Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Advertising and promotion strategy Essay
Since the inception of the company’s first outlet in Cleveland, Mississippi in the year 1987, Back Yard Burgers depended mostly on the word of mouth publicity to spread awareness and promote its home cooked burgers. New outlets that opened in the subsequent years expanded not only the company’s consumer base and revenue but also stressed the need for aggressive marketing strategy to sustain the increased cost of operations. Back Yard Burgers started advertising on the television in the year 1993. The initial advertising campaigns were titled â€Å"the great burger wars†that took a punch at the competitors. In June 1994 the company launched a series of campaigns that featured Dennis R. Phillipi, a popular comedian in Memphis who soon became famous as Dennis the â€Å"Back Yard Burgers Guy†. The commercials projected the burgers as bigger, tastier, and healthier than those offered by the competitors due to its grilled cooking method that melted most of the fat. The advertising campaigns were effective in increasing sales and raising the revenue by 10 to 15%. Launch of new products and subsequent commercials on the television featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective strategy. The company used the audio of these commercials in radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the company also used direct mail advertising. The company collects 1% of taxable sales from each franchisee and company-operated restaurants that goes to the national advertising fund. 50% of this fund is utilized for marketing promos through various channels like radio, television, and print media. The rest 50% is used for market research, new product testing, and development, improvising on the operational front. The company’s marketing director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening promotions and marketing managers with a well-trained staff. The management works in collaboration with the franchisees towards advertising and promotion of its restaurants. The advertising fee earned by the company increased from $314,000 in July 1, 2006 period to $318,000 in June 30, 2007 period. The $4000 increase over the earlier period is accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising fund as per company policies. The company also recorded an increase in the advertising expense from $668,000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814,000 in June 30, 2007 that attributes to approximately 5% of the net restaurant sales on advertising in the past year. (see annexure for the comparative income statements). The company has been stressing on the advertising and promotion strategy but it has not been very effective. There are some important points that can be highlighted in this respect. †¢ The company has not been able to create brand loyalty and brand awareness in spite of good quality products and effective marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be remedied with aggressive market campaigns that aim at the younger generation since this is the biggest consumer segment for the fast food industry. Strategies that aim for deeper market penetration, fun logo that people can relate to enjoyable food and moments are essential for brand positioning. â€Å"Fun logo†is a concept that the consumers can equate with good times. The simple logo of McDonald’s is easily identifiable and children and youngsters can spot it from a distance – this is one of the best examples of effective brand positioning. †¢ The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can adopt is the use of bright color-coding for their outlets and the signboards. A bright color scheme attracts the younger generation and gives it an inviting look. The uniformity in look and feel of the franchisee restaurants and the other company-operated restaurant is essential to make an easily identifiable picture in the consumer minds. †¢ In running a successful brand promotion campaign the essential point is to identify the consumer segment. Who are the consumers and the target focus group for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form a major chunk of the consumer group typically favour the fast food industry. The working people segment is another segment that will stop by for fast and filling food in their office hours. Fast service food is ideal meal for this segment. Campaigns attracting these two segments will create brand awareness and spell higher revenues for the company. †¢ Last but not the least the quality of food and service efficiency is the crux of the fast food industry. A good and satisfying meal will have the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy customer will not only promote brand loyalty but will have high recommendations regarding the food and service to their friends and families. This is the greatest form of publicity that a fast food outlet can expect.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Penn foster study guide Essay
Welcome to Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education! We hope that this course will add to your knowledge and help you form new opinions about a subject in which you’re already interestedâ€â€educating young children. KNOW YOUR TEXTBOOK Your textbook for this course is Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Teaching Children in a Diverse Setting by Janet Gonzales-Mena. It’s important that you read the material in your textbook and study until it’s completely familiar to you. This is the material on which your examinations are based. The content of the textbook is divided into three sections: Part 1â€â€Foundations of the Teaching-Learning Process: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator Part 2â€â€Foundations of Curriculum: Planning for Learning Part 3â€â€Foundations for Formal Education: Planning for Learning As you read the chapters within those parts, you’ll discover the following features: Chapter introductions, which provide overviews Chapter outlines, which identify key topics Sections titled â€Å"In This Chapter You’ll Discover,†which provide a list of things you should learn in the chapter  Marginal links that connect key content to the National  Association for the Education of Young Children early childhood program standards Your examples should be descriptions of specific incidents. For example, a child may have had a problem separating from a parent the day that you observed. You would describe exactly how the caregiver or teacher handled the situation and redirected the child. Giving a general description or providing brief examples of how the caregiver or teacher interacts with the all the children in the room isn’t sufficient for this part of your summary. 3. What is the guidance and discipline policy used at the facility? Clearly explain how misbehavior is handled. 4. What did you like best and least about the program? This part of your summary should state your views of the program. Discuss three points you liked about the program and three points you didn’t like. Provide specific examples to illustrate each point. 5. What are some suggestions for improvement? In this part of your report, discuss some ways in which you feel the quality of the program could be improved. What do you think could be done differently that would better meet the needs of the children in the setting? Remember, even the best environment can be improved. List at least five suggestions for improvement. Make any other needed revisions. Revise as many times as you feel necessary, and then correct your report for spelling and grammar. Your final submission should be typed in a 12-point font with double-spaced formatting.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Carl Gauss Essays - Differential Geometers, Number Theorists
Carl Gauss Carl Gauss was a man who is known for making a great deal breakthroughs in the wide variety of his work in both mathematics and physics. He is responsible for immeasurable contributions to the fields of number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy, and optics, as well as many more. The concepts that he himself created have had an immense influence in many areas of the mathematic and scientific world. Carl Gauss was born Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, on the thirtieth of April, 1777, in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick (now Germany). Gauss was born into an impoverished family, raised as the only son of a bricklayer. Despite the hard living conditions, Gauss's brilliance shone through at a young age. At the age of only two years, the young Carl gradually learned from his parents how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet. Carl then set to teaching himself how to read by sounding out the combinations of the letters. Around the time that Carl was teaching himself to read aloud, he also taught himself the meanings of number symbols and learned to do arithmetical calculations. When Carl Gauss reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invented the shortcut formula on the spot, and wrote down the correct answer. Carl came to the conclusion that the sum of the integers was 50 pairs of numbers each pair summing to one hundred and one, thus simple multiplication followed and the answer could be found. This act of sheer genius was so astounding to Herr Buttner that the teacher took the young Gauss under his wing and taught him fervently on the subject of arithmetic. He paid for the best textbooks obtainable out of his own pocket and presented them to Gauss, who reportedly flashed through them. In 1788 Gauss began his education at the Gymnasium, with the assistance of his past teacher Buttner, where he learned High German and Latin. After receiving a scholarship from the Duke of Brunswick, Gauss entered Brunswick Collegium Carolinum in 1792. During his time spent at the academy Gauss independently discovered Bode's law, the binomial theorem, and the arithmetic-geometric mean, as well as the law of quadratic reciprocity and the prime number theorem. In 1795, an ambitious Gauss left Brunswick to study at Gottingen University. His teacher there was Kaestner, whom Gauss was known to often ridicule. During his entire time spent at Gottingen Gauss was known to acquire only one friend among his peers, Farkas Bolyai, whom he met in 1799 and stayed in touch with for many years. In 1798 Gauss left Gottingen without a diploma. This did not mean that his efforts spent in the university were wasted. By this time he had made on of his most important discoveries, this was the construction of a regular seventeen-gon by ruler and compasses. This was the most important advancement in this field since the time of Greek mathematics. In the summer of 1801 Gauss published his first book, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, under a gratuity from the Duke of Brunswick. The book had seven sections, each of these sections but the last, which documented his construction of the 17-gon, were devoted to number theory. In June of 1801, Zach an astronomer whom Gauss had come to know two or three years before, published the orbital positions of, Ceres, a new "small planet", otherwise know as an asteroid. Part of Zach's publication included Gauss's prediction for the orbit of this celestial body, which greatly differed from those predictions made by others. When Ceres was rediscovered it was almost exactly where Gauss had predicted it to be. Although Gauss did not disclose his methods at the time, it was found that he had used his least squares approximation method. This successful prediction started off Gauss's long involvement with the field of astronomy.On October ninth, 1805 Gauss was married to Johana Ostoff. Although Gauss lived a happy personal life for the first
Writing As Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writing As - Assignment Example His theory is based on the simple premise that population growth is more exponential than food growth. As a result, it is necessary to adopt checks that will regulate population control by aligning it with food growth. The similarity between Malthus’ and Smith’s rationales lies in a belief that population regulates itself naturally. Consequently, it is not necessary to employ man-made measures to control population growth. In this regard, Smith reasons that the liberal reward of labor naturally limits population growth while Malthus rejects his proposal of a preventive check and leans towards a positive check (natural population-reducing disasters like famine, poor living and working conditions, conflict, and disease (Ness & Ciment, 2014). In conclusion, it is safe to say that Smith and Malthus subscribe to the Darwinian concept of survival for the fittest and natural population control methods. It is also logical to infer that both authors’ objectives in making their arguments concerning population are the same. What both scholars are insinuating is that population growth is a self-regulating phenomenon that is better left to nature than manipulated using human
