Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Important of a business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Important of a business plan - Essay Example For such a person the importance of a business plan can be limited though not essentially irrelevant. A business plan generally consists of cover page along with a table of contents and an abstract. It further has a description or an introduction, an analysis of the corporate environment along with a detailed study of the industry such as banking, finance, toys or even a home based business like the online service provision or domestic manufacturing. Next it will have a competitor analysis which would give a description of the nature and the extent of the competitive environment. It will also have a marketing plan, a financial plan, operational and management strategy, a policy approach and finally alternative possibilities of change (Berry, 2008). A potential entrepreneur will have to consider a number of possibilities and probabilities before he launches the operations connected with the business. Therefore he has to consider a number of things to be initiated before the actual business activity starts. A business plan is primarily important due to the following reasons. In the first place a potential businessman or an entrepreneur ought to have a well defined approach to understanding the kind of business that he or she is going to do. For example a potential businessman has to gather as much information as possible on the business environment and the nature of the industry before he himself set up the business. This will be helpful to him by way of creating a certainty about what he is going to do. The inability to clearly define the nature of the business and understand the connected implications often leads to business failure. Secondly a business plan enables a potential businessman to identify and isolate the type of relationships that he will have to develop once the business is launched. For example a sole proprietor operating from home would still have to deal with a bank or a number of banks, a supplier or a number of suppliers, a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Examine and explain the contrasting principles unerpinning the Essay
Examine and explain the contrasting principles unerpinning the organisational structures and practices of the French communist and socialist parties in the 1970's - Essay Example During the 1980s the Socialist Party became the party of the Left in France, electing Francois Mitterrand to two terms during that time. In order to explain these developments one must look to the previous decade for the social, political, and organizational practices and beliefs that facilitated this change in the ideological left in France. An examination of the theoretical and ideological apparatuses that precipitated this political shift along with a presentation of cultural and political events that led to a realignment of political strategies of the two parties will be followed by an inquiry into the organizational and leadership practices and beliefs of the two groups. The subsequent analysis of the ebb and flow of the respective fortunes of the PS and PCF should reveal that the Political Left in France has operated under a "Coalition as Rivalry"2 paradigm to the ultimate benefit of the PS and the seemingly irrecoverable detriment of the PCF. Forming out of the Section Francaise de Ilnternationale Ouvriere (SFIO) in 1905, the Socialist Party was cobbled together with an uneasy mix of Marxists, members of workers parties, revolutionaries and reformists.3 The uneasiness of this arrangement eventually led to a splintering of the "feeble" alliance and at the 1920 Congress of Tour, what was to become the PCF was formed.4 The rather hard ideological line of the PCF illustrated by the slogan, "sovietization à ¡ outrance" is indicative of the affiliation that French Communists had at the time with Soviet Politburo.5 The Socialists and Communists did briefly come together in an unofficial capacity, along with the radicals in a mid-1930s movement known as the Popular Front. That coalition was interrupted by WWII. After WWII, much of the left was united against Gaullism though nevertheless splintered over the issue of Algerian Independence. The start of the Fifth Republic saw perpetuation of the orthodox
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis Of The Stranger, By Albert Camus Essay
Analysis Of The Stranger, By Albert Camus Essay Tone is very important to The Stranger. Albert Camus uses several examples of irony and ironic twists. For example, Meursault got involved in a fight that had nothing to do with his life. He started out by writing a letter for his neighbor, Raymond. Raymond wanted to get his ex-girlfriend back in order to punish her for what happened in the past. Meursault ended up fighting the brother to the woman, who happened to be Arab. The final outcome was Meursault had to kill the Arab man even through the writing made the readers think Raymond was going to kill the brother. Meursaults voice comes across as lacking typical emotions. The subjective tone of the author makes the reader feel sympathetic, unsympathetic, and sympathetic once again towards Meursault situation. Then within the last few pages he has a revelation that changes the way he thinks and feels. There are various literary devices used in The Stranger. Symbolism is shown in both part one and part two. Colors of the ocean, the sky, and the view of everyday life symbolize different feelings. The color red is used when Meursault is angry or when he feels lust. He described Maries red dress when he wanted her and he described the Arab at the beach right before they fought. The color green is used when hes happy. For example, The sky was green, I felt good. The crucifix is a symbol for god and sacrifice. The crucifix shows everything that he doesnt believe in. He proves this by saying He wanted to talk to me about God again, but I went up to him and made one last attempt to explain to him that I had only a little time left and I didnt want to it on God. The courtroom is a symbol for mankind as a whole. The jurors and judge is like society and how they judge Meursault and can change his life. He feels this when he says, It was then that I noticed a row of faces in front of me. The y were all looking at me; I realized that they were the jury. But I cant say what distinguished one from another. I had just one impression: I was sitting across from a row of seats on a streetcar and all these anonymous passengers were looking over the new arrival to see if they could find something funny about him. Imagery is used when describing all characters, events, and settings. Albert Camus uses colors, and subtle details that paint a mental picture. He describes Old Salamano and his dog as two beings on the planet that look similar with their old yellow flaking skin. But Meursault also describes everything around him. And I can remember the look of the church, the villagers in the street, the red geraniums on the graves, Prezs fainting fit, he crumpled up like a rag doll the tawny-red earth pattering on Mothers coffin, the bits of white roots mixed up with it; then more people, voices, the wait outside a cafe for the bus, the rumble of the engine, and my little thrill of pl easure when we entered the first brightly lit streets of Algiers, and I pictured myself going straight to bed and sleeping twelve hours at a stretch. Meursault describes everything he can see making the readers understand the novella better. Similes and metaphors are used on practically on every page of The Stranger. A simile is used when describing Raymond. He was bleeding like a pig. Meursault states about the sun, But the heat was so intense that it was just as bad standing still in the blinding stream falling from the sky. To stay or go, it amounted to the same thing. A minute later I turned back toward the beach and started walking. The sun is a metaphor for Meursaults uncomfortable feeling. Hes comparing the sun to society and how both make him feel uncomfortable and different and he doesnt like it. The Stranger by Albert Camus shows a man fighting society in his head and how he deals with it. The novella uses tone, theme, and literary devices to show this mans life and his sceptical view of the world as he discovers that he can change , only to find out that it is too late.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Free Essays on William Faulkners A Rose for Emily - Homicide :: A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner
A Homicide for Emily  â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is a short intriguing story written by William Faulkner. This is because the way Emily’s character is portrayed, the mysterious death of Homer Barron, and the way Faulkner uses the narrator to tell the story.  Emily is portrayed as a woman who kept to herself throughout her whole life. In her younger years her father had driven all her suitors away. No man was good enough for Emily. Emily’s solitude was especially evident after her father died and when her boyfriend Homer disappeared. Her hair had turned an irony gray after her father died. She had a black manservant throughout her whole life that went to the market, cooked and gardened for her. During the end of her life the manservant’s visits were the only way that the townspeople knew that she was still alive. After her father died Emily kept his body in her house. A few days after Emily’s father’s death a couple of ladies came to give their condolences. But Emily came to the door dressed in casual clothes and showed no signs of grief. The townspeople were about to resort to law enforcement when she finally broke down and told them that her father was dead. The townspeople did not believe she was crazy, even though they knew insanity ran in her family. They thought Emily did this because they remembered how the father drove all the young men away. Now she was a figure that could be pitied by the town, alone and penniless.  Eventually Emily met Homer, a Yankee who came into town to pave sidewalks during the summer of Emily’s father’s death. They started seeing each other but Homer would rather hang out with the guys than hang out with Emily. He was not the marrying type. When Emily figured this out she bought some arsenic from a druggist. The townspeople thought she was going to use the arsenic to kill herself. However the next week they were sure homer and Emily would get married because Emily had been seen at the jeweler’s ordering a man’s toilet set in silver, with the letters H.B. on each piece.  Two days later she was seen buying a complete outfit of men’s clothing, including a nightshirt. Homer was not seen for a week or so but he eventually came back into town and a neighbor saw the manservant let him in at the kitchen door.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Diversity in the workplace Essay
a.) Diversity in the workplace is recognized positively in many different ways, and can make up a strong workforce of all aspects inside different organizations. These include a variety of age, gender, their background, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and personality or even the style of how somebody works. All these factors create a diverse work force. By embracing these factors into the daily running of an organization it can be beneficial for both employer and employee, working pleasantly where everybody feels valued and respected. New talents are discovered and people are treated as individuals and are not stereotyped due to popular beliefs. see more:explain the principle of informed choice Employers must abide by, practice and integrate all aspects of the Equality Act 2010 as a legal requirement. Employees of the organization can help to create and carry out these policies and have the responsibility of ensuring a positive outcome in workforce tasks. Having a wider area of skills and talents to choose from will help generate new ideas helping the organization to run smoothly and exceed success on new levels. The workplace becomes host to diversity’s benefits recognizing the different terms of knowledge and differences in all work related areas. In feeling valued and respected as an individual this reflects on that persons work persona in a positive way, sympathizing with customers and working better in general to achieve the organizations crucial targets and goals. The Equality Act 2010 was introduced on 1st October 2010 and is a key piece of legislation. This Act provides the overall legal guidelines that protect the individual’s rights in the workplace and provides the correct legislation that promotes opportunity amongst all diverse platforms. The key acts that comprise the act as a whole are: * Equal Pay Act 1970 * Sex Discrimination Act 1975 * Race Relations Act 1976 * Disability Discrimination Act 1995 * Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 * Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 * Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 * Equality Act 2006, Part 2 * Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 Within the workplace there are policies/procedures and legislation materials that employers and employees can have easy access to on a day to day basis by using the organizations in house systems such as intranet or company website which will have sections specifically targeted to that area of the business. These sources of information can be readily available at the click of a button. By having access to the human resources department this also can offer a wealth of information in regards to company policies, company legislations, handbooks and information with regards to the courses and training that can further background knowledge on this information and can then allow both parties to put what they have learnt into practice. b.) It is of the highest importance to make sure we are all working in a healthy and safe environment and it is the responsibility of all staff to take reasonable care of your own health and safety and of others. It is important to follow instructions and cooperate with the health and safety department on regulatory matters that will arise and to attend relevant health and safety training where necessary. We must also familiarize with the health & safety at work manuals these can be found on the DRI intranet or the Human Resources department. We must report any injuries, strains or illnesses as a result of your job role or potential hazards and defects observed in the workplace to the health & safety department, so they can be resolved before it can lead to potential escalation. In recognition of these problems it is important that you utilize the company facilities for example this could be in the form of using of VDU’s (visual display unit) which could potentially cause eye strain as a result of prolonged use. The company can reimburse the cost of spectacles and lenses. If in specific departments you require personal protective equipment (PPE) or adequate welfare facilities, these are used free of charge and it is important you notify health & safety department, should you need to order more. This is a fundamental rule when working with abrasive products. It is also vitally important to us you that you have the correct amount of rest breaks during the working day. Security of all employees is crucial, so we must make sure to fob in and out of the building when arriving or leaving the building so as to safely access the building and have a record of when and what times you leave during the day. If you happen to leave the fob at home or lose it you must contact reception to be provided with a temporary or a replacement from payroll. If you are expecting a visitor you must request they sign in and out of the building at all costs this ensures we have a record of who has been in and out of the building should an incident occur. By working in a healthy and safe environment we can remain motivated and enthused in order to prevent incidents occurring. We can be confident in our workplace surroundings striving for a much better working atmosphere. The two types of decision making made at DRI (Diamond Resorts International) are those of operational decisions which are carried out on the everyday running of the business, and decisions derived from other departments (strategically) which factors in senior management staff to make long term decisions for the business and to pin point the direction the business is going to take with more beneficial effects. Operational decisions are made up of key stages that we strategically follow; firstly we identify the decision and analyze all factors. Grid Analysis is one stage in the process that helps you to decide between several options, where you need to take many different factors into account. An alternative way is also writing out the pros and cons of that area presenting it to you in balance. An example of using grid analysis; in the key stages of making decisions. By consulting a team leader and organizing a group meeting you will be able to obtain ideas and advice from all knowledgeable bodies and consult with senior staff before a decision is made. This can give you wider pool of avenues to consider whilst going through the key stages. If the decision to be made is predominantly made by two people from separate parties they must have the knowledge to negotiate with each other to implement the decision and be satisfied in all areas. The use of feedback is important in these key stages as it allows us to gain feedback from people who hold down different job roles and responsibilities; therefore are given a variation of information that may assist in the final decision. Most operational decisions are being made day to day by team leaders and departmental managers which factor in team member’s assistance and views. Departments that deal with more executive decisions will have a larger span of control; when a manager oversees the day to da y smooth running of his/her department of staff. When training on the job role we are trained to identify what decision would need to be referred through for approval. An example of this would be the procedure that Human resources department at Diamond Resorts follow which is known as a Recruitment Authorisation form (SRAF), this is used for the recruitment of any new member of staff. If the Resort Manager at Pine Lake wanted to recruit a new housekeeper she would fill this form in and send it to the HR department. Human Resources review this by checking we are paying the correct wage or the number of hours worked is reasonable. It is then sent to the Regional Director (Carmina Saiz) for approval. Once returned to us with approval we ask Vice President of European Resort Operations (Suzana Gomercic) for approval. Once approved HR then send the form, to Executive Vice-President Steve Bell, for final approval only when these processes happen can the recruitment process begin. At each of these levels the approver has the potential to decline the request or to make a change, for example, to suggest the hours worked should be 40 hours instead of 37 hours. This would implicate the span of control going through the different processes identifying who would approve each decision before a permanent decision is made. Task 2 a.) The Importance of planning & prioritizing work at DRI – Notes for guidance To help support you and achieve to the highest standard here at Diamond Resorts International it is important you are able to plan and be organized in order to meet the set deadlines for the daily running of all the departments. It is important that you are able to use your time correctly to ensure that all deadlines are met and so that you can achieve the required goals and objectives’ in daily set tasks to help other people in their responsibilities to others. We have a number of facilities at DRI and it is important we use them in order to be timely and efficient, and allow all outcomes of the day be less stressful for you and your team members. * The online mailing system is a key part of the organization and is vitally important for the outside communications and communicating inside all departments around the building. Diary systems are very useful for booking/referring back to appointments and can be used to schedule any tasks or work you may need to prioritize before the end of the day. * You may have access to different calendars’ for meeting rooms around the building. By gaining this access it allows you to see who and what time a room is booked out for, enabling you to book in and around it for yourself or upon a request via another team member. This could include any visitors meeting with you or senior management. The calendar sends you reminder so you can make the necessary arrangements for their arrival. * To do lists can be simple and easy to do on paper or electronically. If for any reason IT department is having issues via the computer software and you become unable to access your computer and cannot use the software to input your data. You can do a simple to do list on paper this will be a temporary measure to remind you and help your day run more smoothly whilst the repairs are underway. Under some circumstances we take under consideration the reasons deadlines could be late, interrupted and may not potentially be met due to certain contributing fa ctors inside the office. * Communication is important throughout working hours, between team members, and is important to have the right level at all times to ensure work is communicated effectively around the office. Too much communication can cause distractions if certain topics are not work related and can be discussed out of office times. This can be avoided by talking about unrelated work topics out of office hours, on lunch breaks or short breaks throughout the day. * It is possible you may be interrupted frequently throughout the day. This could simply be to help another team member, due to technical difficulties or answering the telephone to a customer which could unfortunately take you off task. Make sure you log where you are in order to resume where you left off. The technical difficulties can have a knock on effect for everyone in your department and it is important to try and do as much paper based work as possible to get you up to speed and prepared for the deadline so you are ready to carry on once the issues have been resolved. * There may be times when there is lack of resources around the office if you feel this will have a significant effect on areas of your work then you need to notify a member of the senior management team so they can replenish stock or locate resources from an alternative means. If the department you are working in is short staffed, senior management may want to hire temporary staff to complete clerical/admin tasks. If there are unforeseen circumstances for example you are unable to get to work on time due to problems with public transport, family emergencies or problems etc. In this case some issues cannot always be helped; you must notify your department of issues and if possible explain what work may need to be completed in order to help contribute with the work that is being delayed. b.) After three months of working for Diamond Resorts International it is company procedure to have an appraisal after three months service. I first received a letter from my head of department a week before my appraisal was due. Stating where the meeting was to be held, what time and who it would be with. It was held on the 23rd of October at 3.00 pm with the Human Resources manager. Before I was to attend the meeting I did a small self assessment on paper to remind me what needed to be outlined during the discussion. Once we sat down to commence the meeting I was asked if I was enjoying the new job role also if there was any ongoing problems that needed to be resolved. I explained that I had been enjoying the job role very much and found the prospects for working for DRI very exciting. I was told during my appraisal that all my hard work had been satisfactory and what I had been achieving was more than up to standard. As the job role was new to the company I felt proud to say that I had built the reception area up by myself and enjoyed co-coordinating the maintenance of the building. Making the area more organized and flow with the filed systems I had created. Whilst in the meeting I thought that it would be a good idea to discuss what I had planned for the future, as although I like the job role I require something more challenging and something that can test and push my abilities to what I am more capable of. This meeting was vital for the communication between manager and employee as is important to see where can be improved and problems can be raised and dealt with properly to the discretion of the employee. c.) My career goals illustrated via the SMART technique Complete Level 3 Diploma in Business & Administration course with all distinctions aiming for the highest mark possible and pass the functional skills math’s exam, after attending all after hours classes and get back up to speed with mathematic skills. Consider moving job roles/departments after completion of the six month probationary period. All technical certificates will be prepared, passed and achieved in order to start the NVQ level units. Keep practicing for the functional skills math’s test, continuing the drop in math’s sessions allowing learning and improvement on the subject. I will be looking at different job role summaries and familiarizing with them. All the technical certificates have been prepared for and have the correct resources and information to achieve each unit. Each certificate will have a specific time to achieve handouts and activities to complete in order to gather all the information required to achieve set target scores. By completing and concentrating on each unit at once I can put 100% into each unit, also enabling me the flexibility of fulfilling my own job role. There will be points in the day where I will have to break of and do my duties that are required of me as an employee of DRI. I will also be completing functional skills out of office hours. Each unit I have set myself minimum of 2 weeks to complete. This is ample time to have completed each individual unit and have the feedback comments sent over to me via email from my assessor. Each 2 weeks my assessor will come and visit and discuss my progress. Section B 1. a) The key points that are included in a contract of employment could be any of the following; the contract will have the name of your employer and the employee also the date the employment commenced. The number of working hours you will be required to work during the week. The contract will inform you of how much holiday entitlement you are allocated annually, also how they will calculate them yearly. The details of sick pay and statutory pay will be enclosed in a contract of employment also the pension details. The contract will describe the job title and the brief job description of the work, and the location of where work has to be carried out. b.) A contract of employment is an agreement between employer and employee which determines the relationship between both parties. A written contract can include one short handwritten page or a lengthy document containing detailed components. Each business should take the time to carefully prepare a contract of employment for each employee. All businesses have different needs and outlooks, the style and content of each contract of employment will be different. 