Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Leadership Concepts In Wal-Mart Business Practices Free Essay Example, 3000 words
The employees of the company have been greatly affected as the management has been unable to address their welfare problems. The employees are being paid poorly despite being subjected to a huge workforce. The values and behaviors of the organization have also been affected by the poor leadership. The ethical values of the organization have been compromised by the widespread corruption at the company. The public image of the company has also been affected by the corruption scandals and poor leadership. Some external stakeholders are also involved in the problem. This includes the officials who are responsible for taking bribes (Abelson Greenhouse, 2011). The company paid a bribe of more than $24 million to the authorities in Mexico in order to set up its stores. This is an indication that the values and behaviors of the organization are not good. It is the responsibility of the leaders within an organization to promote good values so as to ensure that there is trust among the membe rs of the public. It is also the responsibility of the leaders within the organization to ensure that the welfare of the employees is taken care of (Featherstone, 2005). We will write a custom essay sample on The Leadership Concepts In Wal-Mart Business Practices or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, most of the employees working for the company live in poverty due to the poor pay and the poor working conditions. The employees have always complained about the poor pay and have held several demonstrations (Zimmerman, 2005). However, this is usually countered by victimization which discourages the employees from raising their concerns. Poor leadership has also been a barrier to the growth and development of the company. The brand of the company has been on the decline as a result of poor leadership. The design processes at the company are also poor and this affects the delivery of services. The organizational culture of the company is also poor and it affects the daily operations. The poor organizational culture is also attributed to the poor leadership. The needs of the employees are not addressed in most cases as a result of the poor organizational culture.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Analysis Of The Speech Of Muhummad Yunas ( A Microfinancier )
Motivated by the speech of Muhummad Yunas (a Microfinancier), Jessica and her husband Matt Flannery took a trip to Africa where they discovered that small loans (between $100-$150) could significantly improve the standards of living for people in impoverished nations. They decided to find KIVA as a non-for-profit organization, as means to alleviate poverty and inspire entrepreneurs in developing African countries through crowdsourced microloan financing. Suffering general cash-flow problems since inception, KIVA was able to maintain operations by relying on friends and colleagues as an initial source of funds, and providing them with non-monetary forms of remuneration for services rendered. Following their failure at starting Care 4†¦show more content†¦Field partners then transfer the funds to the entrepreneurs, whom make loan repayments back to the Field partners, which then get dispersed to the lenders through KIVA, where they earn a rate of return and get back their prin cipal amount. KIVA’s small-scale informal business model makes it easier manage and helps to foster a more personal relationship for lenders to feel a greater connection to the person they are helping, with a direct person to person impact encouraging more lenders and a greater success rate. A major advantage to being a non-for-profit are the significant cost savings enjoyed through the use of volunteers as opposed to paid labor, which allows KIVA the ability to offer more attractive small and interest-free loans. KIVA’s emphasis on generosity, human connectedness and community help to reinforce its reputation and to attract organizations that wish to publicly demonstrate their corporate social responsibility. Though there are many advantages to KIVA, most are theoretically based on the business structure, model and mission, and as such can only be actualized if the company reaches a certain level of efficacy; making room for a great number of potential disadvantages. The business model as an indirect P2P lending platform, forces a heavy reliance on partners, participating MFIs and
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Importance Of Software Engineering Process For Reducing...