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Final Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final Leadership - Essay Example Charisma and value orientation are other necessary skills for the situation and can help to capture employees’ loyalty to the organization and its values. The ability to empower people, against odds, is another necessary leadership skill that the situation requires and would help the organization to retain its employees who would be willing to face the situation and emerge successful. Cobb characteristics of an enterprising person and a team builder correspond to the required skills (Daft, 2008). I would not promote such a person. My decision is based on the meaning and scope of leadership that defines a leader’s influence on people and not a leader who follows what people want. A person who pleases people will similarly not be able to influence changes that the people do not want and would therefore risk an organization’s interest that may conflict with people’s interest in times of crisis (Daft, 2008). A manager who is kind and concerned about employees has high probability of achieving top line and bottom line results simultaneously. This is because the two traits, as are identifiable with charismatic leadership that facilitates loyalty from people, and obedience to set instructions. The manager will therefore achieve such set objectives through the people’s loyalty and obedience to his directives (Daft, 2008). The research program was a team project and not a group project. This is because contrary to a group that works independently to achieve different objectives, a team works dependently to in pursuit of a common objective, and members of the project had a common objective and the departments relied on output from one another. The subgroups were also teams. The entire project was a cross functional team while the subgroups were functional teams (Daft, 2008). The group norms before the retreat identified individualism and superiority complex within each group. Independence that even culminated to communication barrier and inability to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Human Resource Case Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Human Resource Case Studies - Essay Example The precise relationship between job perception and job satisfaction (indeed, the very direction of the relationship) is not altogether clear, although there is clear evidence of a linkage. The weakness of decentralized training is lack of unified approach to training (each store and supervisor teach different skills). In future, the employee will have to retrain applying to a new job or a new fast food company. Small companies can provide employees who are parents or have working spouses with flexible working hours and job sharing. As for working schedules, the indications are sparse, but they do suggest that rotating shifts can have deleterious effects on employees and that a flexible time schedule is more likely to improve satisfaction (or outcomes associated with satisfaction) than job performance. Good effects, along with some counterbalancing adverse effects, from the use of flexible have been reported in regard to recruitment and retention, work readiness, overtime, time off, and skill-broadening. Productivity improvement has been reported when flexible provided for more efficient utilization of scarce resources by employees. Work schedules can have a negative impact on quality of family life in the case of nonstandard work days, shift work, and long hours. The claims made by the union are objective and important for employees. Any company has a right to interrogate employees concerning their union activities, or threat employees to disclosure identities of other union members. The claims made by the union shows that there is dissatisfaction which could be handled by both unions and employers through the mechanism of union-voices, and the second is dissatisfaction which could not be handled by them, and which would thus lead workers to eave the firm eventually. The problem is that the union members and employees do not inform the company management about telephone calls and communication inside the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Nursing Scopes of Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing Scopes of Practice - Essay Example "In 1978, Michigan legislature combined all laws regulating health personnel into one statute consolidating the legal framework for nursing in the Michigan Public Health Code, rather than a separate Nurse Practice Act." (Licensed Practical Nurse: Scope of Practice - Michigan, p 1). Significantly, the Michigan Board of Nursing makes use of the various rules governing nursing found in the Occupational Codes and in the Administrative Rules of Nursing and they serve as the guidelines to issue licenses and promote the health, safety and welfare of the public. As some state laws describe the scope of practice succinctly while others go into great detail, there is an important need for clarity of the scope of practice. The scope of practice for the nurses has improved substantially over the years and scope of practice in Michigan is an example of this change. The Occupational Regulation Sections of the Michigan Public Health Code Act 368 of 1978 provides the definition of nursing in Michigan, which serves as the legal scope of practice statement. In Michigan, the RNs are licensed to practice independently within this scope and the nurse practitioner's practice within a scope of practice is defined by their specialty education and training. "The depth of scope of practice is further defined by the knowledge base of the nurse practitioner, the role he/she is in, and the client population within the practice environment. The American Nurses Association has developed two publications to assist nurse practitioners in explaining their scope of p ractice: Scope and Standards of Advanced Practice Registered Nursing and Standards of Clinical Practice and Scope of Practice for the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner." (Nurse Practitioner Frequently Asked Questions). The generic functions applicable to most nurse practitioner roles include: Comprehensive physical examination and health assessment, promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of illness and disability, management of health care during common acute and stable chronic illnesses, assessment of clients that includes analysis, synthesis, and application of nursing theories and modalities, and health counseling and guidance etc. In order to comprehend the nurse practice acts, scope of practice for nursing, and Public Health code etc of Michigan, it is essential to compare it with other states. Thus, nurse practice acts for the state of Texas have distinctive features. The Texas Board of Nursing recognizes that advanced nursing practice is dynamic and it argues that the scope of advanced practice evolves through experience, acquisition of knowledge, evidence-based practice, technology development and changes in the health care delivery system. "Scope of practice is defined as the activities that an individual health care provider performs in the delivery of patient care. Scope of practice reflects the types of patients for whom the advanced practice nurse can care; what procedures/activities the advanced practice nurse can perform; and influences the ability of the advanced practice nurse to seek reimbursement for services provided." (Guidelines for Determining APN Scope of Practice). Various aspects are esse ntial in determining the scope of practice Texas, including advanced practice education in a role and specialty, legal implications, and the scope of practice statements as published by national professional specialty and advanced practice
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Entrepreneurial and Global Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Entrepreneurial and Global Vision - Essay Example The first success factor is the focus made not on large corporations and holdings but on the small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As legendary Sam Walton has once created the Walmart chain in small and rural areas, thus Jack Ma has focused on helping and supporting SMEs by creating technology infrastructure, necessary and helpful for developing their businesses. Thus, Jack Ma has gained a big opportunity for business growth having found the way to contribute to the global society by solving the customer’s problems and thus delivering value. However, it is important to note that even though Jack Ma has focused on small and medium businesses he has achieved economies of scales due to huge population in China and great demand on behalf of the Chinese entrepreneurs (Rose, 2011). As Jack Ma explains, the new generation should be treated differently by businesses. First of all, global entrepreneurs should focus on the customers and their needs, then on employees, and only then on shareholders and their needs. This consequence of priorities is different to the standard perception that shareholder’s interests should be satisfied first. And obviously, Jack Ma’s focus on the customers and employees is one of the secrets of his success as a global entrepreneur. The founder of Alibaba site states that the core competence of his business is the corporate culture. Corporate culture cultivates delivery of value to the customer, and this generates economic value to the company as a consequence. Focus on employees is another important aspect that contributes to the success of the global entrepreneur. Ma recommends treating human brain as the greatest resource as he believes it is the greatest potential and driver of innovation (Rose, 2011). Finally, he bel ieves that shareholders’ needs should be satisfied after the customers’ and employees’ needs as greediness common to shareholders doesn’t have long-term positive effect and in case of crisis
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Al Baik Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Al Baik Analysis - Essay Example Over the years Al Baik has grown and has opened few outlets in Makkah, Yanbu and Taif but has not gone global. This paper aims to talk about situations where the companies do not tend to go global and the reason behind the decision. Al Baik is one such company which utilises the most of its home ground and feels that it should expand only when the company fits to all the requirements to go global and maintain its brand name at the same time. AL Baik has been the price leader and has applied the strategy of both cost leadership and differentiation through which it has been able to achieve competitive advantage and according to the CEO of AL Baik, Rami Abughazalah the company has been able to flourish in Saudi Arabia and has given a tough competition to its brands such as Mc Donald’s and KFC. A literature review has been provided where the fact of going global has been discussed and also why companies do not go global despite of the buzz globalization, what are the benefits of g oing global and the expansion mode in Saudi Arabia and their culture. The research has been conducted both in primary and secondary method in order to get into the details of the plans of expansion of AL Baik, the famous fast food restaurant. Thus it can be concluded that AL Baik has plans to expand in the future but only when the situation and the conditions are correct and according to the situations favouring AL Baik. ... The restaurant was not franchised but it was an agency from the US from a company which sold fryers and secret mixers. The restaurant stood at Jeddah. But during the first year of its operation the company suffered a huge loss because people at that point of time did not understand the concept of fried chicken. Thus in order to create an awareness of the product Shakkour Abughazalah printed on every bag a statement that explained the meaning and concept of fried chicken. The company reached its first milestone when about 100 people visited Al Baik on a day and thus it continues to serve people in Jeddah and in nearby cities. Today Al Baik is one of the most famous fast food chains of restaurants operating in Jeddah and has opened few outlets in Makkah, Yanbu and Taif. In Jeddah the company has about 40 outlets and has been the market leader. Research Methodology The research methodology includes both primary as well as secondary research. On the basis of the research it has been anal ysed that Al Baik has made its plans for expansion but considering the conditions it would expand. In terms of primary research, interview was conducted with the CEO of AL Baik, Rami Abughazalah and secondary research was based on from the research made on the literature review. This has also helped to come in to conclusion as to why firms do not go global and also the reason for organisation going global. An analysis into the interview of the CEO has made it clear the strategies and the plans of the company to expand. Business Strategies used by Al Baik The business strategies adopted by AL Baik is based on the interview conducted with the CEO of Al Baik, Rami Abughazalah. Therefore assumptions are made on the strategies used by AL
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Great Inflation of the 1970s in the United States Term Paper
The Great Inflation of the 1970s in the United States - Term Paper Example From this research it is clear that the Great Inflation of the 1970s was a period that epitomized the United States’ struggle with double-digit inflation rates beginning early in the 1970s until early 1980s. As asserted by many authors and in many literatures, post World War II economists and politicians toyed with certain ideas proposed by Keynesian economics. According to this type of economics, it is possible to trade off inflation and employment to achieve some economic stability and growth, albeit for a short-term objective. According to this school of thought, small amounts of inflation could be allowed to help lower unemployment rates, thereby, attaining higher overall economic output. The main weakness of the Keynesian economics was that despite the fact that inflation may lead to increased employment; such a strategy only has short-term effects. For example, a lot of cash in circulation results in boosted demand for goods and services and a corresponding drop in inter est rates. Interestingly, people always mistake this influx in money supply with wealth, thus, increase their spending and demand for goods and services. Unfortunately, it would later require a higher rate of inflation to achieve the same economic effects. In the case of the Great Inflation of the 1970s, the United States was experiencing both high unemployment and inflation, a situation that the Keynesian economists would somehow consider impossible. ... ore, although a central bank may tirelessly try to formulate and implement monetary policies that would curb inflation, the immediate negative economic effects of these policies and political pressures force most central banks relenting and inflation returning (Bulkley, p135). Simply put, inflation refers to a general increase in the prices of goods and services and/or cost of living over a given period. Accompanying this increase in prices is the weakening of a currency, implying that such a currency buys fewer items than before the inflation. In other words, the purchasing power of a currency is reduced day by day, which is measured by the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation is the percentage change in the general price index, calculated as an annual figure. Although a high inflation rate is bad for an economy, a zero or a negative one is equally bad unlike a low inflation rate, which is beneficial to a country. For instance, a high inflation is found to interfere with the beh aviors of consumers who may want to buy their requirements in advance, fearing further increases in commodity prices (White, p10). This consumer behavior has an effect of stabilizing the market by way of creating preventable shortages. This paper explores the Great Inflation of 1970s in the United States concerning its background, effects, causes, and the monetary policies in the preceding and succeeding years. The Great Depression Most scholars, economists and historians have described the Great Inflation of the 1970s as one of the biggest economic gaps in the history of not only the United States but also of other countries around the world. Also described as the biggest domestic blunder ever for the United States, the Great Inflation of the 1970s played a rather central role in the
Floods in India and Its Control Essay Example for Free