2. There are a number of representative resources that can assist employees with information and support them where necessary; The Equal Opportunities commission (EOC) is a regulatory body that promotes statutory rights within the employment sector and monitors human rights; offers on hand legislation and legal frameworks to the members of the public informing them of their rights. ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) is a regulatory body available online and is available for employees/employers that aim to improve organisations through better employment relationships. They also help by updating their website with the most current forms of legislation, and offering free independent advice. 3. a.) There are many factors that can lead to being under pressure in a workplace environment, where a professional manner can become difficult to maintain. If you are running by a tight deadline it could become increasingly difficult to reach, due to lack of resources or due to your organizations department being understaffed. The nature of your work could become strained as a result of more elements being added to a task than originally identified. There could be fundamental changes in your job role with new standards that need to be met in order to meet company deadlines pressuring the work environment further. b.) It is important in any departments of organizations that we declare our work progress; this is so we can keep up to date with targets and deadlines also so that team members can utilize the use of support they may need in the work processes, where necessary in order to complete tasks. It is also important to log our progress of work so we can anticipate any problems that we could encounter, and identify them before them before they happen. To identify our progress we are not impacting on others workloads in a negative way, we are working alongside them resulting in a positive outcome. 4. By continuously seeking to improve our performances at work we are able to assess and consider the possible options going forward in the work place, you are exceeding your own limitations/performance, learning new skills and producing quality work that meets the high standards of your organization. By achieving targets and goals are of a higher standard because you are putting more effort into your work. This not only gives the employer a good impression but can give you more chance of increasing your income or getting a promotion, it also gives you the motivation needed to proceed with your work. The efficiency and effectiveness in producing work can give you a sense of satisfaction, as well as receiving positive feedback from the people around you. By using certain analytical procedures we can assess our progress and see where would be the need for improvement. By using SWOT analysis or SMART techniques we can identify our skills, threats, our strengths which can be used to our advantages helping us to focus on our career pathways. Feedback (whether formal or informal) is a key way of enabling us to improve our own performances in the workplace whether it be positive or negative feedback we can take pointers away and work on them to improve work place performances inside of office hours. 5. There could potentially be problems in the workplace which cannot be solved without the interjection of another member of staff. This could be caused by lack of resources for example being short staffed, which is the responsibility of senior management who overlook the Rota’s to make sure there is significant cover ensuring the team can operate as a whole. If the department you are working in has frequent interaction with customers; there may be customer complaints that are not being dealt with correctly. Customers may wish to speak to senior members of staff who can investigate further taking the customer down a different route to solve their query, which only they will have the authorization to do. You may need to refer a problem if the solution involves reimbursement of company funds, or the problem may have a serious impact on an overall company targets. If there is a serious risk to a person’s life or the problem is in breach of a Health and Safety procedure, you must ensure that the information is passed on and dealt with by a member of the correct department as they will be familiar with all the policies and be able to devise a solution.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How did reform movements from 1815 to 1850 change America? Essay
Reform movements from 1815 to 1850 tried to change America. Women’s rights movements, education movements, and thoughts of abolition were main inspirations. Women’s rights movements were becoming more common. More women than ever were coming together to protest. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first organized women’s rights movement. When women went to other conventions they were excluded, this convention was about women and for women. These conventions would eventually persuade congress to pass a law allowing women to vote in the 1900’s. Education movements were also a common thing among minorities. Young Americans in general along with women, African-Americans, and disabled people wanted the educational system improved. A common school movement was started to improve the quality of public schools and help prepare students for success. African Americans wanted schools to allow them in and to supply an education equal to that of young white males. Before the 1820’s women could not obtain a worthwhile education. Catherine Beecher helped the campaign for women’s education. Disabled people were not educated either. Samuel Howe improved the school system by developing methods for teaching the visually impaired. Among other impairments this was the most important to people of this time. After these movements the quality of education was not just a dream. Education changed dramatically during this period, the system went form only white males able to obtain an education to practically any person being able to. Abolition was probably the most important movement of this time. Slavery was becoming a great issue in the government and among commoners. Many of the abolitionists supported the idea of freeing the slaves but not the equality of the African American man. The fight for the outlawing of slavery became so great that the Underground Railroad and other escapes were created. Slavery was eventually outlawed by congress because fights were breaking out. Today most Americans look back and do not understand how this was even an issue. America has become a country against slavery because of the proceedings of this time era’s fight for abolition. These three movements, women’s rights, education, and abolition, were the most important influences on America today. They did not only try to change America but they succeeded. Women have equal rights with men, education is open to any being white, African American, or disabled, and slavery is outlawed.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Familial hypercholesterolemia Essays
Familial hypercholesterolemia Essays Familial hypercholesterolemia Essay Familial hypercholesterolemia Essay Introduction ( 2500 ) Familial hypercholesteremia ( FH ) is an familial familial defect characterized by a high low denseness lipoprotein ( LDL ) cholesterin degrees than normal in the blood. The status can be present from birth and can take to the early development of coronary artery disease and an increased hazard of Coronary bosom disease ( CHD ) if left untreated. ( Ned and Sijbrands, 2011 ) FH is caused by mutants in cistrons encoding cardinal proteins involved in the LDL receptor endocytic and recycling tracts, taking to decreased cellular consumption of LDL. ( REF ) Heterozygous FH is caused either by heterozygous loss-of-function mutants in the LDL receptor that mediates hepatic consumption of low denseness lipoprotein cholesterin ( LDLc ) or APOB encoding its major ligand ; more seldom, dominant mutants in PCSK9. ( Rader et al, 2003 ) A recessionary mutants in LDLRAP1 ( ARH ) cistron is besides known to impact the LDL-receptor tract. ( REF ) Presently, more than 1000 LDL receptor mutants have bee n documented worldwide. These mutants affect all functional spheres of the LDL receptor protein and include sliting mutants, transcript figure mutants and single-nucleotide mutants throughout the LDL receptor cistron. ( Usifo, Humpries et al, 2012 ) FH exhibits an autosomal dominant form of heritage with a cistron dose consequence. ( REF ) There is a 50 % hazard of a parent with an altered cistron reassigning it to his or her kid ( NICE, 2008 ) . It has been noted by Goldstein and Brown ( 1989 ) that heterozygous FH shows great variableness in phenotypic look. Moorjani et Al ( 1993 ) attribute the phenotypic fluctuation in heterozygous FH patients to the variableness of the implicit in mutant. Harmonizing to Kotze et Al ( 1993 ) , there are Other familial influences, which appear to act upon this variableness in phenotypic look such as apolipoprotein ( apo ) Tocopherol polymorphism. Furthermore age and sex may hold an consequence on the look of this disease harmonizing to Mabuchi et Al ( 1989 ) . Hill et Al ( 1991 ) besides identified smoke and high blood pressure as hazard factors for this status. Other associated lipid abnormalcies such as low HDL-C degrees, high TG degrees, high Lp ( a ) degrees identified by Seed et Al ( 1990 ) and the presence of type III dyslipoproteinemia identified by Hopkins et Al ( 1991 ) seem to play a important function in the variableness in phenotypic look. FH is now known to be the most frequent inherited upset taking to premature CHD in people of European descent ( Ned A ; Sijbrands, 2011 ) . The prevalence of heterozygous FH in the United Kingdom ( UK ) population is estimated to be 1in500, which means that about 110,000 people in the UK are affected. Harmonizing to NICE ( 2008 ) heterozygous FH persons in the UK have a greater than 50 % hazard of CHD by the age of 50years in work forces and at least 30 % in adult females by the age of 60years ( NICE, 2008 ) . The prevalence of heterozygous FH is nevertheless rare in Africans with no European lineage. ( REF ) However the state of affairs is different for the Asiatic populations particularly china, Japan and India, where it occurs even in those without European lineage. ( REF ) The prevalence rate, as indicated by Austin et Al, ( 2004 ) , is even higher in some geographically or culturally distant groups like the Gallic Canadian community of Quebec with 1 instance per 270 individuals , Lebanese with 1 instance per 170 individuals, Ashkenazi Jews with 1 instance per 67 in and South Africans of Dutch descent with 1 instance per 100 individuals due to the laminitis consequence. It is estimated by Berrade et Al, ( 2012 ) that there are about 10 million people affected worldwide and up to 80 % are undiagnosed. Homozygous FH is really rare but life endangering happening in 1 in 1 million and causes terrible cardiovascular disease in childhood. It is defined clinically by plasma cholesterin degrees transcending 13 mmol/L in grownups and 11mmol/l in kids with extended cutaneal or tendon xanthomas. ( REF ) Citkowitz ( 2013 ) has indicated that without intercessions affected kids every bit immature as 1-2 old ages are at hazard for early coronary events or mycardial infarction or even sudden decease by the age of 30 old ages. Accurate estimations of mortality rates for FH are presently non available nevertheless the comparative hazard of decease of FH patients non treated is between three and fourfold. ( REF ) : Curently, FH is massively under diagnosed worldwide, with less than 1 % diagnosing in most states. ( REF ) The few exclusions are 71 % diagnosed in the Netherlands, 19 % in Iceland, 43 % in Norway, 13 % in Switzerland, and 6 % in Spain. ( Steve E Humphries, 1989 ) There is merely 15-17 % of instances identified in the UK which suggests that there may be around 150 to160 people with undiagnosed FH per 100,000 population. ( Heart UK ( 2012 ) Traditionally an elevated sum blood cholesterin degrees in and clinical marks such as the presence of sinewy xanthomas and household history of coronary arteria disease ( CAD ) was the method used for diagnosing. ( REF ) There are several Flaws with this method. One of the jobs with this method was the inability to separate FH from other signifiers of hypercholesteremia such as familial faulty apolipoproytein B-100 which is clinically identical from FH. ( REF ) FH-positive patients in add-on may non hold sufficiently elevated degrees of cholesterin for clinical diagnosing and there is besides the job with the scope of serum cholesterin and LDL-C degrees which overlaps in normal persons and FH patients. Early surveies conducted on kids have shown misdiagnosis rates runing from 4.5 % to18.9 % when utilizing entire cholesterin or LDL-C cutoff points ( Leonard et al. 1977, Kwiterovich et al. 1974 ) In add-on, surveies have shown that sinewy xanthomas are non ever prevalent in FH patients and are seldom present until the 4th decennary of life. Therefore, the presence of sinewy xanthomas is non a dependable diagnostic standard, particularly in kids ( Austin et al. 2004 ) . In the Uk the diagnostic standards extensively used for the clinical diagnosing of FH is the Simon Broome Register Group ( SBRG ) . SBRG take into history that entire and LDL degrees and the fact that it differ for grownups and kids. The standard besides take history of grounds of dominant transmittal and the age of oncoming of coronary disease in the kindred. ( REF ) However due to the defects in the sole usage of clinical diagnosing, a alteration was made in 1994 and DNA-based mutant testing methods was besides added as sufficient for a definite’ diagnosing. ( REF ) SBRG identified DNA analysis and mutant designation utile peculiarly in state of affairss where clinical information is limited such as in the immature and because it besides provides the chance for simple designation of at hazard relations. ( Marks, 2003 ) Deoxyribonucleic acid diagnosing is now typically considered the gilded criterion for testing affected household members, but this presupposes cognition of the causal mutant in the household. ( Marks, 2003 ) If the mutant is non known, current methods of extended mutant testing for LDLR, APOB, and PCSK9 are successful at placing the mutant in merely 50 % to 80 % of patients with definite FH by clinical criteria,7–11 although Civeira et al 6 study an designation rate every bit high as 88.5 % . ( Civeira et al ) Mutants among those with possible or probable clinical diagnosing are less often found. ( Hopkins, 2010 ) At present DNA mutant testing methods are comparatively expensive and ranges from between ?500 and ?1000 per patient in the UK. However, one time the causative mutant in the patient has been found, comparatively inexpensive molecular testing in relations is possible bing between ?150 and ?185. ( REF ) 1.1 Purposes and aims of the probe National Institute of Clinical Excellence ( NICE ) ( 2008 ) has issued guidelines which states that with consequence from September 2008, following the clinical diagnosing of FH, DNA proving should be carried out to corroborate the diagnosing and set up the precise mutant involved. Harmonizing to the recommendation placing instances of FH should be every bit early as possible and proposes that this should be before the age of 10 old ages. The verification of the diagnosing, should carried out in specializer lipoid clinics which includes patient guidance in order to originate cascade testing of relations which is now considered to be the most cost-efficient attack for designation of new FH topics. ( NICE ) ( 2008 ) Deoxyribonucleic acid testing, harmonizing to the guidelines should be the primary resource tool one time cascade testing of relations commences. Persons with mutants identified can so be treated to populate normal healthy lives with cholesterol-lowering drugs such as lipid -lowering medicines and alterations of life style made. Benefits from cascade proving enterprises to happen new instances of FH following Nice recommendations include a decrease in premature deceases from bosom disease and a decrease in long-run morbidity and its associated costs. ( NICE, 2008 ) Since the cost of effectual therapy is so low, a important economy could be made by the NHS in England, due to a decrease in CHD events and the cost of hospital admittances. NHS England’s position is that bettering FH sensing and direction is a worthwhile, cost and clinically effectual aim. ( NHS England, 2013 ) If sensing and direction of FH is improved, many lives will be saved, and many households will be spared the current inevitableness of life with, or deceasing from, premature cardiovascular disease. ( NICE, 2013 ) Bettering consciousness among healthcare professionals of the benefits of cascade testing and promoting coaction between Clinical Commissioning Groups CCGs and regio nal webs to implement cascade proving will better the designation of people with FH harmonizing to NHS England. ( NICE, 2013 ) Statistic show that if 50 % of the predicted relations of people with FH were diagnosed and received intervention, the NHS could salvage ?1.7 million per twelvemonth on health care for bosom disease and ?1.4 million per twelvemonth merely by implementing cascade testing. ( Heart UK ( 2012 ) Cascade proving in households with a known causative mutant has been carried out really successfully in the Netherlands over the last 15 old ages utilizing trained familial field workers. ( Neil, Humpreies, 2000 ) Universal showing of kids has frequently been suggested but has so far merely been implemented in Slovenia and at the age of 5. ( Kusters et Al, 2012 ) Heart Charities like The British Heart Foundation ( BHF ) and Heart UK are pressing the NHS to present cascade proving UK-wide and has allocated ?1.5 million in support to back up the debut of Cascade texting. ( BHF, 2013 ) Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland has successfully implemented comprehensive cascade proving but non England. Wales had 97 known FH instances but since the debut of cascade showing in 2010, it has identified 372 others from proving 1,141 people ( Denis Campbel, 2012 ) Harmonizing to Steve Humphries, professor of cardiovascular genetic sciences at University College London, England s failure to follow the 2008 recommendation from NICE to test full households will be missed chance and that trusting on GPs to descry patients with high degrees of harmful LDL cholesterin and mention them to an NHS lipid clinic for proving, which should place their FH, is unequal. He said: The best manner to restrict the harm caused by coronary bosom disease is to place those at hazard every bit early as possible. The greatest chance for such disease bar lies in naming and handling people with FH and testing their households. Humphries estimates that 101 cardiovascular deceases will be avoided for ever y 10,000 FH patients aged 30 to 86 treated with high strength lipid-lowering medicines to cut down their degree of LDL cholesterin. ( Denis Campbel, 2012 ) In order to implement cascade proving in the UK, a guideline development group was set up and several countries of contention that were discussed by the guideline development group [ 3 ] . ( What is this group about ) One major issue centred around the cost-effectiveness of different schemes for cascade testing, with wellness economic analysis [ 9 ] proposing that the handiness of DNA information well enhanced cost-effectiveness and decreased cost. Modeling found that the most efficient scheme was to utilize DNA proving where this was available, and plasma lipid measurings in the relations of all patients with both definite and possible FH ( by UK standards ) where no mutant ( or no proving ) was available. While it was recognized that this scheme was associated with a higher figure of relations being tested and therefore higher initial costs, it was found that this would besides increase the figure of identified FH relations and therefore the figure of quality adjusted life old ages that could be gained. For households where no mutant had been detected, age and gender-specific LDL-C and entire cholesterin cut-offs were recommended [ 10 ] , since the cut-offs used for the diagnosing of an FH patient in the general population are excessively high for relations with a 50 % anterior chance of holding the upset. Steve E Humphries There are assorted commercial kits available designed to prove for the most common mutants which includes the Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip. However, in the UK, due to the extremely heterogenous nature of the population most of these attacks are non to the full effectual. The Elucigene F20 and Lipochip was evaluated cost efficaciously by NICE. Based on the findings from the analysis NICE ( 2011 ) concluded that the Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip are non recommended for cascade proving relations of people with confirmed familial hypercholesterolaemia because targeted sequencing is less expensive and can be used for all relations with no loss in wellness benefits. ( why is it less expensive ) Randox laboratories has developed an FH biochip array systems offering coincident analysis of 40 familial mutants in FH with changing abilities for sample throughput, cost nest eggs and labour demands. ( Is this targeted sequencing, on what rule ) This survey will measure this FH 20 biochip array on an Evidence Investigator platform to observe the 20 common mutants in the Low Density Lipoprotein ( LDLR ) , Apolipoprotein B ( ApoB ) and PCSK9 cistrons in the UK. By testing mutant in these three cistrons in the UK, harmonizing to NICE ( 2008 ) , it is possible to place a causative mutant in up to 80 % of patients with the strongest clinical diagnosing based on the Simon Broome standards. The FH40 was evaluated at the Molecular Biology research lab of the Surrey Pathology services, following NICE ( 2011 ) recommended nosologies counsel for quickly and expeditiously following efficient and cost-efficient FH diagnostic engineerings in the NHS. The intent was to set up whether or non the FH20 from Randox laboratories is more likely to accurately corroborate a diagnosing at a sensible cost compared to a comprehensive familial analysis as an option in the south East cost strategic wellness Authority of England. It was besides to set up whether the FH20 can be cost efficaciously used to p rove relations of FH patients with no loss in wellness benefits. ( why is this necessary ) The cost effectual analysis was carried out utilizing NICE recommended attention tract for the designation and direction of FH. The cardinal elements of the attention tract include utilizing the combination of the Simon Broome standards for clinical diagnosing and a DNA trial for univocal verification. Children who have a parent with known familial hypercholesterolaemia should be offered a DNA trial if the household mutant is known harmonizing to NICE ( 2008 ) . Cascade proving of at-risk relations ( first- , second- and perchance third-degree biological relations ) is recommended utilizing a combination of DNA proving and measuring of LDL-C concentration. A high-intensity lipid-lowering medicine should be considered for people with familial hypercholesterolaemia with the purpose of accomplishing a recommended decrease in LDLC concentration of more than 50 % . Lipid-modifying intervention sho uld be considered for kids with familial hypercholesterolaemia by the age of 10, and initial intervention should be statin therapy. ( NICE, 2011 ) The aim of this survey is to develop sufficient grounds to back up the usage of this FH 40 biochip array engineering in the RSCH NHS molecular research lab to corroborate FH diagnosing and as portion of cascade proving with all the benefits of any other commercial immunochemical assay analyser in footings of throughput, cost, public presentation and easiness of usage. The Surrey pathology services provide pathology service for three NHS infirmaries and serve a population of about 1.2 million in the south east seashore strategic wellness authorization. The cost analysis was carried out utilizing nice bing templet. Cost effectiveness calculated as cost per life twelvemonth gained ( extension of life anticipation ensuing from intercession ) including estimated costs of testing and intervention. ( what are the benefits of this analysis ) This undertaking will organize an advanced move for the development of molecular biological science techniques in the field of lipid upsets particularly in primary hypercholesterolaemia. Once established, this specialized service can be offered at national and regional degrees. This will further heighten the quality and efficiency of patient attention, preventative medical specialty and guidance services to this potentially treatable instance of primary hypercholesterolaemia in footings of cut downing morbidity and mortality from premature atherosclerosis-related complications.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ethics in the Energy Industry essays
