Saturday, March 16, 2019

Dickinson Vs. Whitman Essay -- essays research papers

Dickinson vs. WhitmanAfter receiving five old age of schooling, Walt Whitman spend four yearslearning the printing trade Emily Dickinson returned domicile after receivingschooling to be with her family and never really had a job. Walt Whitman spentmost of his time observing people and New York City. Dickinson rargonly unexpended herhouse and she didnt associate with many people other than her family. In this shew I will be comparing Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman.Emily Dickinsons career differs greatly from the life of Walt Whitman,although they lived during the same time period. Walt Whitman publishedpractically all his poetry during his lifetime, only if Emily Dickinson onlypublished seven of her poems during her lifetime. Actually, her poetry wasntpublished until after her demise. both(prenominal) Whitman and Dickinson were poeticpioneers because of the new ideas they used in their poetry. Emily Dickinsondid not write for an audience, however Walt Whitman wrote for an a udience aboutseveral national events. The forms each poet used are different as well. Therhyme in the poetry by Whitman is drastically different from the poetry writtenby Dickinson, because Whitman didnt use any rhyme.Emily Dickinson grew up in Amherst, Mass, and Walt Whitman grew up inNew York City, New York this is one fashion that these poets lives differ. Themain people that influenced Emily Dickinson were Ralph Waldo Emerson and EmilyBronte. Walt Whitman was influenced by many people, some of which were EliasHicks, James Macpherson and William Shakespeare. Whitman con many book reviewsby many people from these, he cognise Emerson was very influential. Whitmanwas also influenced by the Bible, his walks in New York City, Tom Paine, and astrong love for music. After Whitman started preparing to be a poet, he state hewas merely "simmering," but the ideas of Emerson brought him to a "boil."Dickinson wasnt addressing anyone in particular by dint of her poetry, but Whitmanaddressed the citizens of the United States, most of the time, through hiswritings. After cultivation "The Poet" by Emerson and seeing how he defined therole of the poet in democracy, Whitman was longing to assume that role. Whitma nloved to have his picture taken and in that respect are many pictures of him. Dickinsononly allowed her picture to be taken formerly and did so reluctantly. NeitherDickinson nor Whi... ...n wrote about the Civil War. Dickinson often wroteabout death and nature. The punctuation is drastically different as well.Whitman used mostly traditional punctuation in his poetry, but in the poem" fix Beat Drums" he used a big amount of dashes "Beat use up drums-blowbugles blow Through the windows-through the doors-burst like a ruthlessforce." Dickinson used a form of punctuation unique to her poetry as well ascapitalization. She used irregular capitalization to emphasize certain wordsfor example, in the poem "This is My Lette r to the World," she capitalized thewords, World, Me, News, Nature, Majesty, Message, Hands, Her, and Sweet. Shedid this because those things were important to her.Walt Whitmans and Emily Dickinsons lives were very different, althoughthey lived during the same time period. for each one poet chose to be well-nigh certainpeople and things. Those people and things they chose to be around greatlyinfluenced their poetry. The forms and subjects are different because theyliked writing about things that happened in their lives. They are bothinnovators in poetry because they chose to change common things in writingpoetry.

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