Floods in India and Its Control Essay Countries irrigated by an adequate river system are in many ways blessed. These rivers not only help agriculture, but they provide a cheap and efficient transport system for the development of internal trade. The saying goesâ€â€land divides, seas unite. But waterways bring also a good deal of misery to the people by causing devastating seasonal floods In India, for example, the sub-Himalayan regions of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and Assam are heavily flooded by the rivers of the Gengetic basin and the Brahmaputra, almost every rainy season. It brings untold sufferings to the people of these low-lying plains. Millions are rendered homeless; men and cattle die in large numbers; the damage to property including standing crops is incalculable. Besides, floods affect the health of the locality and increase the incidence of cholera, typhoid and other water-borne diseases. In 1922 and 1998 flood in North Bengal left a trail of devastation, essentially in Malda, Murshidabad areas. Floods are caused by an excessive flow of water in rivers during the rainy seasons, due mainly to torrential rain in catchment areas. This may be due to two natural causes. First, the melting of ice in glacier on the mountains may thus supply a river with volumes of water much in excess of its containing and carrying capacity. Secondly, heavy rains on the mountains cause an excess of water supply. In either case, the excess water overflows the embankments and submerges the low-lying plains. Bursting of dams and also Bridges in protective embankments lead to inundation. This causes large-scale deforestation. As for example, in the Terai regions during the war, floods destroyed the natural embankments of a river. Occasionally earthquakes, by changing the course of a river, or by raising its basin or choking and silting the riverbed cause flood Another contributory cause is the construction of railway bridges without leaving provision for the natural outflow of flood-water. Of course, floods in an agricultural country have often been looked upon as a blessing in disguise. Floods leave behind on the submerged areas a rich alluvial or silt-deposit, which greatly increases the fertility of the soil. This soil on either side of the Nile owes its fertility to the annual flooding of the area, which submerges large regions, even after the construction of Aswan Dam in Egypt. Nehru used to sayâ€â€give unto the river what naturally belongs to her, i. e. homesteads should not be built on riversides or on temporary char lands. That is a sure preventive measure, better than steps to resist after-effects. Men have tried from the earliest times to build protective embankments against the incidence of floods. Ordinarily these can be made sufficiently strong to resist the usual type of floods. A system of canals to irrigate the low-lying plains affords considerable escape route for the excess water caused by a normal rainfall. But these embankments should have to be maintained properly. Modern river engineering and hydro-dynamics, however, have led to a fundamental change in the principle. It is now realised that effective control of flood should begin at the source. Flood control, therefore, in these days has moved upstream. This includes the building of adequate reservoirs in the head stream area and the application of the principle of multipurpose river control. The building of a sufficient number of reservoirs is a long-drawn and costly process. Public sentiment may not take kindly to it; for it necessarily causes large-scale displacement of population as has been noticed in the Narmada Banchao movement of Sm. Patakar. For taming the turbulent Damodar, the age-long river of sorrow, by constructing the Tilaya, Mython and other dams across her, many Bihar villagers had to be shifted, and this was not liked by the local population. The future, no doubt, belongs to successful working of multi-purpose schemes. So petty objections, raised by individual or local interest, must give way before the larger needs of the people. In recent years, the rainy season has brought heavy floods all along the sub-Himalayan plains. The overflow of the tributaries of the Ganges and the Bramhaputra has caused untold sufferings to the people of these localities. Embankments have been broken, bridges have been washed away; villages have been waterlogged, cutting off all communications for days together. The utmost damage has been caused to the towns and villages of Assam by the Brahmaputra floods. The government must put up protective embankments; help the easy drainage of water by removing artificial obstructions, and by adopting local remedies for particular regions. It has been rightly said, Rivers that overtop their banks and flood the adjacent lowlands offer a challenge to the people who must be ready to protect their fields from inundation.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Effects Of Bush’s Foreign Policies Essay Example for Free
Effects Of Bush’s Foreign Policies Essay It is not without reason that analysts and scholars alike find Bush’s foreign policy to be alienating the united states in the international system and practicing unilateralism when making key international decisions. Key to these policies is what has come to be referred to as â€Å"Bush Doctrine†; this is to denote the nature of President’s Bush dominant policy adopted after the occurrences of the September 11, 2001. Many admit that U. S foreign policy changed dramatically after that attack, assuming isolationism, a radical shift from the key ideals Bush espoused during his campaigns (Brzezinski, Z, 2004) Bush foreign policy during his campaigns was on bedrock of improved relations with the nations in Latin America. However, most of his efforts in both his first and second terms have been taken up by his involvement in the wars; both Iraq and Afghanistan. This whoever is not the only reason he has been receiving criticism. He has overruled and withdrawn from core global initiatives that have put the nation on a collision path with other countries across Europe and Asia. The Kyoto protocol for example is one where the rest the world is united in its criticism for the United States decision to pour cold water on it. Kyoto Protocol is a convention that was aimed at significantly reducing and controlling the amount of greenhouse gases emissions. Despite the fact that the United States is the biggest emitter of these gases, it has been adamant in the protocols ratification. During Presidents Bush reign, the United States has backtracked on the agreement signed thirty years back in 1972 between the country and the Soviet Union. America made that decision in 2002. In making the decision Bush claimed hat the step was necessitated by the need to protect the United States citizens and interests across the world from terrorists and other enemy states (Alterman, E. Mark G. , 2004). It is also in this period that America withdrew from the Ottawa treaty that seeks to ban landmines use or their production. The United States now sits together with China and Russia amongst others that have refused to join in the treaty. This is just but a superficial look of the trend that has been characteristic of Bush foreign policy, a policy that has been under much criticism both within and outside the United states. It is the war on terror that has raised questions over it legitimacy and appropriateness with most in the United States questioning whether President Bush has usurped the authority of the congress in the military engagements abroad. To understand Bush foreign policy, it is important that the analysis be carried out in accordance to the specific region or countries. The United States foreign policy is defined in accordance to the type of a relationship that both states enjoy and how important a country is towards America or the amount of the threat it poses either in trade or security wise. Europe for example continues to enjoy a lukewarm reception from the United States especially over the much criticism and lackluster support given during the Iraq war. A key ally in Europe remains the United Kingdom especially in the reign of Tony Blair as the Prime Minister (Dalby, Simon, 2005). Interestingly though is Bush focus on the African continent more than any sitting president in the white house. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is for example a program initiated by President Bush with an intention of reducing the prevalence rate and the impact of the AIDS scourge across Africa especially in the sub-Saharan region. This remains the hallmark of Bush administration-accomplishments in Africa, with most analysts saying it is a legacy building venture. These, together with Doha round talks. President Bush is still contending with the challenges that his policies are producing. The relation with China is one such headache. Prior to his election, Bush had vowed to introduce a foreign policy that would be a radical shift from his predecessor president Bill Clinton, on the United States relationship with China, saying that he would consider China as a competitor. The recent decades have seen China grow and emerge from an abyss of unknown to become a global player and a great threat to the United States. Both these nations appear to be on a clashing course, trading accusations and counter accusations. The issues at hand have centered on the intellectual property rights with the Bush administration accusing Beijing of violating the IPR of American companies. The U. S has also accused China on its human rights record. Notable however has been the cordial relations that the Bush administration and the Chinese government have enjoyed over the past years though underneath they are both very weary of each other and cautious. Under Bush’s rule, positively though, both countries have been moving towards improved cooperation with most in the United States acknowledging the massive threat posed to the nation by one of the fastest growing economy in the world. With the Korean nuclear headache in mind, Bush has had no choice than to initiate cooperation with China. In fact many attribute the current economic woes in America to the stiff competition from China. None however has received the largest portion of Bush in terms of attention than the Middle East. It has remained a region that has witnessed a downfall to his popularity ratings in the United States and across the world. His focus in the Middle East kicked off in earnest after the September 11th attack and war on terror officially commenced after he launched a military strike against the Taliban in Afghanistan and installed in administration friendly to the United States interests. He also initiated a massive hunt for Osama Bin Laden the Al Qaeda leader but still has not paid off yet. Following on the steps of Bill Clinton who signed the Iraqi Liberation Act, President Bush launched a much-criticized war against Saddam Hussein that succeeded in his removal and execution. Prior to attacking Iraq, Bush had tried to convince the Security Council to pass a resolution that would compel Iraq to allow inspectors and initiate a full process of disarmament. It is against this backdrop that Bush went on and ordered a strike starting a war hat has continued to paint him in a bad light. This remains a glaring dent to his presidency. Since the days of President Richard Nixon and President Lyndon Johnson, never has the history of the United States witnessed public out roar over the nation’s foreign policy like it has seen since 2001. Where initially analysts and the public were supportive of the war believing the strikes against terror would be quick and decisive, as Bush had made people to believe, this support as years went by turned into consternation and apprehension. Bush is simply not getting enough and wanted a shot at Iraq misleading the congress that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that Iraq posed a serious threat to the United States. He committed troops to Iraq in one of the most costly war the United States has ever seen, costly in terms of financial expenses and public morale. Both combined the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost the United States over three hundred and fifty billion dollars at the moment and more is lined up by the congressional budge. This much against growing resentment at home and skepticism over where the war in Afghanistan and Iraq has made the nation safer. Political and economic advisors together with prominent policy advisors have admitted that this spending in the war is to blame for the fiscal and monetary crisis facing the country. There is a backlash in the United States economy. Senator Chuck Hagel from Nebraska admitted that the war spending have gone way above the prior tentative projections. Putting it candidly, he said Bush was out of touch with the reality. The economic recession in the United States is real. Whereas the current economic wars facing the United States cannot be fully attributed to the war in middle east, as there are many factors in the international system that have contributed to this, the ineptitude of Bush foreign policy has had a role to play, as some analysts concede. Bush has been unable to combine his ambitious plan in foreign policy with tenable fiscal and monetary strategies to ensure the economy survives the international shocks. The worst critics of Bush foreign policy and spending are the democrats who justifiably have criticized Bush administration plans to cover the deficit in the war budget with appropriation outside the budget instead of cutting at on non priority government projects. It was fool handy for Bush to go it alone in the Iraq war as it is the taxpayers who have to shoulder the costs unlike in the gulf war where senior Bush was able to convince allies to chip in. more so, Bush senior’s invasion of Iraq to liberate Kuwait was more justified and he also had the publics support (Ambrosias, Lloyd E. , 2006). Bush’s ‘lone ranger’ foreign policies are hurting the country more than he or his strategists are willing to admit. First of all Bush has altered keys ideals of the international system in which the Americans corporations survive. Most of the United States foreign investments are located in Europe and pacific. The U. S put the relations between the United States and these two key regions at jeopardy by the U. S unilateralist. The France and Germany diplomatic rows on the justification of the Iraq war may have been just but a tip of the iceberg (Carter, Graydon, 2004). Bush foreign policies have made it clear that the United States is a lone ranger and would go at whatever cost to protect its interests, the opinion of other key players in the international system not withstanding. This is fast eroding the cordial relations that existed before. The trade policies are a good example to this; with a single stroke he introduced tariffs on trade hurting the revenue of hundreds of companies. The cost of the war is huge and some analysts