Ethics in the Energy Industry essays The purpose of this paper is to examine the ethical issues faced by the energy industry before, during, and after the deregulation of the energy market in California. Part one will explain the ethical issues and how they came about. Part two will look at how several of the players in this industry have addressed these issues. In part three, I will critique the appropriateness of how the issues were addressed. In my analysis of these issues, I will focus on the following measurements: whether the industries initial approach to the issue was appropriate, whether the industry followed through appropriately as the issue developed; whether it industry has taken the necessary steps to avoid similar problems in the future. The story of the California energy crisis is the story of a deregulation nightmare made worse by the unethical actions of several very powerful companies. This story is fraught with perils such as planning lapses, serious policy blunders, and warnings that came too late. The overall effects of the energy crisis in California have been devastating. Johnson (2001) reported that the experiment in deregulation has come at a staggering cost: $40 billion. That number includes the $23 billion already paid by customers when rates were frozen at artificially high levels, and the $7.5 billion in bonds financing consumers' own rate reduction. (p. 1A) The central issue is whether the major players in the California energy market acted ethically before, during, and after the deregulation of that market. Shaw and Barry (2004) define business ethics as the study of what constitutes right and wrong, or good and bad, human conduct in a business context (Shaw The road ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
GPA, SAT and ACT Data for Top Virginia Colleges
GPA, SAT and ACT Data for Top Virginia Colleges From tiny liberal arts colleges to large state universities, Virginia has some excellent options for higher education. Nearly all of the states best schools have holistic admissions, so the admissions folks will be looking for more than good grades and standardized test scores. Challenging high school courses, a well written essay, interesting extracurricular activities and positive letters of recommendation are all important pieces of the admissions equation. That said, the empirical part of your application is still remarkably important. To see if you numbers are in line for Virginias top colleges and universities, follow the links below for college profiles and graphs of GPA, SAT and ACT data for accepted, waitlisted, and rejected students: Christopher Newport University Located in Newport News, a city in southeastern Virginia, CNU is a small public university with a wide range of academic strengths. Christopher Newport University ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for CNU Admissions College of William Mary One of the best public universities in the country, the College of William Mary has highly selective admissions. Its attractive campus is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. College of William Mary ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for William Mary Admissions George Mason University Established in 1957, George Mason is a large public university with a main campus in Fairfax, Virginia. The schools NCAA Division I athletic teams compete in the Atlantic 10 Conference. The university has been expanding rapidly with both online and traditional learning opportunities. George Mason University ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for George Mason Hampden-Sydney College One of the oldest colleges in the United States, Hampden-Sydney College is located in rural central Virginia on an attractive 1340-acre campus. Hampden-Sydney is one of the few all-male colleges in the country. Hampden-Sydney College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Hampden-Sydney Admissions Hollins University Located in Roanoke, Virginia, Hollins College is a private liberal arts college for women. The schools programs in English and Creative Writing are particularly strong, and overall strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned Hollins a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Hollins College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Hollins Admissions James Madison University A relatively large public university located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, JMU features an attractive campus and NCAA Division I athletic programs that compete in the Colonial Athletic Association. Academic programs in business fields are particularly popular with undergraduates. James Madison University ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for JMU Admissions Longwood University Located in Farmville, Virginia, Longwood is a small public university that emphasizes hands-on learning experiences. The Longwood Lancers compete in the NCAA Division I Big South Conference. Longwood University ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Longwood Admissions Randolph College Randolph is a very small private liberal arts college located in Lynchburg, Virginia. Students who enjoy personal attention will appreciate the schools 9 to 1 student / faculty ratio and small class size. Biology, business, creative writing, and history are all popular fields of study. Randolph College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Randolph College Randolph-Macon College Located in Ashland, Virginia, Randolph-Macon is a small private liberal arts college with an attractive red-brick campus. Small class sizes and an 12 to 1 student / faculty ratio mean lots of personal attention from the faculty. Biology, communications, and economics are among the most popular majors. Randolph-Macon College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Randolph-Macon Admissions Roanoke College Roanoke College is a private liberal arts college located in Salem, Virginia, not far from Roanoke. The colleges strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned it a chapter of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. Roanoke College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Roanoke College Admissions Sweet Briar College Sweet Briar College sits on a huge campus in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The school has a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in recognition of its strong programs in the liberal arts and sciences, and Sweet Briar also made my list of top equestrian colleges. Sweet Briar College ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Sweet Briar Admissions University of Mary Washington As a public liberal arts college, the University of Mary Washington provides the personal attention of a small college along with the value of a public institution. University of Mary Washington ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Mary Washington Admissions University of Richmond The University of Richmonds attractive campus sits just six miles from downtown Richmond. The university features an impressive 8 to 1 student / faculty ratio and small classes. The Richmond Spiders compete in the NCAA Division I Atlantic 10 Conference. University of Richmond ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for the University of Richmond Admissions University of Virginia UVA is one of the top public universities in the country. The highly selective university has an endowment of over 7 billion dollars and takes pride in its beautiful and historic campus. University of Virginia ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for UVA Admissions Virginia Military Institute VMI is one of the six senior military colleges in the United States. The school has selective admissions and competes in the NCAA Division I Southern Conference. Virginia Military Institute ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for VMI Admissions Virginia Tech Virginia Techs many strengths earned it a place on my lists of top engineering schools and top public universities. The Hokies compete in the NCAA Division I Atlantic Coast Conference. Virginia Tech ProfileGPA, SAT Score and ACT Score Graph for Virginia Tech Admissions Washington and Lee University Located in Lexington, Virginia, Washington and Lee made my lists of top southeastern colleges and best liberal arts colleges. The school has highly selective admissions - to get in, youll need grades and test scores that are well above average. Washington and Lee University ProfileGPA, SAT Scores and ACT Score Graph for Washington and Lee Admissions
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Research case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing Research case study - Essay Example The main purpose of research is to gather information that can be used to satisfy the needs and interests of the consumers profitably. It is imperative to gather as much information as possible about a market so that the marketers will be better positioned to be able to identify the factors that can give them competitive advantage over the other rival competitors. Market research is important as it seeks to create an environment that will give the organisation competitive advantage. 2. The management decision problem facing Wendy over their intention to expand to USA is that they may be over ambitious and fail to penetrate the market due to competition in the industry. It is a bit difficult to penetrate an industry and manage to sweep through the other established businesses entities already established without better marketing strategies than they will be using. For instance, McDonald’s uses cutting edge marketing strategies and this will be an uphill task for Wendy’s to easily surpass this performance given that they are just comfortable with their current performance which is even comparatively lower than that of the rival competitors. It has to be borne in mind that establishing a new business enterprise should not be rushed and there is need for proper plans to be put in place so as to ensure that there would be higher chances of surviving especially in a competitive environment. Launching a new product in the market is not always a guarantee that it will succeed but the need to be acquainted with market trends that are constantly changing. 3. The marketing research facing Wendy is that they are out of touch with their market since they are not venturing into something new by virtue of performing fairly in the market. It is pretty difficult to penetrate a market without knowledge about it. The problem is that when one does not have current knowledge about the interests of the customers, it can be a bit tricky since the chances of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Weekly ass. #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Weekly ass. #1 - Essay Example My experience of the storming phase was prominent in a class grouping of a minor subject. The group was comprised of students of different fields and had little similarities, as well as academic language. It took a great deal of quarreling before we got to perform the task assigned by the instructor. Most of today’s workplace require the following soft skills: 1) proactive attitude, which was described as â€Å"the disposition to say yes rather than no†and marked by a willingness to â€Å"help and take action;†2) problem solving, which is comprised of the problem-finding and the problem-shaping phases; 3) provide services, which is a service orientation based on consistency, sincerity, and mindfulness; 4) teamwork, which is the â€Å"ability to be friendly and work with others in structured groups;†and 5) communication skills, which is characterized by the effectivity and efficiency in conveying â€Å"ideas and information†(Tarnogol, 2010). The significance of possessing such skills becomes evident in the interaction with or between â€Å"difficult people†(Rao, 2010, p.