1. Risk reduction is the process for reducing the effects caused on the product or the system. The main purpose of risk reduction is to maintain the functionality of the product, to take care that there is no loss of information, so that the continuity of the project is not lost, prevent from vulnerabilities. Example: A risk that be faced by our website in the project is, server would be down for any maintenance purpose or any other reason which might cause our website to be down resulting in loss of users. For this we can implement a risk reduction activity of using email alerts when the system is down so that we can redirect. We are also using uptime robot for letting us know about the up’s and downs of the server. 2. Purpose of Software†¦show more content†¦Waterfall model is a software engineering process that has sequence of steps which are required for a product to be built or for the completion of a project successfully. This model starts with the requirements analysis phase and end with maintenance having several stages like design, implementation and verification. This model gives us a planned model for developing a product and deploying it in the market. This is also known as a sequential model. Some of the shortcomings of waterfall model are i. It cannot be used for developing large size products ii. Once there is any issued that has raised during the process, the complete process may get complex iii. No changes can be made in between the process. For example if any requirement is missed and due to this if the testing of the product fails then the complete process has to be repeated which is very complicated and time consuming iv. All the requirements have to be known in prior before designing a system and implementing it v. One should have complete knowledge about the product being developed as it is not possible to make changes in between the process. vi. This model can be used in case of small projects so that the scope and timeline is not missed. 4. The key values of agile methodology are i. Customer satisfaction – In actual practice i. e in our project of developing Sudoku we have looked into every feature by which the customer would be satisfied. For example,
Theories of Crime Free Essays
Describe how you think Intelligence-Led Policing in the United States should be conducted. Intelligence-led policing is the latest means by which police authorities solve crimes instead of acting only after a crime has been consummated (â€Å"Intelligence-Led Policing in the United States†). This shift from the old practice needs more development in order to cope up with the changing technological advancement around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Theories of Crime or any similar topic only for you Order Now Besides, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, made this revolution essential. I know that such huge attack in the United States became successful because of negligence and underestimating the capabilities of criminals in using technology to evade the law. For me, there are three ways wherein intelligence-led policing should be conducted in the United States. First, there should be constant look-out of people coming in the country and going out of the same. The possibility of criminals coming in the country not detected by the police is high due to their networks and resources. Second, there should be a more effective system wherein all intelligence units across the country could interact directly through the development of technology to that effect. And third, all suspicious and non-suspicious but possible perpetrators must be constantly monitored for possible crime or terrorism activities, and such action must be done in accordance with law. Specifically, how would you recommend setting up the intelligence community in the United States? Globalization, fast-tracked by development in technology and transportation, has transformed the world smaller for criminals and bigger for state and local law enforcement (â€Å"Intelligence-Led Policing)†. In that sense, setting up the domestic intelligence or the FBI must be magnified to the effect that it is no longer limited to domestic perpetrators but to all their possible accomplices and accessories within the country. The CIA, which is the foreign intelligence must focus on small groups of individual who are capable of consummating criminal acts and study their possible allies and supporters. The role of the militaries is vital in having access to these groups of criminals as they are capable to use bigger force to solve crimes. It would be better if a unified action be made in every intelligence reports received by all authorities in order to prevent commission of crimes against national security and individual well-being. References Suburban Emergency Management Project. 2007. Intelligence-Led Policing in the United States. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from http://www. semp. us/publications/biot_ reader. php? BiotID=474. Bureau of Justice Assistance. 2009. Intelligence-Led Policing. Retrieved July 22, 2009, http://www. ojp. usdoj. gov/BJA/topics/ilp. html. How to cite Theories of Crime, Papers
Five Features Of Reality Essay Example For Students
Five Features Of Reality Essay Five Features of Realityâ€Å"Forms of life resemble what I call, ‘realities’. Forms of life are always form of life forming. Realities are always realities becoming†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 65). What is Reality? Is reality what everyone believes in or does everyone have his or her own reality? Can your reality change what you believe in? Is reality a belief, or is it what you believe in your reality? Can your reality be right or wrong?Reality is an actual situation or event where life cannot be real with an individual and society put together. Reality is not necessarily the same for everyone. Each person may have a different reality based on society, personal experiences, as well as facts. Every individual experiences the Five Features of Reality, which include reflexive, coherence, interactional activity, fragility, and permeability. Reflexive can be defined as believing in something so strongly, to the extent that if someone were to say somethin g different, it would