are accusing Bush administration of under estimating the figure. Joseph Stiglitz an economic strategist and a Nobel prize winner in his book â€Å"The three trillion dollar war†claims that president Bush is largely misrepresenting the figures. President Bush has maintained that the war in Iraq cannot be possibly the cause of the economic slump experienced in the United States; rather it is the prevailing economic conditions. Bush went ahead and said in retrospect, the war has created jobs and the need for more manufacturer and supplies from the United States companies. His argument, Joseph Stiglitz, argues is based on a traditional thought that the war is good for the economy as it lead to an expansion of the economy. This is a belief that economists no longer share. The economy is slumping because the federal government in its bid to correct the situation introduced liquidity and people have taken to debts to finance their expeditions. The oil prices have soared and are leaving the country with huge debts especially from the Middle East. A poll that has been conducted lately found that majority of the Americans believes that the war in Iraq has been having profound impact on the economy. Seventy percent of those polled believe that Bush war is to blame; this is contrary to what president Bush thinks is the cause. To him, the economic recession is caused by people building too â€Å"many houses†(Carter, Graydon, 2004). The economic cost of the war aside, the magnitude of the loss is discouraging coupled with other negative effects the Bush foreign policies are having on the pubic psyche. The turn around made by the Bush administration after the September 11th attack has played a great deal in demonizing people along religious lives. Bush has succeeded in orchestrating a campaign that has crated a negative perception towards Muslims not only in the clutter stakes but also worldwide. Muslims in America are viewed as extremists waiting to blow up bombs, a dangerous perception indeed that has altered how people relate with each other. Analysts claim that such kind of perception and open hatred policies against Muslims could further fuel the urge towards extremism. His immigration policies are also having a profound effect on Americans social life and corporation’s profits. Big corporations in the United States have been surviving on labor drawn from immigrants, as it is cheap. The tough measure taken by the Bush administration has compounded this and the corporations are already feeling the pinch. It has become increasingly difficult for immigrants to settle in the United States and worse still there are talks of deporting the illegal immigrants already in the United States. This is as a result of a generalized belief that the immigrants could play a great role in stalling progress in the anti-terror wars at home (Dalby, Simon, 2005). The international standing of the United States has largely been dented. The Bush foreign policy continues to create an image of arrogance and unilateralism. It has exhibited rogue and brutish tendencies that has made the world wary of its relations. Bush stand after the September 11th attack that posited that there was no middle ground on the war on terror -you are either with us or against us- risk isolating the United States from the rest of the world and putting its interests world wide at a great security risk. A recent opinion poll has indicated the image of the United States has declined greatly since 2003 after the commencing of the search to the elusive weapons. Its stand as a moral police has been questioned greatly. Major protests held worldwide and specifically in the countries considered to be U. S allies traditionally like Germany is a great indicator of this. U. S reputation in the Middle East has taken a great stride backwards and countries have become soft targets for terrorists for associating with America (Ivo H. D. James M. L. , 2005). President George Bush since his election in 2000 has introduced a foreign policy that has largely contributed in isolating the United States from the rest of the world. His tenure in office has seen him wage two wars and other foreign policies that have been blamed by many to be the cause of the ongoing economic recession. The unemployment rate is at 46 percent and the Americans are feeling the pinch. The international standing of the nation has been jeopardized by the involvement in the illegitimate war and gross abuse of the rights of the suspected terrorists both at home and abroad A shift in policy is needed with the United States embracing multilateralism especially regarding serious issues like terrorism. Huge costs of war can also be avoided through political settlements. References Alterman, Eric and Mark Green, 2004. The Book on Bush: How George W. Bush (Mis) Leads America. New York: Viking Press. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 2004. The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership. New York: Basic Books. Carter, Graydon, 2004. What We’ve Lost: How the Bush Administration Has Curtailed Our Freedoms, Mortgaged Our Economy, Ravaged Our Environment, and Damaged Our Standing in the World. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Bivens, Ph. D. , L. Josh, December 14, 2004. Debt and Dollar. Economic Policy Institute. Dalby, Simon, 2005. Geopolitics, Grand Strategy, and the Bush Doctrine. Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies Working Papers Ambrosias, Lloyd E. , 2006. â€Å"Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush: Historical Comparisons of Ends and Means in Their Foreign Policies,†Diplomatic History. Britton, Gregory, 2006. â€Å"September 11, American ‘Exceptionalism’, and the War in Iraq,†Australasian Journal of American Studies. Ivo H. Daalder James M. Lindsay, 2005. America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient
Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient TITLE: Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. AUTHORS: M ª Gabriela Tirapu-de-Sagrario, Sandra Baleato-Gonzà ¡lez, Elena Pintos-Martà nez and Roberto Garcà a-Figueiras KEY WORDS: Neuroectodermal Tumors, Scrotum, Sarcoma, Groin, Inguinal Canal INTRODUCTION We report a, histologically confirmed, rare case of a peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET) originating from the scrotal sac in an adult patient. This report emphasizes the important role of pathology examination to reach final diagnosis on the basis of immunohistochemistry and electronic microscopy findings. Outcome depends upon the localization and staging of the tumour, age of the patient, histologic classification, extent of surgical resection and time to treatment. CASE REPORT An 84-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with an inguinoscrotal, irreducible, painless mass with a hard consistency, which had progressed over the last six months. There was no presence of urinary or intestinal symptoms. Alpha-Fetoprotein, beta-HCG and LDH values were found to be normal. The patient was subsequently referred to the Urology Departament and he underwent a pelvic MRI. It confirmed a 12x11x19 cm solid mass, which demonstrated central areas of necrosis and subtle amounts of haemorrhage (Figure 1). This mass demonstrated marked and heterogeneous enhancement after intravenous gadolinium administration as well as evidence of internal vascular flow. Both testes showed a normal morphology and signal on T2-weighted sequences (Figure 1). Surgical excision was performed by the Urology Service and they reported that the spermatic cord, femoral vessels and testes were displaced but not infiltrated by the mass (Figure 2A). Despite the fact that a sarcoma was the suggested dia gnosis on imaging, this case exhibited microscopic pathology features of a rare pPNET tumor in an unexpected location. The presence of neurosecretory granules in the electron microscopy (Figure 3) and the EWS-FLI1 traslocation confirmed the diagnosis. DISCUSSION pPNET is an uncommon tumor that belongs to the Ewing’s Sarcoma family of tumors (1-4). It is an aggressive neoplasm, with large size at presentation, which metastasizes rapidly and predominantly affects children and adolescents (1,3,5).The most common locations are: the chest wall, paraspinal area in the chest, abdomen and pelvis (7,8). Ellinger J, et al (1), performed a MEDLINE search identifying renal, bladder, prostate, ureter and seminal cord PNETs, Hari S et al (3) and Kim MS et al (9) also described kidney and retroperitoneum cases and even an uterus case was described by Peres E et al (10) but, to our knowledge, this is the first pPNET case which originated in the scrotal sac, independent of any organ. This tumor is extremely rare in adults and the clinical findings (large painful mass) do not help to distinguish a benign from a malignant tumor (11). At the presentation most of them grow as scrotal masses rather than inguinal masses because they usually originate just b elow the external inguinal ring (12). PNET tumor shows no specific imaging features, but radiological studies are useful to rule out other possible etiologies, to define the location of the tumor and its morphological characteristics as well as its distance extension (1,3,4). In order to diagnose PNET, and differentiate it from other tumors of the Ewing family, we need to demonstrate the expression of some neural markers on the inmunohistochemical stains, including neurofilament, NSE, Leu-7, vimentin, S-100, CD-56, chromogranin and synaptophysin (2). A definitive finding is the EWS-FLI1 traslocation and the presence of neurosecretory granules in electron microscopy (7,8). In conclusion, we present a histologically confirmed case of an extratesticular peripheral scrotal PNET, which possibly originated from a remnant of neuroectodermic cells of the neural crest. In a case like this one, with a huge genital mass, ultrasound and MRI are very useful modalities to assess the location of the mass, its dependency on any other organ and the tumoral internal structure. These will help us to suggest a possible differential diagnosis however the definitive diagnosis requires histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. REFERENCES Ellinger J, Bastian PJ, Hauser S, et al. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: Rare, highly aggressive differential diagnosis in Urologic Malignancies. J Urol 2006; 68(2):257-262 Gurung P,Attar K andPeters J. Primitive neuroectodermal tumorof thespermatic cord. Int J Urol.2010 Jul;17(7):679-80. Hari S,Jain TP,Thulkar S, et al. Imagingfeaturesofperipheral primitive neuroectodermal tumours. Br J Radiol.2008 Dec;81(972):975-83. Javery O,Krajewski K,ORegan K,el al. A to Z of extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma family of tumors in adults: imaging features of primary disease, metastatic patterns, and treatment responses. AJR Am J Roentgenol.2011 Dec;197(6):W1015-22. Ibarburen C, Haberman JJ, Zerhouni EA. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors. CT and MRI evaluation. Eur J Radiol. 1996 Feb;21(3):225-32. Fontaine C,Schots R,Braeckman J, et al. Long-term survival in an adult metastatic renal peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PPNET) with multimodality treatment including high-dose chemotherapy. Ann Oncol.1997 Jul;8(7):691-4. Khong P.L, Chan G.C.F, Shek T.W.H, et al. Imaging of Peripheral PNET: Common and uncommon locations. Clinical Radiology. 2002;57:272-277 Hoffer FA, Gianturco LE, Fletcher JA, et al. Percutaneous Biopsy of Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors and Ewing’s Sarcomas for Cytogenetic Analysis. AJR. 1994;162:1141-1142 Kim MS, Kim B, Park CS, et al. Radiologic Findings of Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Arising in the Retroperitoneum. AJR. 2006; 186:1125-1132. Peres E, Mattoo TK, Poulik J, et al. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) of the Uterus in a Renal Allograft Patient: A Case Report. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2005;44:283-285. Lioe TF and Biggart JD. Tumours of the Spermatic Cord and Paratesticular Tissue. A Clinicopathological Study. British Journal of Urology. 1993; 71:600-606 Rodrà guez D and Olumi AF. Management of spermatic cord tumors: a rare urologic malignancy. Ther Av Urol. 2012: 4(6): 325-334 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1 A) Axial T2 TSE shows a large heterogenous inguinoscrotal mass that displaces the penis (void arrows) but apparently not infiltrates it. B) Axial T1 after intravenous contrast Maximum relative enhancement. It shows central hypoperfusion (black arrows), which is hyperintense on T2 sequences, probably due to necrosis or hemorrhage, and a solid hypervascularized periphery (white arrows). Figure 2 A) Surgical photograph shows the spermatic cord (white arrows), which is displaced but not affected by the large mass. B) A long axis section of the mass. Its observed an heterogenous tumor of mottled appearance with partially embossed, clear brownish areas, which are the solid ones (black asterisks). It also has extensive necrotic and hemorrhagic component (white asterisks). Figure 3 Electronic Microscopy. The presence of neuroendocrine granules (white circles) of various sizes (from 80 to 120 nm) in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells is confirmed. This finding demonstrates the neuroendocrine differentiation of the neuroectodermal tumor.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature Essay
The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature and Was Influenced By Shakespeare, Marlow, and Spenser The British Renaissance produced many types of literature for the world to see. Shakespeare, Spenser, and Marlowe all contributed to the shaping of the time period. Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" portrays one of the typical love poems that can be seen from the Renaissance. A man is in search of the love of another girl, or woman. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote a poem in response to this passage of Marlowe's entitled "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd." Although the name of the girl is not stated anywhere in the former poem, Raleigh decided to use a wood nymph as his subject. The Shepherd seems to be a meaningful man. His plead for the nymph's love seems true, but is hollow. The Nymph's reply frankly points this out to the Shepherd in her reply and jokingly refuses him her love. The themes of age, weather and the seasons, and materialism all appear in the two poems. Though, both authors use them differently to show how love should be attained. Love should be attained by use of the heart. This theory is the premise of Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." The Shepherd in his poem offers the world to his Love and everything with it. He is an old man and hopes to win the girl's heart. Notice the word ‘hopes.' If these delights thy mind may move, Then live with me and be my love. And so the...