Female Nazi War Criminals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Female Nazi War Criminals - Research Paper Example It cannot be said that all these women had started their lives as ones who were capable of such awful deeds. Some were prompted to violence whereas others joined Nazi service as they thought of this to be a way out to escape from their lives that were mostly filled with poverty and hardships. Up to 3,200 women offered their duties in different concentration camps. Those who served as female guards were mostly low-to-middle class and they had little or at times no working experience. SS records also show that some of them served as hairdressers, matrons, tram conductors and retired teachers. Eventually, these women acted upon Hitlers message and as a result many people were brutally deprived of their lives by their hands (Clark, 1995). When the fears, the carnage and the wide spread destruction associated with Nazi killing are discussed, a few merciless and cruel women have always attracted a lot of attention for their outrageous behaviors and brutal inflictions. There were low esteemed and notorious camp guards just like Irma Grese and Ilse Koch. In Poland’s region that was seized by the Nazis, another example of a heartless Erna Petri is seen, who was married to one of the Special Security officers and was later on convicted for the case that brought out the shooting incident of six Jewish young children. There is also the case of Johanna Altvater Zelle who served as a German assistant and was taken into custody for murdering a child in Volodymyr-Volynsky’s jail, a Ukrainian district that was also occupied by Nazis. Undoubtedly, the Nazi slaying mechanism was a male-dominating event. However, after analyzing the actual ratio in accordance with the latest outcomes, the amount of German females, who had participated in this holocaust, serving as guards, assistants and assassins, was far much higher than what was being estimated previously (Kershner, 2010). Most of the staff members and workers from the Nazi concentration bases
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words
Motivation - Essay Example The study ash been able to answer all the research questions and has achieved the objectives of the study. The study concludes that the factors of motivation do not differ across generations. They have remained constant and include good wages, leadership roles, appreciation, recognition, achievement, job security and interesting work. Both derive intrinsic motivation from the work, responsibilities and these enhance their self-esteem in both cases. The difference lies in the expectations of the Yers fueled by the difference in the social environment in which they have grown up. This generation is ambitious and looks for quick career progression. This enthusiasm and expectation has to be recognized by the managers. They even prefer better communication with their managers and want to take leadership roles. Even though they receive salary as per industry standards, they aspire for more. Many have conceded that they are at their present jobs for lack of better alternative. This demonstr ates lack of motivation. Thus, the managers have to identify unique characteristics and talent at the time of recruitment and clarify the job roles so that the employees do not join under false impressions. They would not start their career with expectations that may not be fulfilled. Thus, the managers have the responsibility to establish psychological contract with the Gen Y to achieve enhanced performance through job satisfaction and employee motivation. The study concluded by providing the limitations to the study and making recommendations for further study in this area. The workforce today comprises of different generational cohorts such as Generations X, Y and baby-boomers that differ from each other. Generation Y is a highly pragmatic generation of workers and to accommodate their concerns endless rounds of corporate restructuring takes place (Amble, 2003). The young workers are full of enthusiasm and are keen to acquire skills and talents that would make them attractive to
Strategic Analysis of Acer Incorporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Strategic Analysis of Acer Incorporation - Essay Example Acer Inc. is the third largest manufacturer of PC in the world that uses transnational strategy in procuring it components for the purpose of maintaining cost leadership. In this respect, we have used PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces model, and SWOT analysis for a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal Acer environment. From this, we have made a series of recommendation to Acer in order to retain its ranking. It is however recommended that Acer adopts Blue Ocean against its competitors by using product premium branding regardless of whether its with Ferrari or any other luxury brand. It is also recommended that Acer uses balance scorecard together with its alliances to drive innovation so as to increase the market share of Acer. Introduction This paper seeks to review in general terms the growth and performance of Acer over the past decade. The paper will analyze the environment in which Acer functions and identify the opportunities and threats to which it might expect to have to respond, and how are these factors likely to impact on the company in the near future. This will be done through environmental analysis (PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT). The report will also make analyses of the resources and key capabilities of the company plus the factors that give the company its competitive advantage. This will be done through assessing the Industry Critical Success Factors, analyzing resources and capabilities and link the generic strategy. Background of the company Acer Incorporated is a multinational electronics manufacturer based in Taiwan. Its product includes desktops, laptops, servers and storage, peripherals, personal digital assistance (PDA), peripherals and e-business services for business, governmen t, education, and home users. Acer Inc is the third largest computer manufacturer in the world after HP and Dell (Shaw & Kotler, 2009). Acer Company owns the largest franchised computer retail chain in Taiwan, Taipei. The company was founded by Stan Shih, Carolyn Yeh his wife, and a group of five others in 1976 as a Multitech. Acer has since been the third largest computer manufacturing company in the world holding 9.5% of the market share, with its growth being experienced outside USA mature market, largely in emerging nations. The peripherals and PC industry is very competitive and Acer has maintained growth since 1999 with significant growth in revenues. The key competitors in the market include Dell, HP and Lenovo; however there is a fragmentation of the market with 46% of it owned by brands which have market share of less than 4% each. Acer seeks to increase its market share through release of premium PCs under Ferrari brand and expansion in LCD TVs with BenQ brand (Unruh & Ett enson, 2010). Growth and performance over the past decade Acer has adopted various strategies to ensure that it remains competitive and retains its ranking at number 3. Acer strives to find a Blue Ocean against its competitors by using premium branding of its product from Ferrari or any other premium luxury brand and make determinations if
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Need to fix and tweak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Need to fix and tweak - Essay Example in mentoring on: the use of hardware, software applications, multimedia, databases, presentations, and other digital technologies (Available Equipment-STC). It’s important to have the right stuff for the right kind of job and that is what the STC helps students get the job done. If you require a certain type of software for work and not sure how to use it, STC has mentors that will help you learn how to use the software and train you also one on one on just about any software available (Technology Mentoring-STC). This is very helpful because not everyone knows a lot about certain software especially those who are freshmen in college. You have certain formats to use for classes and some we may never even heard about it. And this is where STC comes in handy. They teach us about the software in addition to making it available for us. This is very helpful because this saves the students thousands of dollars (Technology Mentoring - STC). STC made it also very convenient because mentors make themselves available for students, walk-ins or by appointments. And if you have a busy schedule they can work around you. You wonder just how helpful a place like the STC can be helpful for a student. There is free printing and many computers to use just about any time you need to work. The STC now provides 40 Dell computers and 8 Apple computers for student use. In addition, the center offers training on 13 software packages and loans out digital cameras, HD camcorders and laptops to students free of charge (Available Equipment-STC). A freshman named Corby who frequents the library commented â€Å" I took a tour and found STC very available for me. I use this place 2-3 times a week. Things that benefit me are the free printing and software†(Wozniak). Freshmen seemed to find them more useful compared to any other students who are in the higher year levels. All students that were asked by the survey â€Å"What do you like about the Student Technology Center?†The
Strategic Analysis of Acer Incorporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Strategic Analysis of Acer Incorporation - Essay Example Acer Inc. is the third largest manufacturer of PC in the world that uses transnational strategy in procuring it components for the purpose of maintaining cost leadership. In this respect, we have used PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces model, and SWOT analysis for a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal Acer environment. From this, we have made a series of recommendation to Acer in order to retain its ranking. It is however recommended that Acer adopts Blue Ocean against its competitors by using product premium branding regardless of whether its with Ferrari or any other luxury brand. It is also recommended that Acer uses balance scorecard together with its alliances to drive innovation so as to increase the market share of Acer. Introduction This paper seeks to review in general terms the growth and performance of Acer over the past decade. The paper will analyze the environment in which Acer functions and identify the opportunities and threats to which it might expect to have to respond, and how are these factors likely to impact on the company in the near future. This will be done through environmental analysis (PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT). The report will also make analyses of the resources and key capabilities of the company plus the factors that give the company its competitive advantage. This will be done through assessing the Industry Critical Success Factors, analyzing resources and capabilities and link the generic strategy. Background of the company Acer Incorporated is a multinational electronics manufacturer based in Taiwan. Its product includes desktops, laptops, servers and storage, peripherals, personal digital assistance (PDA), peripherals and e-business services for business, governmen t, education, and home users. Acer Inc is the third largest computer manufacturer in the world after HP and Dell (Shaw & Kotler, 2009). Acer Company owns the largest franchised computer retail chain in Taiwan, Taipei. The company was founded by Stan Shih, Carolyn Yeh his wife, and a group of five others in 1976 as a Multitech. Acer has since been the third largest computer manufacturing company in the world holding 9.5% of the market share, with its growth being experienced outside USA mature market, largely in emerging nations. The peripherals and PC industry is very competitive and Acer has maintained growth since 1999 with significant growth in revenues. The key competitors in the market include Dell, HP and Lenovo; however there is a fragmentation of the market with 46% of it owned by brands which have market share of less than 4% each. Acer seeks to increase its market share through release of premium PCs under Ferrari brand and expansion in LCD TVs with BenQ brand (Unruh & Ett enson, 2010). Growth and performance over the past decade Acer has adopted various strategies to ensure that it remains competitive and retains its ranking at number 3. Acer strives to find a Blue Ocean against its competitors by using premium branding of its product from Ferrari or any other premium luxury brand and make determinations if
