemeanours crimes are given a maximum incarceration in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Beyond The Last Lamp and During Wind And Rain Essay Example for Free
Beyond The Last Lamp and During Wind And Rain Essay Compare the ways in which Hardy presents reactions to the loss of loved ones in these two poems Thomas Hardy uses change and passing time as symbols of death and loss in both poems: Beyond The Last Lamp and During Wind And Rain. The title, Beyond The Last Lamp, is a metaphorical way of describing darkness as the lamp signifies light and beyond light lies darkness, a representation of pain and misery. The whole poem revolves around a supposedly grieving, mysterious couple that the speaker observes over time. During Wind And Rain is also a depressing title as the rain suggests anguish and sorrow. The wind suggests progressing time, which could be seen as life, and perhaps death because that’s what life ultimately leads up to. A family is the subject of this poem and the speaker, again, tracks their progression over time. It is said that the poem is about the family of Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s wife. Time represents and is represented by several different objects in both poems. Both poems use stanzas (Beyond The Last Lamp has five stanzas and During Wind And Rain has four) to develop ideas throughout the poem and show the passing time. ‘Ah, no; the years O!’ and ‘Ah, no; the years, the years;’ are alternately used as the penultimate line in each stanza of During Wind And Rain. This gives a sense of time moving at a fast pace and it being terrible and only bringing misery as the line is followed by an image of death. Place is used in powerful metaphors associated with time, life and death, and it gives the poem its atmosphere. Beyond The Last Lamp is set in a wet, dark lane, setting a heavy and depressing atmosphere. Even the light used in the poem is used to accentuate distress, ‘Each countenance as it slowly, as it sadly caught the lamplight’s yellow glance, held in suspense a misery’. There is also a close association between people and place as the speaker only remembers the lane through the couple: ‘Without those comrades†¦that lone lane does not exist’. Contrastingly, the atmosphere of During Wind And Rain is lively and happy for the first four lines of the stanza, as it focuses on a garden and family, however, it seems like the cheerful recollection ends with an ellipsis and the speaker is almost shaken back to reality. The last line of the stanza shows the place and nature in a dramatic and ghastly way, a clashing chord to the beginning: ‘How the sick leaves reel down in throngs’, showing the uncontrollable nature of death and the autumn season. ‘Reel’ connects with the previous to lines about music, ‘they sing their dearest songs’ since as a noun it means an Irish or Scottish folk dance. ‘And the rotten rose is ript from the wall’ uses alliteration to dramatize and emphasise the suddenness and horrific nature of death. Place is used to represent time, the stanzas show a progression of seasons: summer tree. Place is also used to describe the family going to heaven: ‘They change to a high new house’. The garden is also like a metaphor for life as it shows how people try and control it although it’s uncontrollable: ‘they clear the creeping moss†¦making the pathways neat’. People are the main focal points for both poems whether it is a family or a couple. The speaker writes as an outsider, an observer of these people. The couple in Beyond The Last Lamp are first described as ‘two linked loiterers’ which is then developed to ‘the pair seemed lovers’ in the second stanza, ‘twain, in the third, ‘tragic pair’ and then ‘comrades’. Through this change in description, the speaker’s change in perspective and opinion of the couple’s relationship is visible as they deteriorate from lovers to tragic pair. Although there is deterioration, the pain is present from the beginning of the poem. Absence of happiness is used to create the sad feeling of the poem. Time represents a change for the worse. Their emotions follow a similar pattern and can also be traced from heavy thought in the first stanza, to misery in the second to wild woe in the third. The actual change from happiness to misery isnt shown extensively in the poem, but it is hinted at: no longer orbed in loves young rays. However, the family’s relationships seem to remain intact throughout During Wind