not influence ones decision. The person continues to believe in what they always had in the past. But in the coherence reality, human interaction might change ones belief and they begin to believe something upon what they interact with. Fragility is even more evident in every day life, where the rules are not implicit. Permeable feature is another way of demonstrating how vulnerable ones reality really is. Have you ever believed in something so strongly that when someone would say something different, it would not influence your decision? If so, you may have experienced the first feature of reality, Reflexivity, in which one has an incorrigible proposition. Reflexivity is a relation that exists between entity and itself. For example, if one believes that ghosts exist, one’s everyday life and actions are based on the fact that ghosts do actually exist. By believing this idea, one can increase or limit their perception of reality. One of the aspects of Reflexivity can be explained as follows: â€Å"An incorrigible proposition is one which you would never admit to be false whatever happens†¦the truth of an incorrigible proposition†¦is compatible with any and every conceivable state of affairs†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 52). The next aspect of Reflexivity is secondary elaborations of belief. A person’s Secondary elaborations of beliefs are excuses or reasons why an individual’s incorrigible proposition is correct. For example, suppose an individual leaves their car keys on the kitchen counter, but when they return, they find that the keys are no longer there. Their incorrigible proposition is that another person may have taken or misplaced the keys. Their secondary belief may be an excuse on their behalf of why the keys are no longer there. For instance, they may have dropped the keys. Every individual encounters similar events and therefore assumes the features of incorrigible propositions and secondary beliefs. Mehan and Wood can see another example of Reflexivity in â€Å"Five Features of Reality†. A scientist performs an experiment where a specific amount of chloroform would be given to a butterfly. It is identified that â€Å"chloroform of a certain volume and mix is capable of killing butterflies†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, p.52). One night when performing the experiment, the butterfly didn’t asphyxiate. The scientist was surprised because his incorrigible belief was that theamount of chloroform given to the butterfly would cause death was proven wrong. â€Å"Instead of rejecting chemistry, they can explain the poison’s failure by such things as ‘faulty manufacturing, mislabeling, sabotage, or practical joke†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, p.53). In summary, the scientist had a secondary elaboration of belief to furthermore make his incorrigible belief to be truth. .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .postImageUrl , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:hover , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:visited , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:active { border:0!important; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:active , .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319 .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b4b00bbf00fb579a0bff11994752319:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Energy for Performance in Touch Football EssayCoherence is the second feature of reality. It is a reality based on one’s beliefs. â€Å"Coherence can be found upon analysis. The coherence located in a reality is found there by ethnomethodologist’s interaction work. The coherence feature, like all other features of realities, operates as an incorrigible proposition, reflexivity sustained†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 57). Coherence is also an organized group of knowledge. In an individual, â€Å"normality (and presumably abnormality) is distinct enough that is can be recognized wherever it occurs, for it is carried within the person†( D.L. Rosenhan, On Being Sane in Insane Places, p.112). As explained in â€Å" Social Construction of Unreality†, â€Å"Mary’s family would establish a definition of the immediate situation and use it as a frame of reference for interpreting and describing any and all of Mary’s subsequent behavior†(Pollner McDonald-Wikler, 124). At a later point, Mary was diagnosed as being retarded; at this point the family’s incorrigible proposition has not changed. Therefore one’s belief builds one’s reality. Sometimes because of human interaction one might change their belief and may begin to judge something according to whom they interact with. â€Å"The interaction feature indicates a reality and its signs are mutually determinative, alone neither expresses sense intertwining through the course of indexical interaction they form a life†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 60). This reality has been produced through interaction, which is also a feature of reality. For instance, in Mary’s situation, her parent’s believed that she was a very intelligent girlwho just wanted to embarrass the family in public. â€Å"Family member stated that Mary was a verbal and intelligent child who malingered and refused to speak in public in order to embarrass the family†(McDonald-Wikler, The Social Construction of Unreality, p. 122). Due to the interaction between her mother and father, they both believed that she was not retarded. However, when the family spent time with her doctors and saw that she was incapable of doing all the things they thought she could do, the doctors influenced their reality. Fragility is the fourth feature of reality. â€Å"This fragility feature is even more evident in everyday life, where the rules are not implicit. People interact without listing the rules of conduct†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 61). This feature shows how fragile one’s reality can be. The three things that prove a reality is unstable are: 1) ceaseless reflexive 2) a body of knowledge 3) and interaction. During a class session, Dr. Anderson demonstrated an example in which she used the game tic-tac-toe. When playing this game, the rules were implicit. If one did not