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Structure of the United Nations Essay Example for Free
The Structure of the United Nations Essay The structure of the United Nations is based around its charter. The charter of the UN defines six main organs of the new world body, each with specific tasks and functions. The six main organs are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. The General Assembly has the right to discuss, debate, and make recommendations on a range of subjects pertaining to international peace and security, including human rights, international law, and peaceful arbitration between disputing nations. General Assembly is the only part of the United Nations that represents all 193 member states, each of which has one vote. Votes taken on important issues require a two-thirds majority of Member States. The General Assembly may elect the nonpermanent members of the Security Council and other bodies such as the Human Rights Council. Also it considers reports from the other four organs of the United Nations, assesses the financial situations of member states, and approves the UN budget. The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. It can recommend the use of a blockade or other financial impositions for any nation that is deemed as breaking international law. If these do not work, then the Security Council can call on the United Nations to use military force to enforce its will. The Security Council is made up of 15 member states, consisting of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. The permanent five are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The remaining Security Council members are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. Each member of the Security Council is given one vote and the votes of nine members are needed for action to be taken. All five permanent members have to agree with the course of action, which is called the veto power. The main task of the Economic and Social Council is to promote and improve the economic and social well-being of those living in the member states. This council deals with human rights and seeks to develop a greater understanding of cultures throughout the world. It basically covers the health, education, economic, social and cultural issues and the promotion of the position of women in the world. Economic and Social Council also consults with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), thereby maintaining a vital link between the United Nations and civil society. Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly, one-third retiring after every three years. Retiring members are eligible for immediate re-election. All decisions of the Council are taken by a majority of those present and voting. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the main judicial organ of the United Nations. The Court’s role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted by States and give advisory opinions on legal questions referred by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies. The International Court of Justice is composed of 15 judges, who are elected for terms of office of nine years by the General Assembly and the Security Council. It may not include more than one judge of any nationality. The Members of the Court do not represent their governments but are independent magistrates. All members of the United Nations have to agree to abide by the decisions of the ICJ.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Developing Education in Latin American Countries
Developing Education in Latin American Countries Increasing the quality of Education in Latin American Countries Josà © Luis Llumiquinga Molina Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the ways in which Latin American countries can improve their education. Latin American countries have always been classified as underdeveloped and poor, and one of the causes for which they have been classified as poor and underdeveloped is because of the low level of education that these countries have. There are some things that can be done to improve the education of growing nations. This study shows with practical things, the actions that the Latin Americans governments can do like investing in teachers training, buying technology equipment or focusing on students innovation and creativity. The expected results in this work should show that with these changes education must improve significantly. In conclusion to improve education in Latin countries the different states must invest in key areas for education. Key Words: Education, Latin American Countries, teacher training, technology, innovation and creativity Nations in other parts of the world have always classified Latin American countries as developing countries and this is due to low levels of education and poverty present in Latin America. Each year, international exams such as the PISA show that Latin American countries are below the international average in education. (Pisa results in focus, 2012). For a country, it depending on others and become a productive power and leader in knowledge, it is necessary that education be taken more into account by Latin American governments, who should invest more in this field. In addition to the investments in infrastructure that governments can make must they invested in the greatest productive force of all that is the strength of people. Governments must invest in the education of people so that they can overcome themselves and not depend on the charity of others. Latin American education quality can be improved by investing in the following three key points of education: teacher training, th e use of new technology and the promotion of student ´s interest in innovation and creativity Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Quotes about Education, n.d.). The teachers of any educational institution in the world are fundamental for the process of teaching young learners to be effective, teachers are the guides of their students because they are the ones who bring new knowledge to their students and arouse interest of their students in some future profession, teachers are forming the future of society; That is why it is necessary for teachers to be able to teach correctly, that is to say that their students take ownership of the knowledge with the help of the teacher, then good education would be achieved with educational training of teachers with periodic tests and agreements with international universities that improve the education of teachers. In order for a teacher to teach his students correctly, the teacher must have all his knowledge updated and this is achieved thanks to continuous training as has been done in Ecuador since 2008. Another way to keep trained teachers is through periodic tests that require teachers to study regularly to ensure that their knowledge is updated. An example of periodic test is the evaluations made in Malaysia to teachers, A total of 1,022 English teachers are now undergoing the Cambridge Placement Test (CPT) in their respective districts in Sabah. Education Director Datuk Jame Alip (pic) said on Wednesday the course is aimed to improve their English skills and teaching pedagogy methods (Malaysia, n.d.). Another way to train teachers is to give them the opportunity to get fourth-level titles like in Finland. Teachers in Latin American countries must have opportunities to progress and increase their knowledge to improve their educational capacities and thus improve the overall education of a nation since the education of a country does not improve only by investing in the infrastructure of educational institutions But that investment in one of the most important parts of education prevails, this part is the teachers who, by giving them the opportunity to become learned in their subject matter, is contributing to the teachers being able to explain very easily one Theme and thus contribute to quality education. Quality education is something that can be achieved by giving greater importance to the education and training of teachers, a training that must be continuous and with the opportunity to study in international universities that give teachers more experience and knowledge to the Teachers therefore a real education is given when all members of this process, especially teachers, have adequate levels of training to provide an education that is beneficial to young people who in the future will be contributing with great knowledge to society . Technology is nothing. The important thing is that you have faith in people, that they are basically good and intelligent, and if you give them tools, they will do wonderful things with them (Jobs, n.d.). The second key pint, technology in classrooms is an important resource to improve education in any part of the world because with technology, access to information is very easy, it also promotes research because with technological equipment, the speed with which it is Access to information is the best, so one way to get a better education is through investments by the state in computers and the Internet in addition should use free software programs focused on education. With the provision of computers and internet in different educational institutions can significantly improve the education of students, students who may have never seen a computer in the past can now have the opportunity to learn to use them by breaking many digital gaps, improving Thus substantially the knowledge; The students besides improving their general knowledge could improve their technical knowledge by the simple use of these computational equipment. Students who already have computers and also access to the Internet will have at their disposal an unimaginable amount of information that they can use to improve their knowledge; This has a risk and is that students believe true everything they find on the internet but with the help of a teacher who guides their students this will not be a problem. Also with internet students can be communicated and thus could work together in an online way Free software can be a great educational tool because the costs of acquiring these programs do not exist and this means a great saving for educational institutions, who want to acquire didactic teaching programs at a low cost. An example of free software is the program Scratch is a free programming language and online community developed by the MIT Media Labs Lifelong Kindergarten group (Segal, 2016). This program is an environment in which children can learn to program in a playful and very easy way, in this Program can be programmed games for leisure or games for learning; The Scratch program can be an indispensable learning tool because students have fun while learning and in the end this can be a great way to improve knowledge (Segal, 2016). There are many other programs that can be of help to students, there are free programs such as google docs that can be used to perform group work regardless of distance, this type of program can be used to improve cooperatives among students. Another