And Rain. The family of During Wind And Rain are shown as happy but unaware of the way time and death can remove everything: they are blithely. This almost naà ¯ve unawareness and the sudden, unexpected loss of happiness is used to emphasise feelings of pain. Time and their growth is shown by the differing description of its members: ‘Elders and juniors’ to ‘Men and maidens’. But they all die in the last stanza: ‘Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs’. Time in this case represents death. The speaker has two very different styles in the poems although the perspectives are just as pessimistic about life and time. The already pessimistic perspective of the speaker also worsens as the poem progresses.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Immortals of Greek mythology Essay Example for Free
Immortals of Greek mythology Essay The Greeks created images of their deities for many purposes. A temple would house the statue of a god or goddess, or multiple deities, and might be decorated with relief scenes depicting myths. Divine images were common on coins. Drinking cups and other vessels were painted with scenes from Greek myths. Gods Goddesses Aphrodite ( , Aphrodite) Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and pleasure. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was depicted as a beautiful woman and of all the goddesses most likely to appear nude or seminude. Poets praise the radiance of her smile and her laughter. Her symbols include roses and other flowers, the scallop shell, and myrtle wreath. Her sacred animals are doves and sparrows. Her Roman counterpart was Venus. Apollo ( , Apollon) God of light, music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague and darkness, prophecy, poetry, purity, athletism, manly beauty, and enlightenment. He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. As brother and sister, they were identified with the sun and moon; both use a bow and arrow. In the earliest myths, Apollo contends with his half-brother Hermes. In sculpture, Apollo was depicted as a very handsome, beardless young man with long hair and an ideal physique. As the embodiment of perfectionism, he could be cruel and destructive, and his love affairs were rarely happy. His attributes include the laurel wreath and lyre. He often appears in the company of the Muses. Animals sacred to Apollo include roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes. Ares ( , Ares) God of war, bloodshed, and violence. The son of Zeus and Hera, he was depicted as a beardless youth, either nude with a helmet and spear or sword, or as an armed warrior. Homer portrays him as moody and unreliable, and he generally represents the chaos of war in contrast to Athena, a goddess of military strategy and skill. Ares sacred animals are the vulture, venomous snakes, dogs, and boars. His Roman counterpart Mars by contrast was regarded as the dignified ancestor of the Roman people. Artemis ( , Artemis) Virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, young girls, childbirth and plague. In later times she became associated with the moon. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo. In art she was often depicted as a young woman dressed in a short knee-length chiton and equipped with a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows. Her attributes include hunting spears, animal pelts, deer and other wild animals. Her sacred animals are deer, bears, and wild boars. Diana was her Roman counterpart. Athena ( , Athena) Goddess of intelligence and skill, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts, and wisdom. According to most traditions, she was born from Zeuss head fully formed and armored. She was depicted crowned with a crested helm, armed with shield and a spear, and wearing the aegis over a long dress. Poets describe her as grey-eyed or having especially bright, keen eyes. She was a special patron of heroes such as Odysseus. Her symbol is the olive tree. She is commonly shown accompanied by her sacred animal, the owl. The Romans identified her with Minerva. Demeter ( , Demeter) Goddess of grain, agriculture and the harvest, growth and nourishment. Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister of Zeus, by whom she bore Persephone. She was one of the main deities of the Eleusinian Mysteries, in which her power over the life cycle of plants symbolized the passage of the human soul through its life course and into the afterlife. She was depicted as a mature woman, often crowned and holding sheafs of wheat and a torch. Her symbols are the cornucopia, wheat-ears, the winged serpent, and the lotus staff. Her sacred animals are pigs and snakes. Ceres was her Roman counterpart. Dionysus ( , Dionysos) God of wine, parties and festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, drugs, and ecstasy. He was depicted in art as either an older bearded god or a pretty effeminate, long-haired youth. His attributes include the thyrsus (a pinecone-tipped staff), drinking cup, grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a posse of attendants including satyrs, maenads, and his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. Animals sacred to him include dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys. A later addition to the Olympians, in some accounts he replaced Hestia. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the Romans. Hades ( , Hades) or Pluto ( , Plouton) King of the underworld and the dead, and god of the earths hidden wealth, both agricultural produce and precious metals. His consort is Persephone. His attributes are the drinking horn or cornucopia, key, sceptre, and the three-headed dog Cerberus. The screech owl was sacred to him. He was one of three sons of Cronus and Rhea, and thus sovereign over one of the three realms of the universe, the underworld. As a chthonic god, however, his place among the Olympians is ambiguous. In the mystery religions and Athenian literature, Pluto (Plouton, the Rich) was his preferred name, with Hades more common for the underworld as a place. The Romans translated Plouton as Dis Pater (the Rich Father) or Pluto. Hephaestus ( , H? phaistos) Crippled god of fire, metalworking, and crafts. The son of Hera by parthenogenesis, he is the smith of the gods and the husband of the adulterous Aphrodite. He was usually depicted as a bearded man with hammer, tongs and anvilâ€â€the tools of a smithâ€â€and sometimes riding a donkey. His sacred animals are the donkey, the guard dog and the crane. Among his creations was the armor of Achilles. Hephaestus used the fire of the forge as a creative force, but his Roman counterpart Volcanus (Vulcan) was feared for his destructive potential and associated with the volcanic power of the earth. Hera ( , H? ra) Queen of the heavens and goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings, and empires. She is the wife of Zeus and daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was usually depicted as a regal woman in the prime of her life, wearing a diadem and veil and holding a lotus-tipped staff. Although she was the goddess of marriage, Zeuss many infidelities drive her to jealousy and vengefulness. Her sacred animals are the heifer, the peacock, and the cuckoo. At Rome she was known as Juno. Hermes ( , Hermes) God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, thievery, trickery, language, writing, diplomacy, athletics, and animal husbandry. The son of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the messenger of the gods, and a psychopomp who leads the souls of the dead into the afterlife. He was depicted either as a handsome and athletic beardless youth, or as an older bearded man. His attributes include the heralds wand or caduceus, winged sandals, and a travelers cap. His sacred animals are the tortoise, the ram, and the hawk. The Roman Mercury was more closely identified with trade and commerce. Hestia ( , Hestia) Virgin goddess of the hearth, home and chastity. She is a daughter of Rhea and Cronus and sister of Zeus. Not often identifiable in Greek art, she appeared as a modestly veiled woman. Her symbols are the hearth and kettle. In some accounts, she gave up her seat as one of the Twelve Olympians in favor of Dionysus, and she plays little role in Greek myths. Her counterpart Vesta, however, was a major deity of the Roman state. Poseidon ( , Poseidon) God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and the creator of horses; known as the Earth Shaker. He is a son of Cronus and Rhea and brother to Zeus and Hades. He rules one of the three realms of the universe as king of the sea and the waters. In classical artwork, he was depicted as a mature man of sturdy build with an often luxuriant beard, and holding a trident. The horse and the dolphin are sacred to him. His wedding with Amphitrite is often presented as a triumphal procession. His Roman counterpart was Neptune. Zeus ( , Zeus) King