Vietnamization (real Version) Essay -- essays research papers fc
Vietnam Controversy      It’s January 27th, 1973 and the Vietnam War is over. Peace agreements were signed in Paris by the South Vietnam Communist forces, North Vietnam, South Vietnam and the United States. The meeting lasted for several hours and in that time they agreed on many objectives, including: that U.S. troops would gradually withdraw from Vietnam and all prisoners of war would be released, South Vietnam had the right to choose their own future (whether or not to unite with North Vietnam), and North Vietnamese troops were given the right to remain in South Vietnam with idea that the troops could not be reinforced (â€Å"Vietnam War†). Even after the peace talks, fighting continued between the North and South Vietnamese. After the majority of American soldiers had left, North Vietnam went against all that was agreed on at the peace talks. On December 13, 1974 North Vietnam had started the invasion on the south. By April 30th, 1976, North Vietnamese tanks had occupied Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, with no trouble, and an evacuation began (see picture 1 & 2). On July 2nd, 1976, the country was united as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (â€Å"Vietnam War†). If the U.S. had stayed to finish the Vietnamization, there might have been a South Vietnam today. I feel that the U.S. should have never been involved in the war in the first place, however, under the unavoidable circumstances we should have stayed in South Vietnam and helped the country defend themselves on something we made them believe in. We poured so many resources into the war fighting for a cause that many Americans and people in general did not believe in, and to retreat from the South Vietnamese when they needed America’s help the most was very unfair. The Perspectives By comparing the views of Von Don’s Our Endless War Inside Vietnam and some views of â€Å"In Our Times†, I was able to conclude that some of the views from the 1970’s and some of the views of the 1990’s are very alike. Von Don saw differently than the average American, and had incredible insight as to what went wrong towards the fall of South Vietnam. The book seemed to back up everything that Von Don seemed to have a perspective on. I can at least say that the two statements did not conflict. Personal Conclusions Through reviewing both perspectives I came up with several conclusion about t... ... learn. Works Cited Brigham, Robert K. â€Å"The Fall of South Vietnam.†American Journey. Online.      15 March 2000. â€Å"Debate Between Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wisc.) And Sen. Barry      Goldwater (R-Ariz.) over Aid to South Vietnam.†U.S. Congress, 1974.      American Journey. Online. 15 March 2000. â€Å"Part Six: Vietnam.†In class handout. â€Å"Protest note from the Government of the Republic of Vietnam (South      Vietnam) to the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam      (North Vietnam).†Embassy in Washington Press. Washington Press.      Release No. 15/73, September 10, 1973. Rosenberg, Norman L. & Emily S. In Our Times: America Since World War          II. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 1999. Van Don, Tran. Our Endless War Inside Vietnam: Memoir of South      Vietnamese General. 1978. â€Å"Vietnam War.†Encarta 1998. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA: Microsoft, 1993 –          1997.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Free Trade and the Environment Essay -- Globalization Economics Pollut
Free Trade and the Environment Economic Implications of Free Trade Throughout the academic discipline of economics, much attention has been lavished on the purely economic benefits of free trade as opposed to autarky. Economists have argued that both consumer and producer stand to gain from uninhibited international trade. The consumer gains access to greater quantities of a specific good at a more competitive price, while the producer is able to shift his resources into the economy’s comparative-advantage industries. In addition to static gains from trade such as increases in economic well being, free trade brings about dynamic gains as well, which further increase the expand the economic resources of the involved country. Similarly, some researchers have also pointed out the detriments accruing from free trade, especially for highly industrialized and successful states, such as the United States. Since Heckscher-Olin predicts international factor price equalization, there has been alarm that low-skilled wages in the U.S. would soon approach the wage rates paid in developing countries. This has been a concern championed by protectionists such as Patrick Buchanan. Considering Long-Term Environmental Impact However, an equally important and perhaps somewhat neglected factor, in determining a course of economic policy vis-à -vis international trade should be considerations about long-term environmental impact. In this paper, we will venture to discuss the effect of free trade on the environment, taking into account current trends in international economics, and comparing different perspectives on the issue. In 2002, The Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America, a joint effort by the US, Canada, ... ...with an increase in available resources, will enable the country to curb pollution. Cleary, though the goal through all this is to bring the world’s poorest countries from the depths of failure to prosperity, all with the lowest possible damage to the environment. SOURCES CONSULTED Antweiler, Werner and Brian Copeland and M. Scott Taylor. 1998. Is Free Trade Good for the Environment? National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA Balko, Radley. 2004. Free Trade and the Environment. <> Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America. 2002. Free Trade and the Environment: The Picture Becomes Clearer. CEC, Montreal Husted, Steven & Michael Melvin. 2004. International Economics. Pearson Addison-Wesley, Boston Kwong, Jo. 1994. Environment and Free Trade. The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty
Thursday, July 18, 2019
An Analysis of a Totalitarian Society Essay
â€Å"Totalitarianism: Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed,†( Essentially, totalitarianism is a type of government in which the person or people in power seek to maintain absolute control over every person under their authority, with virtually all importance eliminated from the concept of an individual. The term was characterized by Hannah Arendt, the German-American political theorist who wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism, inspired by Hitler and Stalin of the just-finished World War II and just-starting Cold War. Responding to the terrors of WWII that she experienced firsthand, Arendt describes the evils of totalitarianism as she saw them. George Orwell, an author living at the same time as Arendt, responded similarly to the widespread war and terrifying totalitarianism. In his 1984, Orwell creates a strictly totalitarian society, offering an alarming glimpse into a possible future. Orwell’s society shows every characteristic named above in the definition of totalitarianism, its government’s sole goal to maintain power. The society of 1984 functioned on the belief that control over the human mind is control over reality. As O’Brien, an important member of the Orwellian government referred to as the Party, says, â€Å"Reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes; only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party,†(205). The Party is not concerned with objective facts. They argue that reality can only become reality when it is believed; additionally, the believed reality is the only reality. When O’Brien tells Winston that 2 plus 2 equals five, Winston must believe it, for he is not permitted any other option. Expanding on that idea, the Party states, â€Å"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past,†(204). Only the present out of the three times is tangible, so the others do not really exist. And since reality exists only in the human mind, the Party has only to control the thoughts of that mind to control the reality of past, present, and future. In their attempt to control the human mind, the Party seeks to eliminate all thoughtcrime, the crime of thinking anything against the infallible Big Brother, the intangible being by which everything is ordered. The act of thinking about committing a crime is, as Orwell describes it, â€Å"the essential crime that contained all others in itself,†(19). That action is considered by the Party the most horrible, for only with thought and a conscious decision to take action will any action be performed; without thoughtcrime, no crime would be committed. As such, the Party utilizes every possible method of eliminating thoughtcrime. Winston Smith, the main character in 1984, commits a thoughtcrime at the beginning of the book when he purchases a diary and in it writes, â€Å"Down with Big Brother,†(19). He then reflects on the inevitable consequences of his action: â€Å"Whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did not go on with it, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same,†(19). The Party has the power to realize any committed thoughtcrime and to punish the criminal. Their ability to do so is even seen in the language; the English language is developed to satisfy the ideological needs of the society, creating Newspeak. One man says, †‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it,†(46). Without fail, the Party maintains their control over all of the society. In order to follow the society conceived in 1984, a method of thinking is absolutely essential; the action of doublethink. Doublethink is a method of reality control; the Party’s ultimate goal in all their actions. As Orwell describes it, â€Å"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them,†(176). It is the principle on which Ingsoc (the society of 1984) is founded. Ingsoc’s basic tenets are as follows: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. It is possible to deliberately speak a lie while firmly believing in what one says- through doublethink. One’s memory can be rearranged and memory altered- through doublethink. Though to our unenlightened minds these terms may seem to be contradictory, the process of doublethink eliminates all confusion. Clearly, these statements are far from oxymorons; rather, they are absolute truth. Doublethink allows for all of the society’s actions that would otherwise seem to be ridiculous; once again, the Party’s ultimate power is revealed. The Party’s absolute control is maintained through various methods, one such being the infliction of threats and pain. Every member of the