very useful program is Duolingo, this is a multiplatform program, that is to say that it can work in computers or any type of Smartphone, this program is free and also is a program that is used to learn other languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹through games; This program can be used in classrooms as a complement to normal classes (Segal, 2016). A very successful way to improve education is the use of technology, states can improve the education of their students through successful investments in computers, internet and over-the-counter programs, this set can become very useful because it improves The knowledge of its students by the new information that they can acquire and by the new skills that can get by the simple use of technological equipment that is why the technology is indispensable for an improvement in educational quality. Creativity involves breaking with established patterns to look at things differently (Las 75 Mejores Frases de Creatividad, n.d.). The last point, Research and creativity are two things that are very closely linked, scientists investigate to solve problems, understand phenomena of nature or to discover something new but this is achieved with creativity because creativity is the basis for the invention of some A new device that helps research creativity helps us to break the rules of the known to look for new things never seen before or even though (Ossola, 2016). So for a person to improve is necessary to create new things, to investigate what he does not understand. Education is the basis for a society to change and improve, but for real education to be a reality students should be encouraged to research and promote creativity. One way students improve their interest in research is by integrating them into extra-class clubs, these types of clubs must accept students who are curious about the subject even if they have not the slightest idea of what the Club Student creativity can be greatly enhanced by classroom activities where you have to expose something or demonstrate unprepared skills because students learn to think faster, learn to be resourceful, learn to solve problems faster Definitive are more creative. An example to improve the creativity of the students is to organize groups, give them different topics and organize debates in which each one has to think quickly what he is going to say. Quality in education is achieved with many factors but one of the most important are those that involve the students interest in research and the students ability to be creative, and this is achieved with the students motivation to discover new things as Is given in the case of extracurricular clubs and with the creativity of the student that is given when he learns to think and to develop quickly; Thats why students who are happier doing what they like are the ones with the most knowledge. Conclusion To finish education is an issue that should be of paramount importance for all governments in the world because education is able to overcome poverty and grow not only economically but culturally so that the Latin American people leave behind all that History of poverty and ignorance should improve the education of their youth and to achieve this requires that teachers constantly update their knowledge so that they can teach the right to their students and adequately; It is necessary to invest in technological equipment that will help in the classes and the students must be inculcated the interest in the investigation and the capacity to be creative so that they themselves are the ones that generate their own knowledge and in the future they become people Critical In order to improve education in Latin American countries, a comprehensive work by governments involving both teachers and students and technological infrastructure is needed. References Actualizacià ³n Docente i. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Childress, S. (2016). A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation. WSJ. Retrieved 21 November 2016, from Compton, R.(2011). The Finland Phenomenon à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Compton, R.(2011). The Finland Phenomenon Docentes ecuatorianos obtienen su master gracias a un programa del gobierno. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Formacià ³n Docente. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from H. (2016). 51 Frases de Tecnologà a de Grandes Hombres. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from H. (2016). Las 75 Mejores Frases de Creatividad. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Malaysia: 1,022 teachers take Cambridge Placement Test. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from Ossola, A. (2016). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine. The Atlantic. Retrieved 21 November 2016. PISA 2012 Results. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from Segal, S. (2016). The case for disruption in Latin Americas classrooms. World Economic Forum. Retrieved 21 November 2016. .. (n.d.). Citas, Pensamientos, Frases de EDUCACION. Retrieved November 116, 2016, from Quotes about Education (7687 quotes). (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Americans are Immigrants! Essay -- essays research papers fc
Americans are Immigrants!      â€Å"Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life,†was the words of former American president, John F. Kennedy (American Immigration: Quotes about Immigration). Immigrants have been in America for many years now. Today many people have different opinions about whether immigrants should be allowed into America freely, or if there should be more harsh regulations to those coming into the country. After September 11, people have been afraid, or scared of foreigners coming to America. â€Å"Today a wide-open door is an invitation to national disaster,†was said by FAIR (American Immigration: Quotes about Immigration). I believe this quote is very wrong. People come to our country to find a better place to live, and have a family. They come here for the opportunities, the jobs, and for the pleasures of all the freedom America has to offer. I believe immigrants should freely be able to come into America.      One reason why immigration should be allowed freely into our country all started a long time ago. As early as the 1600’s when Americans were using Africans as slaves, the Americans brought these Africans over to America for their own benefits (American Immigration: Assimilation? If so, to What Degree?). As soon as these Africans came to America their title from Africans changed to African-Americans. This means that they are in fact American. After slavery stopped in later years, the now African-Americans had the chance to go back to their homelands, but refused to (American Immigration: Assimilation? If so, to What Degree?). They were so used to being around their American masters that, they now knew how to speak English. This helped them live strong in America, because they already had an advantage over most other immigrant, because they were fluent in their home language, and the American language (American Immigration: Assimilation? If so, to What Degree ?). This is good because, immigrants have brought so many other languages into America that it causes us to expand our knowledge and learn other languages. Chinese immigrants were getting paid as little as nine hundred dollars a month, while working a eleven hour workday (American Immigration: Assimilation? If so, to What Degree?). But for Chinese immigrants our country is still offering b... They wanted better jobs, more money, and most of all they wanted freedom to express themselves how they wish. Immigrants should have the right to come into America, and become one of us. â€Å"Remember, remember always, that all of us†¦ are descended from immigrants and revolutionists,†Franklin D. Roosevelt (American immigrants: Quotes About Immigrants). Works Cited â€Å"Assimilation? If so, to What Degree?†American Immigration. 27 February 2005.      . â€Å"Opportunities for and Success for Immigrants.†     American Immigration. 27 February 2005. â€Å"Quotes About Immigrants.†American Immigration. 27 February 2005. â€Å"Reasons for Immigration.†American Immigration. 27 February 2005.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Ergonomics Essay -- essays research papers
What is ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker. When there is a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the worker, work-related musculoskeletal disorders can result. Workers who must repeat the same motion throughout their workday, work in an awkward position use a great deal of force to perform, repeatedly lift heavy objects or face a combination of these risk factors are most likely to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders. In this report, I will outline the main factors in having a safe workstation. There are certain ways in which you may choose an ergonomically correct chair. Does the seat feel comfortable and fit your shape? When you sit in the chair the seat should be at least one inch wider than your hips and thighs on either side. The seat should not be too long for your legs otherwise it will catch you behind the knees or it will prevent you from leaning fully back. Most ergonomic chairs have a seat with a front that prevents the seat from catching you behind the knees. The seat should also be contoured to allow even weight distribution and it should be comfortable to sit on. Is the seat chair height adjustable? The chair should be adjustable so that you can adjust seat height while you are sitting on the chair. Some chairs have a mechanical height adjustment (spinning) mechanism. Does the chair have a comfortable lower back rest? Many chairs have cushioned lower back supports that can be adjusted up and down and forwards and backwards to fit your shape. If the chair has a fixed height lower back support and it feels comfortable when you sit back against this then a fixed lower back support may be acceptable. When you sit back against the lower back support is there space for hips? Insufficient hip room can make you sit too far forwards on the seat so that you will not have enough thigh support. Does the seat still feel comfortable after you've been sitting in it for 30 - 60 minutes? If the seat is made from foam then continuous use can cause it to become deformed and then it will not provide cushioned support. Insufficient cushioning and inappropriate contouring can cause discomfort and hip and back fatigue. Is the tilt of the seat adjustable? In some situations it can be helpful to change the tilt of the seat pan to help to maintain a healthy seated postu... ...rved away from any contact surface. The forearm is shaped liked this for the wrist to remain free of surface pressure. Avoid restricting circulation - For many people there are exposed blood vessels near the skin at the wrist, which is where the pulse is often taken. Any pressure in this region will disrupt circulation into the hand and this will increase the risks of injury. Avoid Restricting Arm Movement - with a softly padded wrist rest, especially one that is rounded, or a soft chair arm rest the forearm becomes locked into position and this encourages people to make mouse movements by flicking the wrist, which also increases pressure. Choose a mouse design that fits your hand but is as flat as possible to reduce wrist extension. Don't use a curved mouse. Use a symmetrically shaped mouse. Consider a larger mouse, such as the Whale mouse, that encourage arm rather than wrist movements. The body was designed to perform a variety of tasks while actively using muscles. Sustained muscle activity robs the muscles of life giving blood flow. It is very important to actively stretch during breaks to flush out toxins that build up in the muscles that were used for sustained posture.
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