of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and fate. He is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. He overthrew Cronus and gained the sovereignty of heaven for himself. In artwork, he was depicted as a regal, mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard. His usual attributes are the royal scepter and the lightning bolt, and his sacred animals are the eagle and the bull. His counterpart Jupiter, also known as Jove, was the supreme deity of the Romans. Primordial deities Ancient Greek name English name Description (Aith? r) Aether The god of the upper air and light. (Ananke) Ananke The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity. (Chaos) Chaos The nothingness from which all else sprang. (Chronos) Chronos The god of time. Not to be confused with the Titan Cronus, the father of Zeus. (Erebos) Erebos or Erebus. The god of darkness and shadow. (Eros) Eros The god of love and attraction. (Gaia) Gaia or Gaea or Ge Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth); mother of the Titans. (Hemera) Hemera Goddess of daylight. (Hypnos) Hypnos God of Sleep. N (Ne? soi) The Nesoi The goddesses of the islands and sea. (Nyx) Nyx or Night The goddess of night. (Ouranos) Uranus The god of the heavens (Father Sky); father of the Titans. (Ourea) The Ourea The gods of mountains. (Phanes) Phanes The god of procreation in the Orphic tradition. (Pontos) Pontus. The god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures. (Tartaros) Tartarus The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit (which is also referred to as Tartarus itself). (Thalassa) Thalassa Spirit of the sea and consort of Pontos. (Thanatos) Thanatos God of Death. Titans Greek name English name Description The Twelve Titans (Hyperion) Hyperion Titan of light. With Theia, he is the father of Helios (the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos (the dawn). (Iapetos) Iapetus Titan of mortality and father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Atlas. (Koios) Coeus Titan of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved. (Kreios) Crius The least individualized of the Twelve Titans, he is the father of Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses. (Cronos) Cronus The leader of the Titans, who overthrew his father Uranus only to be overthrown in turn by his son, Zeus. Not to be confused with Chronos, the god of time. M (Mnemosyne) Mnemosyne Titan of memory and remembrance, and mother of the Nine Muses. (Oceanos) Oceanus Titan of the all-encircling river Oceans around the earth, the font of all the Earths fresh-water. (Phoibe) Phoebe. Titan of the bright intellect and prophecy, and consort of Koios. (Rhea) Rhea Titan of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. She is the sister and consort of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. (Tethys) Tethys Wife of Oceanus, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds. (Theia) Theia Titan of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky. She is the consort of Hyperion, and mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos. (Themis) Themis Titan of divine law and order. Other Titans (Asteria) Asteria Titan of nocturnal oracles and falling stars. (Astraios) Astraeus Titan of dusk, stars, and planets, and the art of astrology. (Atlas) Atlas Titan forced to carry the sky upon his shoulders by Zeus. Also Son of Iapetus. (Aura) Aura Titan of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning. (Di? ne) Dione Titan of the oracle of Dodona. (E? s) Eos Titan of the dawn. (Epimetheus) Epimetheus Titan of afterthought and the father of excuses. (Eurybia) Eurybia Titan of the mastery of the seas and consort of Krios. (Eurynome) Eurynome Titan of water-meadows and pasturelands, and mother of the three Charites by Zeus. (H? lios) Helios Titan of the sun and guardian of oaths. (Clymene) Clymene or Asia Titan of renown, fame, and infamy, and wife of Iapetos. (Lelantos) Lelantos Titan of air and the hunters skill of stalking prey. He is the male counterpart of Leto. (Let? ) Leto Titan of motherhood and mother of the twin Olympians, Artemis and Apollo. (Menoitios) Menoetius Titan of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality. Killed by Zeus. (Me? tis) Metis Titan of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness, and wisdom. Mother of Athena. (Ophion) Ophion. An elder Titan, in some versions of the myth he ruled the Earth with his consort