abide by these rules, then it would not be called a game of tic-tac-toe, rather a game where one makes the rules as they go along. â€Å"A usually unnoticed feature of the game is a ‘rule’ prohibiting erasing an opponent’s mark. When this unspoken ‘rule’ is broken, it makes its first public appearance. If we were aware of the fragility of our realities, they would seem real†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 61). The last characteristic of Reality is one that is also prominent in everyday life amongst individuals. Permeability is when there is nowhere to escape from your reality, no time to escape, and there is no one to provide evidence for you to hide from it. The Permeable Feature is basically showing another way of how vulnerable one’s perception of reality can be. â€Å"If your reality didn’t exist, you would start adapting to the reality youlive in. In other words, wherever you are or whatever you’re doing – you will start doing the same thing as the people around you†(Mehan Wood, Five Features of Reality, 63). For example, when surrounded by peers who are experimenting with drugs, a young person may be provoked to do the same. .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .postImageUrl , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:hover , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:visited , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:active { border:0!important; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:active , .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82 .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4a67f1ab94498f018a506ad2b491ed82:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Toni Morrison EssayAnyone can change their reality, as is demonstrated by the Five Features of Reality. Each belief regarding one’s reality may be strong and therefore may be hard to change. There can’t be a right or wrong reality in one’s life. Each person’s reality makes sense for the atmosphere, experiences, beliefs, and valid evidence that is present in their life. Through the Five Features of Reality, individuals have concluded answers that provide a better understanding of reality. Although the Five Features are very accurate, what some believe in and others don’t, I’d have to say I believe the Five Features. My belief has no w become my reality. Although my reality can be fragile, it can also be changed since it was formed through other human interaction, as the Permeability Feature is displayed. To conclude this essay, I leave you with a quote from Barry Alfonso†¦. â€Å"BR: In every sense we create our own reality, and this goes much further than most people aware of or are willing to admit. The reason most people can’t see this is because everyone is creating their own reality, but 99.9% of them are creating the same one-using the same basic materials, including the same beliefs and the same values, the same EVERYTHING. And together it all appears to be one â€Å"reality†(Barry Alfonso, 6).†Sociology Issues
Saturday, May 2, 2020
It Happens Once a Month Essay Example For Students
It Happens Once a Month Essay Honestly, being on my monthly period is definitely not what I look up to each month. To prove this, this is a story of an experience I recorded in my journal while at bible camp in October. It was the day before the last day of camp and at morning worship, I had these really bad pains (I thought I had to pee) and I went to the bathroom, but the pains didnt go away. So my day continued on, and after dinner, the person in charge told us the we were going to play a game in the forest. For some reason I just said to myself, hmm, looks like Ive got my period. and went straight to the game. I must of thought that it wasnt happening or it was something else. So I played the game, and my team won , so I was in a good mood. But I had to go to the bathroom again. I get to the bathroom and the spot was a little bigger. I was sitting in the stall and in the next stall I heard someone opening a pad. I had never heard that noise ever, but by the grace of God somehow I knew it was a pad. Somehow I mustered up the courage to ask this girl if I could have a pad because I had started my period, and she was just like Yeah, sure. If you need more, come find me. I said thank you, and went to put it on. It must have been a maxi pad, it was so thick. By this time, it was time for a campfire, so I uncomfortably sat through campfire masking my pain. This had to be the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me this month. There are times when I try not to even think about it with hopes that my body somehow forgets to flood me with reminders that I am fertile. I remember when I first got mine and there was kind of this thing where I thought it was cool. If I could go back, I’d tell myself it wasn’t cool and to put it back as long as I could. As time went on, I tried dealing with the pain and hormonal shifts in my body by not just curling in a ball on my bed, but by doing active things to ease the pain. The activities I do during the during of my period is play basketball, which helps me take out my anger and the movement of my body really relaxes me. Regarding my mood, I am usually a pretty calm person, but every month, I just get so irritated over the dumbest crap; I cant even stand being around people a lot of the time. Plus, I get the cramps from hell, which doesnt help my mood any. And man, I get the weirdest cravings, especially for anything thats sweet or sour: mint chocolate chip ice cream, lemonade, white chocolate etc. Ive never been much of a crier, and I dont tend to get emotional when Im PMSing, but . For a space of about two hours the day before I start literally anything will bother me. Also, this is more what PMS (as in Pre-Menstrual) feels like. I was expecting more of what it actually feels like to be on it. Like someone is ripping apart one of my organs from the inside or my reproductive system is a war zone and Im supposed to shove a foreign object up there? These are some of the thoughts I get when on my period. Sometimes, my period is so embarrassing at times, so I try to hide it. I was never the type to tell everyone I’m on my period.
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