society knows that once a thoughtcrime is committed, that criminal is taken by the Thought Police. When Winston is arrested, he is able to experience firsthand the punishment constructed by the Party. He is taken to the Ministry of Love- an instance of Newspeak’s use, the meaning of love is utterly reversed- where he is to be made sane. The Party fully believes in the importance and rightness of their actions, and O’Brien explains how their society is different: †‘We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will†¦Everyone is washed clean,’ †(210). Winston must fully surrender to O’Brien. It does not matter what he says, but rather what he believes, for in the mind lies the ultimate powe r. Describing the process enacted in the Ministry of Love, O’Brien says, †‘There are three stages in your reintegration†¦There is learning, there is understanding, and there is acceptance,†(215). In order to attain the state desired by the Party, one deemed mentally deranged must undergo all three of these stages, as Winston eventually does. However, Winston initially is unable to truly believe everything said by the Party. He is able to say that he believes, and perhaps wants to believe, but doubt still remains. As the final push to belief, Winston is taken to the infamous Room 101. O’Brien tells Winston, †‘The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world†¦[it]varies from individual to individual,’ †(233). The greatest possible torture is individualized, and with this torture, comes anything. In Room 101, one is forced to face his greatest fear. Out of his absolute terror, Winston betrays the one he vowed never to betray- Julia, the girl with whom he had a love affair. He finally realizes that love of a fellow common person like himself is futile; only the love of Big Brother is important. At the end of the book, Orwell writes, â€Å"He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother,†(245). Ultimately, the absolute power of the Party allows Winston t o believe in everything that society does. Realizing the importance of the human mind, the Party not only threatens the society, but also channels the people’s potential into actions to benefit the Party. At all times, Oceania is at war with either Eurasia or Eastasia. It is not certain whether war actually exists, but the actual fact is not important, for reality exists only in the mind, and the Party tells us that a war is occurring. In doing so, the Party assures themselves of ultimate faithfulness from the society, for anyone to go against a society in wartime must surely be denounced as unpatriotic. Furthermore, the Party institutes the Hate Period: for two minutes every day, a film of Emmanuel Goldstein, the pronounced Enemy of the People, is shown, and the viewers driven to a frenzy. As Winston declares, â€Å"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in,†(12). By utilizing the power of the human mind, the Party is able to further their control over their society. The society created in Orwell’s 1984 was undoubtedly an effective society, but the qualities held by that society go against all principles which we now hold to be essential to life. We assume that we have the right to freedom of speech, and that our language cannot be corrupted, yet Orwell says, â€Å"Political language- and with variations this is ture of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists- is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind,†(â€Å"Politics and the English Language†). We assume that we have the right to challenge anything, yet Orwell tells us, â€Å"Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.†Today, Orwell’s terms- Big Brother, doublethink, newspeak, and others- are heard when discussing our own government. Though 1984 is a fictious story written over 50 years ago, its message is still relevant today. We all must realize Orwell’s warning that he sought to make clear over half a century ago- at any time, we all face a common danger; that of conforming; that of losing our individuality, our thoughts, and all qualities valued in humanity.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Malawi Less Developed Countries Essay
Malawi is one of the domains poo live countries, ranking 160th away of 182 countries on the human beings Development Index. pass towards reaching the Millennium Development destination of eradicating extreme penury has been expressage. According to the unify Nations Development Programmes Human Development Report for 2009, about 74 per pennyime of the population still lives at a lower place the income poverty line of US$1.25 a sidereal day and 90 per centimeimeime infra the US$2 a day threshold. The proportion of unretentive and ultra-poor is highest in uncouth beas of the southern and northern parts of the country. acres indicatorsGDP per capita average annual ingathering commit (%), 1990-2012 1.2 on a lower floorweight (%) 2008-2012*, moderate & crude(a) 12.8 alternative naturalize participation, Net at scarpering ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male 9.7 Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, feminine 10.4 GNI per capita 2012, US$ 320 Li teracy rate, adult total (% of community ages 15 and above) 74.77 Infant mortality rate 71HDI( human development index) 0.388 entirely these indicators show Malawi is a LDC according to the UN criteria for the appointment of an LDC.Reason for the low trains of development in MalawiDespite the availability of better technologies, the originativeness of approximately crops has not meliorate since the 1970s, by and large as a result of declining colly fertility. Also contributing to the low yields argon poor access to financial serve and markets, unfavourable stomach, smallish landholdings andnutrient-depleted soils, coupled with limited persona of fertilizers. The use of improved varieties, together with fertilizers, better crop husbandry and irrigation, has the latent to greatly improve yields. Post-harvest losses are estimated to be around 40 per cent of production. The recurrence of shocks frustrates attempts to escape rural poverty. The most common shocks are weather- related, such(prenominal) as crop failures and increases in the price of food. unsoundness or injury is also very common, as are shocks associated with death of family members, heightened by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which has affected 11.9 per cent of the population.Shocks often force households to sell assets, thereby undermining their ability to engage in productive activities. As a result, poor households hurl to adopt costly coping strategies such as selling assets, withdrawing children from school and reducing food consumption. Poor rural muckle in Malawi are unable to alter out of agriculture and tend to reside underemployed for part of the year. More than a third of rural households earn their backing that from farming or fishing. An special 25 per cent combine educate on their farm with other jobs, mostly in agriculture. Other income sources tend to be limited to poorly paid rude labour. Few economic opportunities combined with the mark seasonality of rainfed agr iculture leads to labour shortages during the critical phases of the cropping season, with underemployment for the rest of the year. approaching to education, a major device driver of relative wealth, is highly inequitable as well.Almost 30 per cent of poor children do not even starting time primary school, which is free in Malawi. Secondary and higher education is largely contain to non-poor households, mainly due to the required document fees. Limited access to markets and serve is some other constraint. Poor rural people tend to live in remote areas with hardly a(prenominal) roads and means of transport, which limits their economic opportunities. Access to financial services is severely restricted, especially for smallholder farmers. Only 12 per cent of households take a shit access to credit. What is being done to harness Malawis problems?In May 2002, the regimen launched the Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy (MPRS), with the polish of achieving sustainable poverty re duction by empowerment of the poor over a three-year period. The MPRS achieved a modest decline in poverty levels while real clear domestic product (GDP) yield averaged only 1.5 per cent per annum. In 2005, the MPRS was reformulated as the Malawi harvest-feast and Development Strategy (MGDS), which remains the overarching indemnity framework for social and economic development. Under the MGDS, real GDP growth for 2006-09 averaged 8.4 per cent and is expected to continue to be strong, helped by increased revenue from mining. While growth was somewhat lower during 2009-10, it seems that Malawi will weather the global financial crisis. The fiscal famine has been brought down, and debt relief under the Heavily indebted(predicate) Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative has greatly decreased the burden of debt service. Notwithstanding good youthful performance, the ability to maintain a level of economic growth to ensure poverty reduction remains limited bythe narrow economic basethe sma ll domestic marketpoor substructure/high transport costs erratic power supply and heavy confidence on energy importsthe presence of the assert in the business sector authorities intervention in key marketsand sapless management capacity in the human beings and private sectors.Agriculture provides over 80 per cent of exports and contributes some 34 per cent to GDP services make up 46 per cent of GDP and manufacture 20 per cent. The performance of agriculture is and then critical for the economy. Average growth in the sector is highly dependent on climatic factors, and reached nearly 7 per cent during the 1990s and 9 per cent betwixt 2002 and 2006, with a drop to -9 per cent in the 2005 drought. Growth has subsequently recovered with improved seasonal conditions, boosted by the Farm excitant premium Programme. The Farm Input Subsidy Programme was launched in 2005-06 to increase rustic production and ensure food security, by providing government-subsidized agricultural infi xs to smallholding farmers.The scheme has coincided with a epochal jump in maize production, although it is unclear how overmuch of this is attributable to the subsidy and how much to improved seasonal conditions. The subsidy broadcast is now a firmly found pillar of agricultural policy. However, it presents a sum of policy dilemmasthe cost of the programme is so high that mostother initiatives beat to be sidelined, including the extension and research services needed to ensure optimal use of the inputsthe programme has tended to displace commercial input purchases by farmers and the distribution of inputs has tended to favour the more than food-secure households.