Eurynome before Cronus overthrew him. (Pallas) Pallas Titan of warcraft. He was killed by Athena during the Titanomachy. (Perses) Perses Titan of destruction and peace. (Prometheus) Prometheus Titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind. (Sel? ne) Selene Titan of the moon. (Styx) Styx Titan of the Underworld river Styx and personification of hatred. Personified concepts Achlys ( ), spirit of the death-mist Adephagia ( ), spirit of satiety and gluttony Adikia (), spirit of injustice and wrongdoing Aergia ( ), spirit of idleness, laziness, indolence and sloth Agon ( ), spirit of contest, who possessed an altar at Olympia, site of the Olympic Games. Aidos ( ), spirit of modesty, reverence and respect Aisa ( ), personification of lot and fate Alala ( ), spirit of the war cry Alastor ( ), spirit of blood feuds and vengeance Aletheia ( ), spirit of truth, truthfulness and sincerity The Algea ( ), spirits of pain and suffering Achos ( ) trouble, distress Ania ( ) ache, anguish Lupe ( ) pain, grief, sadness. Alke ( ), spirit of prowess and courage Amechania ( ), spirit of helplessness and want of means The Amphilogiai ( ), spirits of disputes, debate, and contention Anaideia ( ), spirit of ruthlessness, shamelessness, and unforgivingness The Androktasiai ( ), spirits of battlefield slaughter Angelia ( ), spirit of messages, tidings and proclamations Apate ( ), spirit of deceit, guile, fraud and deception Apheleia ( ), spirit of simplicity Aporia ( ), spirit of difficulty, perplexity, powerlessness, and want of means The Arae ( ), spirits of curses Arete ( ), spirit of virtue, excellence, goodness, and valour Ate ( ), spirit of delusion, infatuation, blind folly, recklessness, and ruin Bia ( ), spirit of force, power, bodily strength, and compulsion Caerus ( ), spirit of opportunity Corus ( ), spirit of surfeit Deimos ( ), spirit of fear, dread, and terror Dikaiosyne ( ), spirit of justice and righteousness Dike ( ), spirit of justice, fair judgement, and the rights established by custom and law Dolos ( ), spirit of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, and guile Dysnomia ( ), spirit of lawlessness and poor civil constitution Dyssebeia ( ), spirit of impiety Eirene ( ), goddess of peace Ekecheiria ( ), spirit of truce, armistice, and the cessation of all hostilities; honoured at the Olympic Games Eleos ( ), spirit of mercy, pity, and compassion Elpis ( ), spirit of hope and expectation Epiphron ( ), spirit of prudence, shrewdness, thoughtfulness, carefulness, and sagacity Eris ( ), spirit of strife, discord, contention, and rivalry The Erotes ( ) Anteros ( ), god of requited love Eros (), god of love and sexual intercourse. Hedylogos ( ), god of sweet talk and flattery Himeros ( ), god of sexual desire Pothos ( ), god of sexual longing, yearning, and desire Eucleia ( ), spirit of good repute and glory Eulabeia ( ), spirit of discretion, caution, and circumspection Eunomia ( ), goddess of good order and lawful conduct Eupheme ( ), spirit of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applause, and shouts of triumph Eupraxia (E ), spirit of well-being Eusebeia (E ), spirit of piety, loyalty, duty, and filial respect Euthenia (), spirit of prosperity, abundance, and plenty Gelos ( ), spirit of laughter Geras ( ), spirit of old age. Harmonia ( ), goddess of harmony and concord Hebe ( ), goddess of youth Hedone ( ), spirit of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight Heimarmene ( ), personification of share destined by fate Homados ( ), spirit of the din of battle Homonoia ( ), spirit of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind Horkos ( ), spirit of oaths Horme ( ), spirit of impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting oneself in motion, and starting an action Hybris ( ), spirit of outrageous behaviour Hypnos ( ), god of sleep The Hysminai ( ), spirits of fighting and combat Ioke ( ), spirit of pursuit in battle Kakia (K ), spirit of vice and moral badness Kalokagathia ( ), spirit of nobility The Keres ( ), spirit of violent or cruel death Koalemos ( ), spirit of stupidity and foolishness Kratos ( ), spirit of strength, might, power, and sovereign rule Kydoimos ( ), spirit of the din of battle, confusion, uproar, and hubbub Lethe ( ), spirit of forgetfulness and oblivion, and of the river of the same name Limos (), spirit of hunger and starvation. The Litae ( ), spirits of prayer Lyssa ( ), spirit of rage, fury and rabies in animals The Machai ( ), spirits of fighting and combat Mania ( ), spirit or spirits of madness, insanity, and frenzy The Moirai, or Fates ( ) Clotho ( ), the spinner of the life thread Lachesis ( ), the measurer of the life thread Atropos ( ), the severer of the life thread Momus ( ), spirit of mockery, blame, censure and stinging criticism Moros ( ), spirit of doom. The Neikea ( ), spirits of quarrels, feuds and grievances Nemesis (), goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation, and retribution Nike ( ), goddess of victory Nomos ( ), spirit of law Oizys ( ), spirit of woe and misery The Oneiroi ( ), spirits of dreams Epiales ( ), spirit of nightmares Morpheus ( ), god of dreams, who takes shape of humans Phantasos ( ) spirit of dreams of fantasy, who takes shape of inanimate objects Phobetor ( ) or Icelos ( ), spirit of nightmares, who takes shape of animals Palioxis ( ), spirit of backrush, flight and retreat from battle Peitharchia ( ), spirit of obedience Peitho (), spirit of persuasion and seduction. Penia ( ), spirit of poverty and need Penthus ( ), spirit of grief, mourning, and lamentation Pepromene ( ), personification of the destined share, similar to Heimarmene Pheme ( ), spirit of rumour, report, and gossip Philophrosyne ( ), spirit of friendliness, kindness, and welcome Philotes ( ), spirit of friendship, affection, and sexual intercourse Phobos ( ), spirit of panic fear, flight, and battlefield rout The Phonoi ( ), spirits of murder, killing, and slaughter Phrike ( ), spirit of horror and trembling fear. Phthonus ( ), spirit of envy and jealousy Pistis ( ), spirit of trust, honesty, and good faith Poine ( ), spirit of retribution, vengeance, recompense, punishment, and penalty for the crime of murder and manslaughter Polemos ( ), personification of war Ponos ( ), spirit of hard labour and toil Poros ( ), spirit of expediency, the means of accomplishing or providing, contrivance and device Praxidike ( ), spirit of exacting justice Proioxis ( ), spirit of onrush and battlefield pursuit Prophasis ( ), spirit of excuses and pleas The Pseudologoi, spirits of lies. Ptocheia ( ), spirit of beggary Soter ( ), male spirit of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm Soteria ( ), female personification of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm Sophrosyne ( ), spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion Techne ( ), personification of art and skill Thanatos ( ), spirit of death and mortality Thrasos ( ), spirit of boldness Tyche ( ), goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate Zelos ( ), spirit of eager rivalry, emulation, envy, jealousy, and zeal Chthonic deities. Amphiaraus ( ), a hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebe who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death Angelos ( ), a daughter of Zeus and Hera who became an underworld goddess Askalaphos ( ), the son of Acheron and Orphne who tended the Underworld orchards before being transformed into a screech owl by Demeter Cerberus ( ), the three-headed hound who guarded the gates of Hades Charon ( ), ferryman of Hades Empusa ( ), a monstrous underworld spirit or spirits with flaming hair, the leg of a goat and a leg of bronze. They are also servants of Hecate. Erebos ( ), the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth The Erinyes ( ), the Furies, goddesses of retribution Alecto ( ), the unceasing one Tisiphone ( ), avenger of murder Megaera ( ), the jealous one Hecate ( ), goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Judges of the Dead Aiakos ( ), former mortal king of Aegina, guardian of the keys of Hades and judge of the men of Europe Minos ( ), former mortal king of Crete and judge of the final vote Rhadamanthys (), former mortal lawmaker and judge of the men of Asia Keuthonymos ( ), an Underworld spirit and father of Menoetes Cronus ( ), deposed king of the Titans; after his release from Tartarus he was appointed king of the Island of the Blessed Lamia ( ), a vampiric Underworld spirit or spirits in the train of Hecate Lampades ( ), torch-bearing Underworld nymphs Gorgyra (). Orphne ( ), a Lampad nymph of Hades, mother of Askalaphos Macaria ( ), daughter of Hades and goddess of blessed death (not to be confused with the daughter of Heracles) Melinoe (), daughter of Persephone and Zeus who presided over the propitiations offered to the ghosts of the dead Menoetes ( ), an Underworld spirit who herded the cattle of Hades