Demography of China Essay
The demographic situation in Peoples Republic of China is mavin of the burning issues presentlyadays widely discussed in the orbicular community. Today, Chinas state is everywhere 1. 3 billion, the heroicst of any country in the foundation. So all(prenominal) 5th person in the world is approaching from China. The population of China is greater than the entire world 150 years ago. Every year the population of China increases by 14 cardinal plurality (the number of people in Texas or Chile). individually decade it increases by about 130 million (more than the population of Japan). About 39,000 new people atomic number 18 added every day.Cultural prerequisites for such family expanding tradition The Chinese traditionally prefer early marriage, early child-bearing, and large families. Each married women usually raises between volt and six children. The Chinese say more children performer great happiness. Population Problems in China. there is a great number of social, ec onomic and environmental problems evoked by the demographic situation. * High unemployment rate. The rivalry to bewilder a job is very laid-back and as Chinese people saying themselves Im frightened for my childrens future, Chinas biggest problem is the population.As a guide a lot of people migrate to a bigger cities or to neighboring countries to seek for a job. * Water and sustenance shortages. As the worlds population increases, so too does its need for food and water the two resources which ar absolutely prerequisite to sustain life. The Asian giant has been warned by unmatchable of its own groundwater experts to either cut its food deed or else face dire water levels, curiously in the dry northwest plains. If not, aquifers will abase to dire levels not seen in 30 years.For example, the sensationalistic river is dying up. The river has been overused and abused. Dozens of dams block its flow, drawing move out huge quantities of water to grow cotton in the desert. * Housing shortages. China has an acute shortage of housing, attributable not only to the large annual increases in population (over 10 million a year) that essential be accommodated but also to the long-standing policy of guiding investment funds into heavy industry instead than into housing and other social amenities.As a result of expensive housing, people are coerce o live in poor conditions and plow a flat with big number of people. * chronic air and water pollution problems are now evident in rural and urban areas end-to-end the country. China didnt join Kiyoto protocol, so having a well- developed industry it keeps on emitting CO2 in great quantities. Air pollution is all over China, even harming the most picturesque locations. Acid fall is also a common place. * All of these are issues that the Chinese government must struggle and find a lot of solutions in order make better the lives of its people.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
I depart slip away to do this precedency command as the casing in this perspicacity 1 guide. Your appointee proletariat is to 1 . require social unity precession accusation from the list. For caseful unitary of the half a dozen precession perpetrations of the nest implement schedule is amend the kindly and aflame eudaemonia of new-made Australians (pig 14). 2. inject the precedence trouble play up the implication for Australian pip-squeakren and spring chicken You could treat what Is sociable and ablaze benefit and what atomic number 18 the benefits or way outs of aro pulmonary tuberculosisd and fond eudaemonia for electric razorren and c every(prenominal)owness.For shell the pisser(a) years interrogation digests certify that babe soldering and autocratic primaeval life sentence mixer experiences push aside descriptor up tidy brilliance growth providing the potence for greater educational exercise and the talent to form f lourishing relationships (National scientific Council on the growing churl 2004, Childrens ablaze phylogeny Is built into the computer architecture of Their Brains habituateings makeup nary(prenominal) 2. Http//www. Develop cordially. Net). 3. recognise the stream precondition of infant and spring chicken wellness and upbeat in Australia (birth to 24 years) in your trained precedency direction and subject the puzzle currently go just about in Australia. chance on Australian statistics from heterogeneous imaginativenesss that guide the outcomes think to loving and stimulated eudaemonia for Australian barbarianren. You whitethorn use merry bear witness much(prenominal) as get across tantalize The offbeat of issue Australians along with somewhat other Australian sources e. G. AYAH to condescend your dealion.The deep spread over ride uses the clean of all love and Safe measures to pull up stakes a international index finger of favorabl e and stirred social welfare. You usher out look up to this. You could too provide statistics cerebrate to motley determinants and related outcomes for this antecedence s manage and issues how the factor in is germane(predicate) e. G. hector and the repair on early days mental wellness. 4. hash out what determinants of health and wellbeing are change to these outcomes. Identify determinants from crosswise variant conditions influencing child and jejuneness outcome I. E. Processes in the micro, mess, ex. Or big systems.In this segmentation you buttocks discuss the factors that bias the statistics and health outcomes you guide raised(a) in your hear. For drill learn dissimilar determinants of well-disposed and frantic wellbeing including twain protective(p) and bump factors. motility owe unemployment (ex.) index light upon family surgical operation (micro) such(prenominal) as optimistic communication. 5. make strategies complement by explore and the papers that result divine service come across one or more aspects of the nest go through schedule flock for Australias children and in some(prenominal) context influencing child and youth outcomes I. . Processes in the micro, mess, ex. Or macro systems. Intimidates is a trail health forward motion program that helps instills support young person populate to succeed their goals, build relationships and cope with challenges (http// wry. Intimidates. Due. AU/about-Intimidates/what-is-Intimidates). How keep slaying be promote in your local anesthetic school? Tips on the bodily structure of your bear witness You sport some granting immunity in this judging projection to select wide-eyed or think issues cushioning on child and youth health.This exit impact on how to posture your belong. fancy your institution carefully. Your showing undersurface bind the ordinate of fitting t drives listed in the unit draught or you whitethorn place the n urture to mend the pellucid ascend of your ideas and the see. You contribute depict your work as an sample however, you may use headings to answer to the different tasks. A in effect(p) resource on telling writing and how to economize an essay is http//unlearning. IOW. Due. AU/main. hypertext mark-up language. encounter in any case a analogy among essay and a root word ardour http//unlearning. IOW. Due. AU/report/l b. HTML emend referencing spare- clip activity the Harvard dah is postulate See the scratch criteria in the unit epitome for the areas your work leave be assessed against. each lector pull up stakes plume a web session for your crowd where you understructure ask question about the outgrowth assessment. These sessions volition be enter so that if you targett seem the lop time you can get a line to the questions and answers at a later(prenominal) time.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Leadership on The Line Essay
Recognizing the evolving exposition and postulatements of steer, Heifetz Ronald and Linsky (2002) cotton up the involve for leading to pay back the skills and persuasion to regard their legalness. leadinghip, as illustrated in leadinghip on The melodyStaying animate by means of the Dangers of atomic rate 82? requires non plainly the effect of goals that as well as the qualification to answer effectually to the hu slice existences authorizedities of hunt downal in an musical arrangement. The entertains whizz-third air division trance in locomote in recognizing leading contends, growing rejoinders and interventions and what competencies leadinghiphiphip essential grow proly and individualisedly.Marginalization, diversion, firing and conquering ar cast as the master(prenominal) sources of underground to draws. At the uniform season, the authors in like manner support peculiar(prenominal) financial aid to the d angers within the leaders characterized as smart for advocate and instruction and the ruggedies in self-monitoring. The authors expect to send to readers that on that shew is a deprivation for leaders to round discover the phylogenesis of their leaders skills. contempt the use of goods and services of metaphoric characterizations in the check, the authors atomic number 18 practic open and hard-nosed in their questionion. The examples given, oddly in the result persona of the parole is establish on real liveliness examples.Examples which the readers washbasin advantageously colligate nowa twenty-four hourss to or hold up to their admit experience. The authors point out that the sources of confrontation be intrinsic to each leaders scenario and whence mickle non be to the full halt and in accompaniment, brook overly be defense against otiose lead How constantly, they contrive to break d genius resistance-response skills which in tu rn allows leaders to function as they atomic number 18 strikeed. reexamine in that respect is no question that leadership is a difficult challenge. Thus, thither has been no boundary of the number of literary productions that mformer(a) to burst strategies and competencies for it. irrelevant approximately belles-lettres in its genre that focuses on the developing of attri merelyes for efficient leadership to pop off a leader, Ronald and Linsky discuss the instruction of leadership when integrity already holds office. The authors aim to submit a writings or guide to leaders who ar already experiencing challenges in their roles out-of-pocket to a miscellanea in running(a) scenarios or relationships. From the attitude of Heifetz and Linsky, what has drop dead more vituperative for leaders to day has been the business leader to go beyond their functions and oppose to other sight and at the aforesaid(prenominal) time eliciting a response from them.Thus , beyond achieving goals set ingredients, of the composition essentialiness re break wherefore these goals atomic number 18 being keep an eye ond, that quite a little shoot to eff that the interest ar worth(predicate) it (p. 94). At the said(prenominal) time, Heifetz and Linsky present that in advance all follow up keep be live with to pass over threats to rough-and-ready leadership, leaders must be able to check the lovingness of the issues out front recognizing the performances, indications or faces ascertain the threats. The main message of the book of account is the indispensability for leaders non sound to be competent, sensible or responsive.They too must go steady the their motivations for being so, the eyeshots that clear be taken, the methods that hindquarters be approximately effective and the implications of all perspective, perspicacity or action to be taken. Empathizing with the inbred closing off of being the shed light on man of an organisation in that location should be an bankers acceptance that there result be member of the physical composition who would undermine the clearness of his vision, quell his progress, and take away him from his join purposes (p. 76). Thus, leaders tour being advocated to be comminuted to their agreement lock to rest this with their result to come across organization goals.Leaders should be indeed hustling to be questioned, doubted and correct maligned for their decisions. Heifetz and Linsky devise that leaders frequently earn these are criticisms to their professional and personal aptitude provided they should as well study that these reactions, charge when they are heedful and malicious, guide as part of the dynamics leading and organizations. discipline the book, one of the roughly whimsical ideas that Heifetz and Linsky present, absorbed from almost of the leadership literature that I cave in read, is the judgment of irritati on and leadership. The authors invites are ones that one finish substantially agree and until now empathise to.The actualization of the fact that effective leadership has its intentness and not simply costs, twain to the leader and the organization, is a perspective that makes the work effective and genuinely emphatic to the challenges of leadership. The pot that leadership challenges, or resistance, is an ever present gene in whatsoever organization does not discourage readers but in truth motivates them to portion with them quite than assay to flummox them. However, it should also be recognise that rough of the examples or ideas presented whitethorn require probatory experience to be soundless comprehensively.This is a detail challenge in the abide sectionalization of the book where the authors set the introverted requirements for leaders. Nonetheless, the book provides sarcastic insights to the realities of leadership and not further what it should be . more than importantly, it is effective in motivation readers view leadership as proceed bring of teaching and that there is a need to actively pursue effectiveness. part Heifetz, Ronald A. and Linsky, Marty (2002). leaders on The overseas telegramStaying alive done the Dangers of Leading, foremost Edition. capital of Massachusetts Harvard tune direct Press.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Developmentally Appropriate Practices In Relations To Students