Mormo ( ), a fearsome Underworld spirit or spirits in the train of Hecate Nyx ( ), the primeval goddess of night Persephone ( ), queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth. Rivers of the Underworld Acheron ( ), the river of pain Kokytos (K ), the river of wailing Lethe ( ), the river of forgetfulness Phlegethon ( ), the river of fire Styx ( ), the river of oaths Tartarus (), the primeval god of the dark, stormy pit of Hades Thanatos ( ), spirit of death and minister of Hades Sea deities Aegaeon ( ), god of violent sea storms and ally of the Titans Achelous ( ), shark-shaped sea spirit[citation needed] Amphitrite ( ), sea goddess and consort of Poseidon. Benthesikyme ( ), daughter of Poseidon, who resided in Ethiopia Brizo ( ), patron goddess of sailors, who sent prophetic dreams Ceto ( ), goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters Charybdis ( ), a sea monster and spirit of whirlpools and the tide Cymopoleia (), a daughter of Poseidon married to the Giant Briareus Delphin ( ), the leader of the dolphins, Poseidon placed him in the sky as the constellation Delphin Eidothea ( ), prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus Glaucus ( ), the fishermans sea god Gorgons ( ), three monstrous sea spirits Stheno ( ). Euryale ( ) Medusa ( ), the only mortal of the three The Graeae ( ), three ancient sea spirits who personified the white foam of the sea; they shared one eye and one tooth between them Deino ( ) Enyo ( ) Pemphredo ( ) The Harpies ( ), winged spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind Aello ( ) or Aellope ( ) or Aellopous ( ) Ocypete ( ) or Ocypode ( ) or Ocythoe ( ) Podarge ( ) or Podarke ( ) Celaeno ( ) Nicothoe ( ) Hippocampi ( ), the horses of the sea they are half horse with the tail of a fish Hydros ( ), primordial god of waters The Ichthyocentaurs ( ), a pair of centaurine sea-gods with the upper bodies of men, the lower fore-parts of horses, ending in the serpentine tails of fish Bythos ( ) sea depth Aphros ( ) sea foam Karkinos ( ), a giant crab who allied itself with the Hydra against Heracles. When it died, Hera placed it in the sky as the constellation Cancer. Ladon ( ), a hundred-headed sea serpent who guarded the western reaches of the sea, and the island and golden apples of the Hesperides Leucothea ( ), a sea goddess who aided sailors in distress Nereides ( ), sea nymphs Thetis ( ), leader of the Nereids who presided over the spawning of marine life in the sea Arethusa ( ), a daughter of Nereus who was transformed into a fountain Galene (), goddess of calm seas. Psamathe ( ), goddess of sand beaches Nereus ( ), the old man of the sea, and the god of the seas rich bounty of fish Nerites ( ), a sea spirit who was transformed into a shell-fish by Aphrodite Oceanus ( ), Titan god of the Earth-encircling river Oceanus, the font of all the Earths fresh-water Palaemon ( ), a young sea god who aided sailors in distress. Phorcys ( ), god of the hidden dangers of the deep Pontos ( ), primeval god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures Poseidon (), king of the sea and lord of the sea gods; also god of rivers, flood and drought, earthquakes, and horses Proteus ( , a shape-shifting, prophetic old sea god, and the herdsman of Poseidons seals Scylla ( ), monstrous sea goddess. The Sirens ( ), sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with their song Aglaope ( ) or Aglaophonos ( ) or Aglaopheme ( ) Himerope ( ) Leucosia ( ) Ligeia ( ) Molpe ( ) Parthenope ( ) Peisinoe ( ) or Peisithoe ( ) Raidne ( ) Teles ( ) Thelchtereia () Thelxiope ( ) or Thelxiepeia ( ) The Telchines ( ), sea spirits native to the island of Rhodes; the gods killed them when they turned to evil magic Actaeus ( ) Argyron ( ) Atabyrius ( ) Chalcon ( ) Chryson ( ) Damon ( ) or Demonax ( ) Damnameneus ( ) Dexithea ( ), mother of Euxanthios by Minos Lycos ( ) or Lyktos ( ) Lysagora ( )? Makelo ( ) Megalesius ( ) Mylas ( ) Nikon ( ) Ormenos ( ) Simon ( ) Skelmis ( ) Tethys ( ), wife of Oceanus, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds Thalassa ( ), primeval spirit of the sea and consort of Pontos Thaumas ( ), god of the wonders of the sea Thoosa ( ), goddess of swift currents Triteia ( ), daughter of Triton and companion of Ares Triton ( ), fish-tailed son and herald of Poseidon Tritones ( ), fish-tailed spirits in Poseidons retinue Sky deities Achelois ( ), she who washes pain away, a minor moon goddess Aeolus (Aiolos) ( ), god of the winds. Aether ( ), primeval god of the upper air Alectrona (), solar goddess of the morning or waking up Anemoi, gods of the winds Boreas ( ), god of the north wind and of winter Eurus ( ), god of the unlucky east or southeast wind Notus ( ) god of the south wind Zephyrus ( ), god of the west wind Aparctias ( ), another name for the north wind (not identified with Boreas) Apheliotes ( ), god of the east wind (when Eurus is considered southeast) Argestes ( ), another name for the west or northwest wind Caicias ( ), god of the northeast wind Circios ( ) or Thraskias ( ), god of the north-northwest wind Euronotus (), god of the southeast wind Lips ( ), god of the southwest wind Skeiron ( ), god of the northwest wind Apollo, Olympian God of light, knowledge, music, healing, the sun, and the arts (also god of day). Arke ( ), messenger of the Titans and twin sister of Iris Astraios ( ), Titan god of stars and planets, and the art of astrology The Astra Planeti ( ), gods of the five wandering stars or planets Stilbon ( ), god of Hermaon, the planet Mercury Eosphorus ( ), god of Venus the morning star Hesperus ( ), god of Venus the evening star Pyroeis (), god of Areios, the planet Mars Phaethon ( ), god of Dios, the planet Jupiter. Phaenon ( ), god of Kronion, the planet Saturn Aurai ( ), nymphs of the cooling breeze Aura ( ), goddess of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning Chaos ( ), the nothingness from which all else sprang, she also represented the lower atmosphere which surrounded the earth Chione ( ), goddess of snow and daughter of Boreas Helios ( ), Titan god of the sun and guardian of oaths Selene ( ), Titan goddess of the moon Eos ( ), Titan goddess of the dawn Hemera (), primeval goddess of daylight and the sun Hera ( ), Queen of Heaven and goddess of the air and starry constellations Herse ( ), goddess of the morning dew. The Hesperides ( ) The Hades, nymphs that represented a star cluster in the constellation Taurus and were associated with rain Iris ( ), goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger Nephelai ( ), cloud nymphs Ouranos ( ), primeval god of the heavens Pandia ( ), daughter of Selene and Zeus The Pleiades ( ), goddesses of the constellation Pleiades Alcyone ( ) Sterope ( ) Celaeno ( ) Electra ( ). Maia ( ) Merope ( ) Taygete ( ) Zeus ( ), King of Heaven and god of the sky, clouds, rain, thunder, and lightning Rustic deities Aetna ( ), goddess of the volcanic Mount Etna in Sicily Amphictyonis ( ), goddess of wine and friendship between nations, a local form of Demeter Anthousai ( ), flower nymphs Aristaeus ( ), god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and hunting Attis ( ), vegetation god and consort of Cybele Britomartis ( ). Cretan goddess of hunting and nets used for fishing, fowling and the hunting of small game Cabeiri (), gods or spirits who presided over the Mysteries of the islands of Lemnos and Samothrace Aitnaios ( ) Alkon ( ) Eurymedon ( ) Onnes ( ) Tonnes ( ) Centaurs ( ), a race of half-man, half-horse beings Asbolus ( ) Chariclo ( ), wife of the centaur Chiron Chiron ( ), the eldest and wisest of the Centaurs Eurytion ( ) Nessus ( ), a ferryman at the river Euenus Pholus ( ). The Cercopes ( ), a pair of monkey-like thieves who plagued the land of Lydia in western Anatolia Akmon ( ) Passalos ( ) Chloris (), goddess of flowers and wife of Zephyrus Comus ( ), god of revelry, merrymaking, and festivity Corymbus ( ), god of the fruit of the ivy The Curetes ( ), guardians of infant Zeus on Mount Ida, barely distinguished from the Dactyls and the Corybantes Cybele ( ), a Phrygian mountain goddess associated with Rhea. The Dactyls ( ) fingers, minor deities originally representing fingers of a hand Acmon ( ) Damnameneus ( ) Delas ( ) Epimedes ( ). Heracles (not to be confused with the hero Heracles) Iasios ( ) Kelmis ( ) Skythes () companions of Cybele Titias ( ) Cyllenus ( ) Dionysus ( ), god of wine, drunken orgies, and wild vegetation Dryades ( ), tree and forest nymphs Gaia ( ), primeval goddess of the earth Epimeliades ( ), nymphs of highland pastures and protectors of sheep flocks Hamadryades ( ), oak tree dryades Hecaterus ( ), minor god of the hekateris  a rustic dance of quickly moving hands  and perhaps of the skill of hands in general Hephaestus ( ), god of metalworking Hermes ( ), god of herds and flocks, of roads and boundary stones The Horae ( ), The Hours.
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