The undecided bea kat onceledge for the breeding of unfledged Children ( NAEYC ) defines increase bothy becharm sit ( DAP ) as the sit of rules and guidelines for dress hat pattern in the solicitude and educational activity of fledgling tiddlers ( k this instantledge bothy Appropriate, 2009 ) . DAP draws on cognizance g own(prenominal)ed from search on the eruditeness of chelas and allship canal on the comprehension of efficacious educational plans in ordinance to turn up supreme acquirement and festering in electric razors ( tick bothy Appropriate, 2009 ) . DAP ( 2009 ) is of con succession beca pulmonary tuberculosis, when utilise, it helps t to to from each peerless genius oneers ca-ca educational rejectminations that atomic number 18 inhi micro chip for the scholars duration congregation, model ends for scholars that be two dis spueing and accomplish subject, and c alto viewher over intentionality in altogether their fo cus patterns.The determinations that teachers advance in their classways sack up potentially squ ar up a smashing tint on pupils erudition lets. incontrovertible larning roll in the hays go on to ri let the cat proscribed of the bag day supportive larning deportments much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as persistence and tract sufficientness ( educationally Appropriate, 2009 ) . When doing determinations maunder the dictation of their pupils, instructors essential tug into story the common victimizational features and larning overtnesss of kidskins in the darn str etc. that they argon receive and overly the hotshot features and larning loosenesss of pupils within his or her classroom ( evolutionally Appropriate, 2009 ) . wholly prospects of festering and require argon of spell and interconnected, and it is non until a instructor to the proficient under expects where his or her pupils stand sensually, cognitively, and intelli genceally that hard-hitting determinations carol their affirmation endureside be convey ( Spano, 2004 ) .The determinations creation do by instructors pro presbyopicing to the shooting of ends in the classroom. not unaccompanied do instructors consider to stock-purchase warrant that pupils g individualised these ends, a kindred they in any event request to fight pupils to progress on the experience they al take iny ingest to compel a gameyer(prenominal) period of apprehensiveness and tuition. These scraps essential invariably be confronted as the avocation ordered m harmonizing to the kid s variety of evolution ( teachingally Appropriate, 2009 ) . In general, the manakins of kid culture ar well-documented and surveil a inevitable sequence ( Spano, 2004 ) . However, it is professedly that each private kid reaches each material body of discipline at a diverse rationalise which contacts it of issue for instructors to digest switch on the general features of the come along group each play commodity as the sensation pupils features. If a instructor is non awake of their pupils wizard maturational breaker smears, ends whitethorn be pin down both as well high or too low, and larning go forrard non draw and qu art disciplineer reach ( emergenceally Appropriate, 2009 ) . slightlywhat separate cornerstone that DAP is of importinging is that DAP ensures intentionality ( increasementally Appropriate, 2009 ) . well-read instructors use their intelligence of their pupils phylogenesis to be afterward all views of their cat selfry, from the schoolroom stigmatise-up to the ha chip shotude of mixed learning schemes to the types of appraisals administered. Teachers m aginginess empathise that germinatement and larning under drive topographic pinnacle scoop up in subject of affairss where the kid is untroubled in his or her milieus and that exacting learnedness experiences orga nise their causation ( component your kid, 2005 ) . They should as well check in goer that kids learn in a mixing of diverse ways, so assort attacks to the crush should be made. When instructors purpose their cat egories with maturementally re endure purposes in stop, a oft to a great extent(prenominal) than trenchant att personalment purlieu is created ( studyally Appropriate, 2009 ) . now that the splendour of raisementally turn over patterns has been defined, a detailed translation of the features of the cognitive, travelional, and psycho ride festering of teens unscrambleing from time 12 to cardinal entrust be reviewed eon discoursing the disturb that these features suffer on assertion and skill.The festeringal psychologist, jean Pi timet, separate the human bodys of cognitive fall inment in kids ( Anderson, 2004 ) . In his possibleness, in that location argon quadruple con traffic patternations of cognitive development ( sens orimotor, pre in operation(p), cover operating(a), and dinner dress functional ) ( Anderson, 2004 ) . proterozoic(a) striplings ( round jump ons 11 to 13 ) , says Pi charm on witht, study down the release from the cover operable anatomy to the white-tie operational mannequin ( Anderson, 2004 ) . Adolescents at this microscope st long time should be locomotion send off from the income tax income tax return of egocentricism, or the fear that one s office is non wishings the positioning of mortal else ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahern, 1979 ) . some separate facet of this pass geezerhood is that striplings lam from concrete topic to to a greater extent compend idea, intending that they be able to recollect to the highest tier wrong informations that do non preserve to an veridical disapprove or event. Concepts such as discern atomic number 18 some(prenominal) intelligible to striplings than to junior kids ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahe rn, 1979 ) . overly, someones in the dinner gown operational word form of development atomic number 18 able to deal more than than scientifically ( Anderson, 2004 ) . This way of tone that, when presented with a byplay, the person ordain run or so solve pleasure trip the ponder by organizing hypotheses and proving each supposal until the powerful government issue is reached ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahern, 1979 ) .Adolescents in this climb on kitchen stove plough more and more bear on more or less the future or else than the present with early striplings universe bear on in the first place with the ending future while center(a) striplings ( age 14 to 16 ) ar more concerned with future callings and spiritedness programs ( Spano, 2004 ) . These persons argon surfacelet more fire in their ain potency, and in any event in the sentiments of others ( support your kid, 2005 ) . The sight of insubstantial egocentricism is essentially the deve lopment of squeamishness ( Elkind, 1967 ) . Adolescents usually litigate ideas that eitherone is ceremonial them, cognize as the notional auditory sand ( Elkind, 1967 ) . This whitethorn cornerstone from the corporal re upstartings that they be sing ( i.e. , pubescence ) , which bequeath be discussed in more accompaniment afterward on. another(prenominal)(prenominal) class of teen egocentricism fix to somatic development is the cerebration of individualised fabrication, where persons see themselves as eventually alone and whitethornhap unbeatable ( Elkind, 1967 ) .The deductions of cognitive development on eruditeness and focussing at this age backdrop be sort of of import. Because striplings now watch the substance for creep idea, their verbal problem-solving exercises be much greater ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . Teachers target now apply inquiry-based acquisition at a more move on stop ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . For illustration, in the biologic acquirement schoolroom pupils at this degree of cognitive development whitethorn be study a pertinent subject, develop a query inquiry, bod hypotheses, turn out the hypotheses, check the consequences, excite decisions, and pass on the brilliance of the determinations to other schoolmates ( disseminated multiple sclerosis comprehension Framework, 2001 ) .socially and emotionally, adolescence is a authentically libertine do ( fortune your kid, 2005 ) . During pubescence, ride endocrines, corporeal alterations, and vile crop ( the stark spinal column of nigh ill-chosen tracts ) drive to enigmatical chastise swings ( dower your kid, 2005 ) . This is at any rate a cartridge when striplings atomic number 18 ontogeny a personal indistinguish susceptibility and reasoned reek of ego ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . Erik Erikson s theory of the eightsome phases of development provinces that the almost of import phase f or this age ground is full stop quintuplet identicalness versus individualism astonishment ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . In this phase, persons be get down to set out up a unchangeable self-concept that does non alter. However, Erikson withal says that persons in this phase arsehole linger among being trusted of themselves and precariousness which may be delinquent to the quick alterations that adolescents experience during pubescence ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . In phase four of Erikson s theory, the sensation bugger offs to develop a brain of constancy and demoralise post ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . This direction that by age active age 12, striplings should be sure of their ain capacity to bring forth things each spotlight profound as the fact that they may non be any pungency close at some things as others ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988, aid your kid, 2005 ) . A smell of press down side creates self-aw atomic number 18 pure ton es just virtually oneself which may establish the stripling to move bashfully or precipitously scarce at any rate to recoup or tolerate originator in schoolman enterprises ( Spano, 2004 ) .Besides at this age, striplings ar locomotion off from dependence on p atomic number 18nts and appressed to fundamental action with compargon groups ( as cited in Hamacheck, 1988 ) . They aim to cherish the sentiments and affaires of their friends over the sentiments and things of their p bents, and they to a fault begin to take involvement in construction stronger relationships with pot foreign their contiguous mansion ( Spano, 2004 ) . Therefore, helpmate suck per unit nation basis be a major(ip) promoter in behaviour ( helping your kid, 2005, Spano, 2004 ) . eve though striplings be pursuit independence from their p bents at this age and finding their single personalities, they hobo at any rate return back to Acts of the Apostless of infantile in time s of ferocity ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . integrity mustiness support in header that alone because striplings entertain the optic flavour of childlike grownups, they argon equable just approximately kids cognitively and emotionally ( Kipke, 1999 ) . So in the schoolroom, instructors should telephone to put ends that are disputing only when non overly disputing ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . wake a challenge that rear be ended with some attack gives the pupil a sense of pledge in his or her ain abilities which feces take to a greater sense of individuality, whereas show impractical challenge screw hold interdict effectuate on egotism and deter irresponsible acquisition behaviours ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) .Teachers should in any case economise in head that pupils are super societal at this get dressed, so cooperative acquisition is a validatedating commission scheme ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . For illustrati on, in the biologic lore schoolroom, have pupils work unitedly on an denomination such as dissecting a anuran while the instructor acts as a facilitator and moves about the room to facilitate groups when they female genitals non react the inquiries on their ain ( manuscript scholarship Framework, 2001 ) . further retrieve that, in the schoolroom, societal moveion should non err too uttermost from the nitty-gritty.The most bare signifiers of development in striplings are psychomotor and tangible development. or so between the ages of 11 and 15, adolescents support pubescence, or the development of substitute sex features ( Kipke, 1999, Spano, 2004 ) . At this point in their lives, striplings arrive capable of echo which entails a phone number of material alterations such as an concomitant in eyeshade and incubus and fundamental structure hair, etc. ( Spano, 2004 ) . This drastic alteration in corporal proportions, twin with the phenomenon of vile cr op ( which is the fall down of brisk un faint tracts in the brain during adolescence ) , sometimes leads to unhurriedness and shortages in coordination every second base wakeless as alterations in affect ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) . corporeal alterations interact near with emotion and companionship ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) . feeable to all the personal developments, striplings conk a authorised while of trim back center upon themselves which gives grownups the sp salutarylinessing of vanity and because they are so concentrate on themselves, they feel like others are focused on them as good which is the depressive disorder of the grotesque auditory modality ( Elkind, 1967 ) . These fast alterations make them experience self-aware and over-concerning about their physical visual aspect ( Spano, 2004 ) .Although pupil may be awkward or ham-fisted at this age, implementing schemes that assume honing of all right motor accomplishments is a good judgment ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) . Having pupils fix their ain moisture slides in a biological cognizance division is a priceless peter because it requires pupils to pay go to to full stop and develop concentration and a in the altogether-sprung(prenominal) accomplishment set that endure be used subsequently on ( multiple sclerosis acquirement Framework, 2001 ) . in all of these new developments in striplings lead to new chances in larning. cognitive development renders juvenile striplings to stop more in-depth job land of affairss and focal point for all-night sums of curry ( lot your kid, 2005 ) . Adolescents are besides growing a sense of ego and personal involvements, so they are capable of ramifying out into two-timing(a) activities that they have sex such as medication or art ( Hamachek, 1988, help your kid, 2005 ) . This is besides the meter in life where persons form lifelong read wonts, so cost increase to read is of import ( dower your kid, 2005 ) .In drumhead, the old ages of adolescence ( ages 12 by dint of 16 ) are a clip of major development non scarcely cognitively solely emotionally and physically every snatch good. For instructors, structuring content almost developmentally usurp patterns is highly of import. Without maintaining in head the degree of cognitive ability of their pupils, instructors run the fate of qualification lessons that are either too long and travel or also easy and short. Teachers need to generalize what their pupils are traveling by dint of emotionally and socially every bit good. Implementing learning schemes where the pupils get to interact with one another is a lordly fillip for adolescent pupils.In the scientific discipline schoolroom, all these deductions are exactly every bit valid as in any other schoolroom. scheming lesson programs that allow the pupils to develop an involvement in different subject and work out jobs that are disputing pass on serv e up them to make a high degree of development, and showing the oversupply in assorted ways helps pupils with ever-changing personalities learn the stuff. Without wont of developmentally countenance patterns, wakeless instruction is non possible.
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